How to Regain Passion for Projects?

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Post by Virion »

For me I always watch games/3d models/levels made by those pro game devs. I always gain my passion like this. Don't know it will work for you all or not.
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Post by BlindSide »

Maybe you need to get the other parts of your life in check first, then you can think about hobby projects. As it stands now, failing courses, failing relationships, etc, I dont think I would have enough time for hobby projects in your position.

Take a little time to work hard and get everything else sorted nicely, then you can forget about it all and your mind will be free to do whatever you want. :D
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Post by BlindSide »

TheRLG wrote:I don't know if it's my hobby-ADD or what.. but I haven't programmed for a long while now and I'm not missing it at all. I don't even want to complete my projects. Maybe I will desire it again once I start something new, but for right now I don't see myself coding anytime soon. Pity
Actually I feel like this too, I have too much stuff to sort out in my life and I feel like I have no time to program, or even if I have time that it is not important or I am just not motivated. The only programming I do right now I have to do for a side-job.

Back to the topic about passion, I think you need to FEEL what you want to do. Look on gamedev, or whatever and find something nice like physics, networking, etc. Look at various games or tv shows that inspire you. Even better just think about a certain FEELING that you get from a story, book, movie, or tv show and attempt to make something that INSTILLS that feeling in people that play it. I think this is the same for all creative mediums, and writing this now I think I had an epiphany lol...
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Post by TheRLG »

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Post by BlindSide »

TheRLG wrote: What I've figured out, if you check my blog, is that Computer Science is really not for me. It's just not even my personality. Game design, web design, Linux fiddling, yes... but not Computer Science. That's like becoming a Psychologist because you enjoy interactions with people.... you should go into Public Relations. What my school really needs is a Fine Arts degree relating to computers.
That is so true, I decided not to take computer science because they only teach you Java and crap like that, most of the students know a 100th of what I (and you) know, and the only papers they have relating to interesting things like game design are in the fourth year, in a 3 year degree! :? Like you have to do a masters or something.

Your pretty lucky to have figured it out though. Personally im still confused as to what to do. Im currently doing the first year of Engineering AND Law, hoping to see what I like best and get the best marks in. Game design/programming etc I think Ill keep as a hobby, but I still wanna get a job involving it in the future sometime maybe by submitting a few complete games along with some courses like you decided. (This is aside from the few freelance jobs available online that I do from time to time for extra cash.)
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Post by TheRLG »

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Post by pinballwizard »

zenaku wrote:Gaining passion back for a project? Yeah somebody help me :) irrlua is still at irrlicht version 1.1. I've been working on a lot of different things and it's hard to get back into it.
As far as I know my previous patch brought IrrLua up to 1.2 in a reasonably complete way. ... 9&start=75
I *have* started to work on it recently, the main thing getting my passion back was installing kubuntu + compiz/beryl and discovering the improved debugger in Eclipse's C++ CDT plug-in. I use Linux fulltime now, and it's made me get back into hacking on irrlua.
Personally I've been away from Irrlicht for months now :oops: - too much other stuff going on in my life. Still I saw that Irrlicht 1.3 was released and immediately thought, "my IrrLua patch needs to be updated again..."

I haven't started at all, and if you get done first maybe I won't need to?!? Anyway - please do continue to work on IrrLua. I think it's the fastest, leanest, meanest, most complete scripting integration possible for Irrlicht. Plus, the Lua interpreter is ANSI C and can be embedded completely in the application's executable file with no extra DLL's or shared libraries (unlike Python). Of course, you wrote IrrLua, so why am I telling you all this? :D
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Re: IrrLua

Post by zenaku »

pinballwizard wrote:
zenaku wrote:Gaining passion back for a project? Yeah somebody help me :) irrlua is still at irrlicht version 1.1. I've been working on a lot of different things and it's hard to get back into it.
As far as I know my previous patch brought IrrLua up to 1.2 in a reasonably complete way. ... 9&start=75
I *have* started to work on it recently, the main thing getting my passion back was installing kubuntu + compiz/beryl and discovering the improved debugger in Eclipse's C++ CDT plug-in. I use Linux fulltime now, and it's made me get back into hacking on irrlua.
Personally I've been away from Irrlicht for months now :oops: - too much other stuff going on in my life. Still I saw that Irrlicht 1.3 was released and immediately thought, "my IrrLua patch needs to be updated again..."

I haven't started at all, and if you get done first maybe I won't need to?!? Anyway - please do continue to work on IrrLua. I think it's the fastest, leanest, meanest, most complete scripting integration possible for Irrlicht. Plus, the Lua interpreter is ANSI C and can be embedded completely in the application's executable file with no extra DLL's or shared libraries (unlike Python). Of course, you wrote IrrLua, so why am I telling you all this? :D
I'm sorry about not including your patch yet. It's great. It works. I just haven't updated the official build with your new code.

