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Re: Linux compatible .Net bindings for irrLicht

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:12 pm
by jimmy00784
roxaz wrote:i dont quite know how typemaps work, tried experimenting with them but without much success.
They are plenty fun once you get a hang of them :P
roxaz wrote:looking at your changes so far i see some memory leaks (unless swig does free up those objects, but i doubt it). for example in %typemap(out) path&. sure heap allocation is needed? i think i had typemaps that compile with stack allocation. also new char[$1->size()] does not include null terminator. doesnt something like $result = $1->c_str() work?
I actually did start out exactly how you suggested, however got invalid cast errors during compile time. Attempting to force (void *) or (char *) cast allowed compiling but caused runtime errors and seg faults. I understand the memory leaks resulting from my approach, however, it is only a stop gap measure to get things running.
roxaz wrote:and finally including headers one by one works, but like in previous case should new header be added it will require manual update of wrapper while with auto-includes new code would be wrapped automatically most of the time.
Agree with you on that as well. I'll revisit the -includeallheaders approach later again after getting the wrapper completed this way.

Re: Linux compatible .Net bindings for irrLicht

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:26 pm
by roxaz
heads up - CppSharp is releasing compiled binaries now too. With latest version i could build irrlicht bindings already, however cpp part (exposing inline functions) does not compile so i did not test actual bindings. Produces badass-looking .cs wrapper code though.

Re: Linux compatible .Net bindings for irrLicht

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:43 pm
by jimmy00784
Great news. Will monitor its progress.