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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 8:41 pm
by StefanB
Strange point of view for the camera though (I mean for this kind of game)
Yes the camera was just left there. I wanted to see how suspension works from the side. It is easy to add cameras, but my game concept is not so pregressed that I'd like to add cameras. I centered it behind car now :)

steering was ok (a bit more of faster response would make it cooler),
It is a little soft. It is just the pacejka parameters, but I don't have Mathcad installed no so it is hard to guess the parameters.

Graphics look good. As they already told you, now it's the time to enhance the arts part of the game, improve the landscaping, etc.
It is hard to make art when you are not artist :P I would rather make a great game that will bring good races (mutliplayer) even if graphics is not so candy. Of course it is nice to hear if people say "ooh ooh, that looks awesome" but I like more racing, just like in Grand Prix Legends :) Any way, I will add some trackside graphics, trees, fences, forest, pits, and like that.. everything in time :)

- True type font loading is on source/Graphics/TTFont.cpp.

- If you are interested in how to use ODE, files source/Game/GameWorld.cpp and source/Game/RaceCar.cpp. The RaceCar is really mixed. Note that I don't use ODE collision detection yet at all.

- VBO/VA mesh is in source/Graphics/Mesh.cpp + .../Graphics.hpp

- source/Image has Image class that loads jpeg, png and tga files. The tga loader is from glfw.

I put this under zlib licence.. I don't want to prevent anyone learning from this, so use it if you find it helpful. I just want some protection so zlib licence looked good.

Hope it gets works under Linux too. It should because I use C++ BuilderX with gcc toolset. However I cannot test it because XP removed LILO and I cant boot to Linux :evil:

Have fun :D

compiling in linux

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:52 am
by Armen138
im trying to compile it in linux, but the glfw library returns a bunch of linker errors... probably something i did wrong

/usr/local/lib/libglfw.a(x11_fullscreen.o)(.text+0x1a1): In function `_glfwSetVideoModeMODE':
: undefined reference to `XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch'

ima look for a way to fix it :)

Re: compiling in linux

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:32 pm
by Guest
I found very old Makefile, You need some of these linking parmatersa:

LIBS = -lfreetype -ljpeg -lpng10 -lglfw -lGLU -lGL -lz -lopenal -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L../lib/x11 -lX11 -lXxf86vm -lpthread -lm

I think these should give the required references to what glfw needs: -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L../lib/x11 -lX11 -lXxf86vm

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:17 pm
by Armen138
yes, i figured that out by studying the glfw example's makefile :)
its running beautifully now :D between 100 and 150 fps, not bad :D
nice work StefanB! btw, why dont you boot from a linux disk and reinstall

linux Makefile

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:25 pm
by Armen138
the makefile i used to compile it in linux:

Code: Select all

CPP = g++
INCLUDE = -I"/usr/X11R6/include" -I"./" -I"/usr/local/include" -I"/usr/local/include/freetype2"
OPTS =  -I"/usr/X11R6/include" -L"/usr/X11R6/lib" -lglfw -lGLU -lGL -lXxf86vm -lXext -lX11 -lz -ljpeg -lglut -lode -lGLee -lenet -lfreetype -lpng -lpthread -lm

        $(CPP) -c ./Game/DashBoard.cpp -o DashBoard.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Game/GameWorld.cpp -o GameWorld.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Game/RaceCar.cpp -o RaceCar.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Game/RaceTrack.cpp -o RaceTrack.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Game/TextFileParser.cpp -o TextFileParser.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Game/Timing.cpp -o Timing.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./smart_assert/smart_assert.cpp -o smart_assert.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/frustum.cpp -o frustum.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/matrix3.cpp -o matrix3.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/matrix4.cpp -o matrix4.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/plane.cpp -o plane.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/quat.cpp -o quat.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/vector2.cpp -o vector2.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./math/vector3.cpp -o vector3.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./string/astring.cpp -o astring.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Graphics/Graphics.cpp -o Graphics.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Graphics/Mesh.cpp -o mesh.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Graphics/TTFont.cpp -o ttfont.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Graphics/Texture.cpp -o texture.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Image/Image.cpp -o image.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) -c ./Image/tga.c -o tga.o $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE)
        $(CPP) ./Game/main.cpp *.o -o ../RaceGame $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE) $(OPTS)
        rm temp
        rm *.o
        $(CPP) ./Game/main.cpp *.o -o ../RaceGame $(OPTIMIZE) $(INCLUDE) $(OPTS)
place it in the source folder and type make!

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:12 pm
by SB
I put the Makefile to downloads.
Armen138 wrote:btw, why dont you boot from a linux disk and reinstall
After I compiled new kernel (2.6... iirc) it couldn't fit to a floppy anymore :(
Luckily I found Explore2fs and could save all my work. Maybe I could try Linux LiveCD distro and run lilo from there? I have also thought Gentoo would be nice to install :) But I have been lazy because XP works now well :P

I am glad to hear it worked in Linux too :)