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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:43 pm
by lostclimategames
why should he trust the client? that'd make no sense[/quote]

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:21 am
by rogerborg
Excuse me, I tend to take people literally. You know, reading what they write and believing it. I know that's rather silly.

For example, I read "!too much" as "enough".

I think the correct answer is "I won't be trusting the client at all", but on the bright side, if you don't expect to have a large enough userbase to attract black hats, it's largely irrelevant.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:31 am
by Insomniacp
Haha, I let the client do what it wants to but the server has the say in everything, it will do the stuff that matters since it is very easy to tamper with a computers memory and things like that so calculating how much damage you do is dumb to leave to a potentially altered environment. That is what I mean by not trusting the client, sure the chances are small that someone will do something but I don't like taking chances, either way it is better to plan for the worst then have it happen and have to change things after the game is released. Anyway, I love the picture ;) made my night much better :P.

The background will change into an in-game screen shot or scene of an in-game location. Though that will prolly be a few weeks after the release to get a good shot or get to place that would work for a scene. This will work for now though. Better than a black background imo.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:38 am
by Dark_Kilauea
This is why I have always said "Never trust the client, Ever"

If I ever wrote a book on server development, I'd had a whole chapter devoted to that one fact.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:13 am
by lostclimategames
I think the correct answer is "I won't be trusting the client at all", but on the bright side, if you don't expect to have a large enough userbase to attract black hats, it's largely irrelevant.
I believe "I won't be trusting the client at all" is what he meant by that :P I usually take things literally, but in the context he used it, and with everything he's said in previous posts, I put 2 and 39087084 together.

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:05 pm
by Monochrome
Peanut butter.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:48 pm
by stevend
jelly time.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:27 am
by Insomniacp
Seamless map loader is fully planned, it will be implemented tonight or tomorrow to both the game engine and the map editor.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:16 am
by Insomniacp
seamless map loader is now done and in the game engine. I will port it to map editor which will need auto save features added for when a map gets unloaded, also will add buildings/foliage buttons and brush size possibly.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:45 pm
by pera
you know how on forums you can upload your own picture as avatar, and in community interaction representation of your self is important to all?

I got this idea of online game where you could load your own animated 3d model to represent your character. it wouldn't be too hard to implement, people have to provide appropriate model format, animations for walk, run, attack... it would look interesting.

most of the online games look like backyard full of clones running around.

I know you can provide many races and models, and change of hair, eyes, ears... but this could put you in the papers you know.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:02 pm
by JP
I don't think that would be a particularly simple task, unless you were really strict about the requirements, otherwise you'd get people wanting to use loads of different model formats of different sizes which would require you to support all those different formats and their different animation systems.

It can be done though, just look at Quake and Unreal Tournament, you can use your own character model in those.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:39 pm
by Insomniacp
It is a good idea, I am up for implementing it in the game at a later point. I may make it so you have a purchase the ability as a way for us to make money from the game to keep it up. My only issue is fitting armor onto the model that they make, the way i see it at the moment is i will have to make armor for each different player model. I will try and come up with a way to dynamically align armor onto a model so you choose where it goes and it will go around the model automatically... onto the drawing board!

Right now the game is not testable due to a lack of graphics, though at the end of the month I am hoping to have enough graphics to play. If enough features are in and the server works out then I will put the game online at the end of the month for people to play. But this all rests on graphics coming in at a constant rate which isn't guaranteed with volunteers, but I think we can get it.

ok back from the drawing board, what I can do is take the model of the armor and the model of the player, place the armor at the height it would be at, run some calcs on the player model to get the vertices at certain points and then change the armor to match those vertices effectively deforming it to fit on the player model..... time to program it... I love the idea btw thanks for tossing it out there

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:57 pm
by lostclimategames
If you want a prototyping character, I have a really low poly, low detail enemy model just laying around with just your basic walk, attack, die animations. again, only suitable for prototyping but still, It would be something

EDIT: WTF, the forum just gave me some weird php error, then repeated my post 3 times..... something about a word list..... that is odd.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:27 pm
by Insomniacp
yeah, I ahve been getting that error but I just drop back to the forums and it only posts once :P. I have two player models, though they aren't animated, that I am going to test things on. I will most likely make some attempts at animating them later today.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:24 am
by Insomniacp
The seamless map loader is completely functional, there is about a 10-20 second load time when it sets up the four terrain scene nodes, after that it takes about 1 second to load and position each new map you come across. So I believe this is quite efficient considering the maps themselves are quite large and loading that quickly without a killing the fps (which remains around 370 when moving and viewing all 4 maps, elsewhere it is around 500 while moving). The loading without loss of fps was accomplished by putting the map loader in a separate thread which accesses the map variables and edits them independent of the main game loop. Any way, if we get enough graphics the game may be released at the end of the month.
A list of the next things to be worked on:
1. editor tools work cross maps, that way if we make a hill at the edge of one it will continue unbroken onto the next map. This is pretty much done being planned I just need to code it... most likely on tuesday
2. Placing buildings and foliage in the map editor also adding NPC's and making a dynamic text file loader for NPC interaction.
3. Player creation page finished with graphics
4. Server code finished, will continue once we get to character creation
5. NPC spawn and death
6. Exp and all the other goodies
7. GUI (will be done during server code prolly)
8. Release date and testing?