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Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:37 am
by Steel Style
DeM0nFiRe wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the art style close to the last thing we should be worried about? I think we should still be discussing ideas on increasing performance of large draw distances, shouldn't we?
Why did I started by searching for models ? Cause I'm was not thought that they will be as much answer, so for some is easier to give a link to a website were I can find model than join.

For the Ideas most of them ever exist on others engines, and also describe culling method will be efficient only with a team to devellop the idea. Now what we trying to do is having the background build, after we should be able to look for people wich wanna join to this, and start project management (more devellopers we will be and greater the management should be).

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:55 am
by BlindSide
Sylence wrote:
hybrid wrote:
Katsankat wrote: 65365 is the maximum allowed by several editors for obvious 32 bits reasons.
Looks to me like very restricted 32bits - half the dword for signedness or what :wink:
65k x 65k maximum map size. This makes 4,272M fields ;)
Lol I can't believe it, hybrid got owned :P

Half of 32 bits for signedness is funny though.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:57 am
by fmx
thanks for offering your map for initial testing Christian!
Artstyle would be important inevitably, so it doesn't hurt to discuss it a little

and hybrid of all people... :lol:

BTW, where's rogerborg these days? I haven't seem him around much
IMO the forum feels rather vanilla without him :P

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:09 pm
by christianclavet

Here is a nice article on occlusion for outdoor using occluders shape as portal culling is really good indoor but inneficient outdoor.
Occluders convex shapes seem to be used to determine if an object will be viewed (or occluded).

So the art assets need an extra object .For source SDK for each object, a collision convex hull must be created. For the Unreal engine, I've saw that it was created by the engine when the asset was imported.

Another interesting thing about portal culling on this site:

This site talks also about portal culling, but show nice pictures of before/after the optimisation is done: ... on-culling

Looking around theses articles, i'd suggest portal should be implemented first. As outdoor algorythm are new as current game/display engines have at least portal culling & frustum culling.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:09 pm
by DeM0nFiRe
BlindSide wrote:
DeM0nFiRe wrote: Also, does Irrlicht already do View Frustum Occlusion? In my benchmarks I noticed that irrlicht ran exactly the same for 10k cube meshes whether or not the cube meshes were actually in the view frustum.
Maybe it's related to this: ... hp?t=32581
Haha, yeah, that would probably be it. I thought something was amiss.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:37 am
by christianclavet
Maybe it's being fixed in the last revision?

Found this on the SVN log (REV 2277)
bugfix and changes in
133 SViewFrustum::SViewFrustum
134 wrong size of Matrices copy. This bug must be ages old... (typo)
135 detected during resizing the Matrices. removed obsolute Matrices
138 therefore also changed SViewFrustum::setTransformState to not tap
139 in the pitfall again of wrong memory...
140 and renamed it to getTransform, like in the driver
141 and Matrices private

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:33 am
by Valerien

I won't be able to program this kind of things, but i can make models.


About the references... you can take a look to oblivion videos, screenshots, or all the games like... divinity II (which is using oblivion's improved engine).


These houses are beautifull, aren't they ?

And... to make interiors... i think... that square enix's games can be a source of inspiration. And even for the texturing.



This is The Last Remnant.



And... there are other games like... AION... maybe world of warcraft but the models and textures are a little bit low res...
These games fit more or less a medieval/fantastic style.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:38 am
by Steel Style
Yeah good ref Valerien I really dig it.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:06 am
by Nadro
I think, we should use hardware occlusion query., this is good article for it (if You can't build bounding box meshes): ... _ch29.html
I will implement it and I will send result.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:02 am
by Valerien

I'm doing the first model since yesterday. I've begun the unwrap this morning after breakfast. Dunno if i'll finish it today.

Hope you'll like it.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:44 am
by BlindSide
Easy dude if it's that similar I'm sure some IP laws will be broken. That aside:

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:07 pm
by christianclavet
How can IP could be broken if he made thoses himself?! I don't recall that you can have a copyright over a specific design or look!

If there would be court order for every similar car, then every car builder would be sued!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:36 pm
by Valerien
And also... I prefer to make similar things 'cause in the other case i'd make bad architectures. But with the textures it should be quite different ;).

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:02 pm
by vermeer
Am not around here lately, neither I have read this thread, but yep, a similar design can be sued. A design can be, and often is, registered.

Yet tho, I'd go for some solid variation over a reference material plus enriching it with photo materials, historic illustration of medieval cottages, etc. I really enjoy these themes in a game, and those models are looking really good in technique, so, don't be discouraged...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:42 pm
by Valerien

I should modify the backface window. Don't wanna search for a good picture right now.
I think it absolutely doesn't look like divinity II's house.

Next i'll make the normals and spec map and after that I may do some ivy.

There's no AO on the beams 'cause i put them in stack.
Ah, and i forgot to delete the shitty AO on the roof ^^'.

Final version (sorry for the artifacts on the normals, i dunno where it comes from, actually i don't have this problem on renders).
