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Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:37 pm
by BlindSide
Just straying from this economical discussion and more on the technical side. May I suggest taking a rendertarget of black hovercrafts with a white background from a top orthogonal view and projecting it down while following around the camera? (Keep bilinear filtering on). Its a fast and non-messy way of getting realistic soft shadows in these kinda games.

I'm actually making a projective texturing material addition to Irrlicht that doesn't require shaders, so you can just wait for that if you want (Or add your own). It works add-signed so the hovercrafts should be black and the background grey (255/2).


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:06 pm
by Dorth
Monochrome wrote:
rogerborg wrote:For the record, I never get tired of reading these pointless arguments every time that I refer to EA.

You realise that's why I do it, right?
I hate you.
Rogerborg, my crazy kilted man, I love you ^^
And flipmode, don't worry, no matter how sour the and trashy the talking might become, pretty much everyone on those forums are friends. Well, dunno about the one who was repeatedly banned from the IRC channel for trolling, but, yeah, for the others, we are ^^ A great big dysfunctional family.

Monochrome wrote:Kotaku's editors may sound harsh but they're the most reliable news source regarding the videogame industry i know. They have no taboos when it comes to criticize EA or anything else, but they're also not affraid to compliment someone when they do something right aswell.
Honestly? 3 out of 4 coming from a site that has "no taboos" (why the ... would you have taboos about criticizing anything in todays reviewing world, when that's what gives the most views? ) in criticizing EA. Sure, that's reliable journalism ;)

Ah, and the graphic still look awesome, I still want to play the games, and I still think some of the best games (Maximo? Seriously? Kicks the old ones on the ground even though they were pretty good) and some of the worst too (Donkey Kong 64?) I've played were sequels.

And now, we wait...

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:24 pm
by FuzzYspo0N

I was mearly rusing, not complaining. its a view i had it looks a little interesting. i wouldnt have rally tracks per se, i would mix it up. have a city track that has some dirt roads or a sorta rally-gap to the next city part, would make it still cooler. have a map that corsses all borders, why not fly over the sea? or have ramps across rooftops :) there is a lot to do, rally was just a interesting stand out one for me.

I dont know if cutealien mentioned anything about the lighting, but can u email me on fuzzyspoon at gmail .com, i had some questions for you regarding this. im sure you shud recognise me for spamming your game all over south africa and the interviews :D

The failure continues. bugger off, all in all.
but unless you are planning to expand to other platforms like Xbox and such, i really dont think its that worthwhile. If however you're sticking up with the idea, I would advise you to work simultaneously on a different project.
THANK GOD we dont have to listen to what you think. if only you had realised sooner? now shutup about you own insecurites and pay relevance to the thread omg, make ur own dam thread for your whining. srsly its old now and nobody cares for your failure.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:06 am
by flipmode
@BlindSide: Thanks for the suggestion, appreciated.
I am just a dumb artist so I don`t 100% get it (one reason why I didn`t show up earlier here), but improving the shadows would be on the graphic enhancements list for sure. Whoever will step into CuteAlien`s place on these projects will be happy to have such information.

@Dorth: Not worried yet, no worries!

@FuzzY: Yep, mixing up with various styles would be nice indeed. On a predecessor to the rally project I had some sort of industrial mining city asset which worked out pretty well. On the other hand I might have to limit the settings a bit to make them fit to the workflow. It`s quite a task to do all graphics alone, thus I usually try to find a balance between quality, diversity and buildtime.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:38 am
by FuzzYspo0N
I sent you a mail in response to yours flipside, and yea. doing graphics alone is quite interesting. I had it once where i had a workflow in scripts that did all the work of getting into a workable format by one click, and it still took longer than expected to get a finished map.

The snags that come up like z fighting, mismatched textures its all a pain in the ass in general lol.
thus I usually try to find a balance between quality, diversity and buildtime.
good choice sir :)