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Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:25 pm
by zester
I write children's educational applications and games.

1. Any type of program that is meant to be used in an educational environment (Class or Home School) in most places has to be accredited.

2. The best types of educational software are fun to use. If the child finds it boring or lacking visual appeal the child isn't going to want to use it and there for wont learn much.

3. Why in the world would you want to implement copy protection? Do you honestly think anyone is going to want to pirate your program? Just copyright your media.

4. Your targeting the windows platform? In this market if your not multi-platform then your not going to be very successful.

5. $27.50 <-- Your setting your expectations way to high.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:16 am
by Lil Margin
2.The purpose isn't to teach you anything, its to train you and see if you can solve the problems presented, and besides school test's arent "fun".

3.look dude if i ask for something and you can answer it then dont reply, i dont need to hear your "will anyone pirate it" comment, your either helping or dont by keeping your comment to yourself.

4.Windoes is the most used OS so if you develop for it you will be succesfull(if i'm not mistaking most blockbuster games are windows only_

5.Thats my price, dont like it dont buy it...easy as eating a cake

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:39 am
by serengeor
Why you're so agressive? Hes right about everything he said.
Educational games can teach and be fun, especially if its made in some sort of unusual but fun way.
Windoes is the most used OS so if you develop for it you will be succesfull(if i'm not mistaking most blockbuster games are windows only_
Just because "most" people use windows doesn't mean that your buyers will use them. You'll get more chances to sell it if its portable to most platforms and devices.

Are you really seriuos about $27.50???
Thats insane, unless you would write a commercial grade app.
Something like this:

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:48 pm
by Lil Margin
Why you're so agressive?
How would you feel if you spended 2 years on a program and did not get no sales at all? and some dude comes along and revive an topic that was inactive just to point some facts i already know.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:59 pm
by randomMesh
Lil Margin wrote:and some dude comes along and revive an topic that was inactive just to point some facts i already know.
Well, i am sure he wanted to help because you don't know the facts. And yes, zester's right.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:18 pm
by kazymjir
I've just read this whole topic and what can I say.
People here said you Lil Margin really important and useful things, but if you really want to do what you want look for CDSHiELD SE:
It costs about $30 if I good remember.

Thanks for link to the Dungeon Master protection article, really interesting text.

Btw, are you from Poland?
I know one guy which is using the same nick, maybe him and you are the same person :)[/list]

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:25 pm
by Lil Margin
I know they are saying really important things but when you fail sometimes and people keep saying things like : "Do you really expect someone to pirate THAT game" makes you feel bad and when more then 3 people says thesame thing it makes you snap

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 5:32 am
by serengeor
Lil Margin wrote:
Why you're so agressive?
How would you feel if you spended 2 years on a program and did not get no sales at all? and some dude comes along and revive an topic that was inactive just to point some facts i already know.
I would feel like I need to study some things more ;) I have been programming for about 3 years on my own, sometimes I felt like I would want to quit it, but I didn't. I prommissed myself that I'll keep programming until i fishish my game project. Its nowhere near to finish and I don't even hope to get 5$ from it when it is. Why? Simply because its sloppy and unprofessional(though it gets better and better in time, but the progress is a bit slow).
I also suck at modeling, GUI, and my code doesn't really look what id like it to look. But I will still not give up on what I wanted for so long :P The best chances for me to get money I think would be to sell the source of the game when its finished and more pollished.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:58 am
by loki1985
nope, one country to the left....

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:17 am
by kazymjir
Lil Margin wrote:I know they are saying really important things but when you fail sometimes and people keep saying things like : "Do you really expect someone to pirate THAT game" makes you feel bad and when more then 3 people says thesame thing it makes you snap
I know about that.
I had the same beginnings. People was saying that my projects was crap, not professional.
I also feel bad. I even was thinking about stop everything with programming.
But one day I changed my view.
All their comments was in fact not an attack to my person, but a feedback what should I change to make my projects more professional.
After I changed my point of view every my fail was a great lesson how to write better software.
And after years quality of my code is much better than in past thanks to all those comments about my projects.
Now thanks to them I am earning money, and I am even moving into own house without help from parents (I am helping them more lol), in age of 18 :)

So, take all these comments as feedback, ask what you should change in your software and I bet everyone here will give you feedback.
Change all mistakes, improve code, graphics, and try again!
The only way to success is improving yourself everyday, at every step.

ok, thanks

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:26 pm
by ChaiRuiPeng
i hope one day to move out too :) i am 16 right now, and will soon be starting college. i hope to by then be living in my own apartment, and supporting myself with programming... and a day job until that programming gets sufficient to sustain me on its own.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:59 pm
by zester
I was just offering some constructive criticism.

Windows might have had the largest user base pre-android but that isn't the case anymore. Windows has the largest percent of desktop installs.

Linux has the Server and Mobile markets for instance there are around 350,000 android devices activated every day. You will also find a linux kernel on most consumer devices. (TV's Dvd Players, Routers & Modems, Industrial, Military Equipment)

Linux is on far more devices than windows.

The windows market is completely saturated with educational applications. My suggestion to you if you want to make money, spice that program up with some cool effect and art and go put it on the ubuntu app store. And charge $5 - $10

If you want to make money on Windows, Android, Mac your program is going to have to be off the hook!!!! And this advice goes not just for you but anyone who wants to make money programming.

Ohh and one last thing no one donates money to some one who writes closed source software.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:50 am
by Luben
zester wrote:Ohh and one last thing no one donates money to some one who writes closed source software.
Not true. Dwarf Fortress is a prime example of closed-source software which people donate to. If your mentality prevents you from appreciating software to which you don't have the source, well, that doesn't apply to everyone. :wink: