I guess someone must make mistakes when doing all things alone.
Found what caused DrawIndexedPrimitive() to fail.
When rearanging code around i forgat to divide number of indices by 3
to get number of triangles when sending to this function.
sio2 wrote:You can make a buffer of data (vertex or index) and get an ID
I make array of MeshBuffer and then when i need to pass it (something like):
Code: Select all
witch return IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 and IDirect3DIndexBuffer9.
sio2 wrote:
One thing I noticed is that player movement speed depends on the players view angle
Yes, i noticed that, i was missing one normalize, fixed in new update.
sio2 wrote:...including shadows at 1024x1024.
this shadow volume doesnt use RT. Combo is left (as other options) for
later use.
-I tried (something) NewtonBodyUnfreeze() but it doesnt help
ill try your suggestion.
- about vsync, make sure you have only one monitor enabled
i had TV attached and whatever refresh rate i set it always retrurn
60 fps until i disable TV in nvidia control panel (if that is problem).
agi_shi wrote:How do you simulate the player body...
I noticed that, forgat to play with material sofftness.
Sorry it was my mistake, it only shows up when you enable debug DX runtimes in control panel. And main cause is that was DrawIndexedPrimitive() was failing.
But i fix it in this new update (see DL in first post).