With each incremental upgrade of Irrlicht, I have to diff the entire API and see what has changed and update appropriately. This makes Irrlua a real pain in the butt to maintain. Things like the removal of the 'f32 M[16]' from the core.matrix4 class are difficult to deal with when they happen after the fact. API changes are definitely discouraging to the maintenance of irrlua. I haven't given up though :)
IrrLua - a Lua binding for Irrlicht
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Post by catron »

i have to have people counting on me (school work, someone paying me, etc). that is the only way i finish a project. like right now im finishing up a game for school. so my suggestion is to get other people involved(so you can support each other).
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Post by TheRLG »

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Post by Virion »

Oh, and @Midnight, where the hell are you on MSN these days, you're supposed to tell me what a slackass I am and show off your l33t work to make me motivated.
show it to me too :lol:
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Post by noreg »

Freaking dark thoughts. I doubt there is a cure for this apart from time. Even a joke sounds ridicolous. Ah, crap i just try:

Two engineer students walking from one lecture to the next one. "Where did you get that ultracool bicycle from?" The other one: " Well, yesterday i met a beautiful girl riding the very same bicycle. She suddenly stopped, ripped ALL of her clothes off, and seductivly shouted: Take everything you want!" ... Ah, now i understand: The clothes didn't fit you anyway.

:lol: ? No? 'nother one:

On a business trip to the Orient, Joe decided to spend his last night having wild sex with a Geisha Girl. Upon returning home three weeks later, he noticed a very weird green, festering sore growing on his dingaling.

He went to the doctor, Dr. Jones, who, after hearing of his Orient trip and extracurricular activities, told him he had Hong Kong Dong and the only cure was complete amputation. Joe was horrified, and decided to get a second opinion.

Joe contacted Dr. Smith and showed him the green growth. Dr. Smith said "I am sorry but Dr. Jones is correct. We must amputate right away."

Joe could not accept this. His friend suggested that he visit an oriental doctor. They must deal with this all the time. He went to Dr. Chu Wong.

Dr. Wong agreed with the diagnosis of Hong Kong Dong, but said "These Amadican Doctols - so quick to Chop Chop Chop. Amputation not necesally."

Joe was relieved.

Dr. Wong said "You wait thlee weeks and it'll fall off on its own."

If nobody laughs right now i'm gonna torture you with bad jokes until ya cry, f....
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Post by TheRLG »

:lol: lmao
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Post by kburkhart84 »

noreg wrote:Freaking dark thoughts. I doubt there is a cure for this apart from time. Even a joke sounds ridicolous. Ah, crap i just try:

Two engineer students walking from one lecture to the next one. "Where did you get that ultracool bicycle from?" The other one: " Well, yesterday i met a beautiful girl riding the very same bicycle. She suddenly stopped, ripped ALL of her clothes off, and seductivly shouted: Take everything you want!" ... Ah, now i understand: The clothes didn't fit you anyway.

:lol: ? No? 'nother one:

On a business trip to the Orient, Joe decided to spend his last night having wild sex with a Geisha Girl. Upon returning home three weeks later, he noticed a very weird green, festering sore growing on his dingaling.

He went to the doctor, Dr. Jones, who, after hearing of his Orient trip and extracurricular activities, told him he had Hong Kong Dong and the only cure was complete amputation. Joe was horrified, and decided to get a second opinion.

Joe contacted Dr. Smith and showed him the green growth. Dr. Smith said "I am sorry but Dr. Jones is correct. We must amputate right away."

Joe could not accept this. His friend suggested that he visit an oriental doctor. They must deal with this all the time. He went to Dr. Chu Wong.

Dr. Wong agreed with the diagnosis of Hong Kong Dong, but said "These Amadican Doctols - so quick to Chop Chop Chop. Amputation not necesally."

Joe was relieved.

Dr. Wong said "You wait thlee weeks and it'll fall off on its own."

If nobody laughs right now i'm gonna torture you with bad jokes until ya cry, f....
I like the second. It's better than the first.
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Post by FreakNigh »


Ah sounds much like my story, cept I kept my motivation. And i dont give a sh*t about that cheating b*tch. And my father wants to stop helping me pay for college well then HE IS THE LOSER NOT ME. Huge amounts of loans? am I physicaly dead or enslaved yet? no. failed some classes? so what, I actaully know the material and can prove it. The real world is not the college world. Life is not some educational ladder. The real world is about having balls and making and finishing things. College is a system, a meat grinder, it will destroy your soul. You want something that can get you a job? Prove yourself in the world? Finish your sh*t. You don't have any motivation because ITS HARD YOU LAZY SH*T. I've already used my games as a portfolio to get work. I aint stopping for you, for them, for my parents, for my girlfriend, or for me, my work is getting done because I am a waste, why should I sit around crying about how my i am a waste when I am? I am dead but my work is real, and if I want something to hold on to then I'll build it myself.
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