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Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:44 pm
by HerrAlmanack
kazymjir wrote:

Big fish eats duck :D

ahhaha for some reason my instincts told me to scroll down to the comments.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:47 am
by Xaryl
kazymjir wrote:

Big fish eats duck :D
ryby nie widzę..
gdzie ta ryba -.-?

At least I learned some Polish words from it I guess :o

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:08 am
by kazymjir
Nice Xaryl :D

Rybę pewnie zjadł ten potwór :)


Hey guys,
how about some music?

one of the best polish music, Ryszard Riedel with band Dżem:

There are no people in Poland which don't know Riedel :)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:52 am
by HerrAlmanack
hmph, talk about irony, my chrome dll plug-ins crashed while I was reading an article about what designs engines like chrome and firefox use for making dll plugins safer, fast and "funner".

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:11 am
by Xaryl
kazymjir wrote: Hey guys,
how about some music?

one of the best polish music, Ryszard Riedel with band Dżem:

There are no people in Poland which don't know Riedel :)
Some days ago, I'd agree that "wehikuł czasu, to byłby cud", or "a time machine, that'd be a wonder".
But I am feeling great today, so it wouldn't really be my song today. :)

Playing with irrlicht really made me take a whole new look at the real world, just look at those trees and grass and water outside, they are easily uncountable amount of polys with every realistic ray trace possible. And the humans and their cloth, so detail and follows the exact physical laws with different tactile sensation as well, not to mention the AI inside them. (Although, I think some people might want to pay attention on where their vertices move to with their life style xD. And yes, I am aware it is wrong to think of people like that, but bite me, I don't care, because it is a wonderful day ^___^)

p.s. I am addicted to this song, and can't stop listening to it oO

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:20 pm
by kazymjir
Xaryl wrote: Playing with irrlicht really made me take a whole new look at the real world, just look at those trees and grass and water outside, they are easily uncountable amount of polys with every realistic ray trace possible(...)
Haha! I had exactly the same! :D
Months ago I was often not leaving home for weeks, just playing with Irrlicht and later when I leaved house... world was definitely different :D
All lights, shadows, models, shaders... amazing!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:40 pm
by ent1ty

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:40 am
by lazerblade
kazymjir wrote:
Xaryl wrote: Playing with irrlicht really made me take a whole new look at the real world, just look at those trees and grass and water outside, they are easily uncountable amount of polys with every realistic ray trace possible(...)
Haha! I had exactly the same! :D
Months ago I was often not leaving home for weeks, just playing with Irrlicht and later when I leaved house... world was definitely different :D
All lights, shadows, models, shaders... amazing!

I think this is something any game developer has probably experiences at some point. It makes you have a bigger appreciation for the complexity of the universe and whom, what, or how it came to be.

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:32 pm
by kazymjir
a new forum

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:54 pm
by Xaryl
kazymjir wrote:a new forum
Now your avatar is tiny and cute :D
And I think I can go unblock some people's avatars now :o

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:00 pm
by MPKaboose
kazymjir wrote:a new forum
Yep, in my opinion is better then the old one :)

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:52 pm
by kazymjir
i like the change too

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:36 pm
by lazerblade
Xaryl wrote:
kazymjir wrote:a new forum
Now your avatar is tiny and cute :D
And I think I can go unblock some people's avatars now :o

Gah! My avatar has been skewed and is no longer displayed in proper proportion. I'll have to fix that by re-uploading one of these days...

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:47 am
by Adler1337
No need to re-upload. Just go to your profile and manually set the size. That's what I did to mine.

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:38 pm
by kazymjir
It's very good idea with these avatars max size and placement avatar and rest of stuff on the right size.
Many people had really big avatars that was changing size of whole board with posts.
Now avatars can have max 80x80 px and post content is always on the left side, so reading forum now is really much easier than before!

Really good job admins