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Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:59 pm
by christianclavet
So, I will have to implement something similar in future versions. This could limit the usuability on the MAC severely.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:36 pm
by SwiftCoder
Halifax wrote:No the can't simulate a mouse wheel. And even some PC laptops can't simulate them. Basically applications usually just use +/- or Ctrl+/Ctrl- etc. At least that is how Blender overcame the limitation.
All recent Mac mice have at least 2 buttons, plus scroll wheel, and all recent Mac laptops (late model PowerBook/iBook G4 onward) can use 2-finger support to emulate right click and scroll wheel.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:07 am
by Halifax
SwiftCoder wrote:
Halifax wrote:No the can't simulate a mouse wheel. And even some PC laptops can't simulate them. Basically applications usually just use +/- or Ctrl+/Ctrl- etc. At least that is how Blender overcame the limitation.
All recent Mac mice have at least 2 buttons, plus scroll wheel, and all recent Mac laptops (late model PowerBook/iBook G4 onward) can use 2-finger support to emulate right click and scroll wheel.
Yes new ones may, but you have to be backwards compatible.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:27 am
by christianclavet
OK. If the new ones have this support this is great. This will give us more time. At least it would work (older mac will have to get a new mouse if they want to use it (I've no new if someone was able to compile the editor for the mac. My code is still somewhat ugly... )

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:29 pm
by JP
Right, i've just been using this to test out some animation work i've been doing and again i'll congratulate you on making so many useful additions to the model viewer! The model viewer wouldn't satisfy my needs, but this does, so well done!

I have to say that i had a problem though...

I exported my animated model from milkshape to a b3d file (not really important information) and then loaded it into the model viewer. I noticed that the animation was not looping nicely so i went back to milkshape and edited the animation, then re-exported the model and copied it into the model viewer folder. Then i reloaded the model into the model viewer but nothing had changed. This baffled me for a little while because i thought milkshape was doing something wrong.

As it turns out i reckon it's the mesh cache of irrlicht.. i was trying to reload the model from the same filename so it was checking the mesh cache and saying hey this has already been loaded!

For games that's fine and very useful, but not really in this case as what i was doing could be quite common.

So i guess it would be useful to clear the mesh cache if a model is removed and there's no other references to it. I'm not sure if that's an easy thing for you to do but at the very least i guess this 'bug' can be listed somewhere to people know what's going on.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:38 am
by christianclavet
Thanks for pointing me this out JP. I know for this. Is there a way to delete any reference from an object (or rebuild the mesh cache)?

I have also to fix a problem with the paths. If the path is located far in the drive hiearchy, the system cannot provide a valid path.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:58 am
by JP
Another thing was that clicking on a model file wouldn't open it as the model's filename wasn't added to the path so the editor just tried to open the path without the filename....

So it tried to open C:/blah/

instead of C:/blah/blah.x

This is solved by typing the filename into the input box and clicking load though.

As for the mesh cache thing i think you can probably use the reference counting system somehow... and remove the mesh from the mesh cache if it's not in use.. I'm not sure where you'd get access to the reference count though...

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:14 pm
by bull
Great work.

I always want to make my own scene editor. Your tool can be a good base for me. I'm too lazy to start from scratch.

To tell the truth, irredit is getting on my nerves. It's not open source and the plugin interface is not enough for my current project( a rpg with custom scene nodes, custom animators and game-related attribute). The latest version is based on 1.4alpha. It makes integration of newest custom scene nodes impossible (due to the change in SMaterial) . I know it's possible to convert between them but it'll make the render() code ugly.

Thanks again.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:32 pm
by JP
I found IrrEdit to be pretty hard to use for my IrrAI waypoint editor too so i made my own. You can check this out also (click the IrrAI link in my signature) as it may be of some use to you. Currently it's not opensource because it uses an, as yet, unreleased version of IrrAI but it will become opensource when i release the next version of IrrAI and i can provide source snippets if you need them, such as my improved FileSelector class which is much better than Irrlicht's FileOpenDialog and i think works better than Christian's FileSelector but certainly isn't as pretty! I've given him my source and i believe he'll be attempting to combine the two at some point so that should result in a nice code snippet for everyone to use!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:56 pm
by christianclavet
Yes. Also, the IRRai will look also look good from THE INSIDE... My current code is very ugly. I have been putting nice features but my coding style is very bad.

I'm trying now to convert the current code to be in a Microsoft Visual C++ express 2008 project. But I don't have much time between my school sessions and the homework I have to do.

I could put the JP file selector, fix mine and give a user choice of selector. But the best way would be to get the OS file selector (depending on the System you compile the source)

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:56 pm
by christianclavet
Hi, Updated the thread today. I was able to create a project file for MSCV 2008 express and corrected little warning from the compiler.

A new binary and source is available.

All the details at the bottom of the first message of the thread: ... hp?t=26092

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:48 am
by pera
You know how to fix the problem with Open Scene from dir other then root?
(After file selection event set FS->changeWorkingDir(back_to_root))

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:35 pm
by christianclavet
I've not checked the old source for a time but I don't think, I've found a way.

It's seem that the way you save your scene. If you save it from the root directory (where is the application) you must reload it the same way. If you move it(the file), it doesnt work. I've not took the time to check this in detail yet. As I had other problems to fix (coding style, includes, classes structure, too much global stuff, etc.)

The new version of the editor is more strict about this. I'm redoing now the viewport classes and it look much better now. I'm trying to contain each function inside the includes and not mix them all altoghether as I've done last time.

If I think it's needed, I think I could do my own IRR scene file loader based on the current source and check for thoses paths problems. I could perhaps have to create my own scene saver (I would still need to be compatible) I'm still not there yet. It take a lot more time to create things now since I have to check if everything look right and that I don't mix everything.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:48 pm
by JP
pera was telling you how to solve it, you basically grab the current working directory when you open the dialog and keep that safe and then when the dialog is closed you revert the working directory back to what it was before. (in fact you probably don't have to grab it really because the working directory is probably always the directory of the .exe.... though it's not in IrrEdit so if you're mimicing that you'd have to grab it and revert it).

anyway, you can see a working version of this approach in my IrrAI Editor source GUIFileSelector.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:54 pm
by christianclavet
Ok. Thanks. I'll check that when I'll implement back the scene load/save. (I'll have to rewrite my file requester (filetypes & icons) also)