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Re: tapeworm

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:50 pm
by hybrid
I must admit that I was also at first quite irritated by the avatars on the right side. But as kazymjir says, it gives a much cleaner way to read the posts. The separation of consecutive posts is still clearly visible. So IMHO it should stay on the right side, or at least give the users a way to choose this.
Also a nice addition is the bump restriction :P

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:45 pm
by kazymjir

The Berzerker- No One Wins :twisted:

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:48 am
by Xaryl
The summer vacation is about to end, and I won't be checking this forum as much anymore, but I will miss you all =)

Oh, I guess I will post a random weird song as well.

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:50 am
by shadowslair
Xaryl wrote:The summer vacation is about to end, and I won't be checking this forum as much anymore, but I will miss you all =)
We`ll all miss you too. Sounds like you`ll be send astronaut in the outer space for a year. :D

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:04 am
by Radikalizm
shadowslair wrote:
Xaryl wrote:The summer vacation is about to end, and I won't be checking this forum as much anymore, but I will miss you all =)
We`ll all miss you too. Sounds like you`ll be send astronaut in the outer space for a year. :D
Who says that's not the case? :D
Good luck in outer space spaceman Xaryl, bring me back a moon rock would you?

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:14 pm
by kazymjir
We will miss you Xaryl.
Be careful in outer space, it's not safe place for human beings.
Take a photo of nyan cat for me.

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:19 pm
by Radikalizm
Talking about space, will you be visiting this place Xaryl?


Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:35 am
by kazymjir
Radikalizm wrote:Talking about space, will you be visiting this place Xaryl?

Looks like Gliese 581c

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:44 am
by Xaryl
Radikalizm wrote:Talking about space, will you be visiting this place Xaryl? (pics)
That place is in sight, I might be there for a bit :P
kazymjir wrote:Be careful in outer space, it's not safe place for human beings.
Are you sure I am actually a human being?

Oh hey, I spotted something. Is that nyan cat?

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:16 pm
by kazymjir
Ahahahahah, can't stop laughing :D

You can't leave this forum.
Just can't.
You have no permission to do this.

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:00 pm
by kazymjir
Now in Poland we have elections to Seym (, and whole cities and Internet are being spammed by advertisements of politicians that want to vote for them.
All their ad stuff is boring, but look what one politician made lol:

end of numb speech
enough stupid wars
secular nation
worthy life
is my goal
vote wisely !

Jędrzej Wijas
to Seym

Concrete man,
Concrete lore

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:15 pm
by shadowslair
I vote for him! Isn`t that the same guy you posted a picture of some time ago with dishevelled hair holding a pink d!ldo and a pistol talking to a microphone?

Edit: No, just checked the picture. It`s a different guy. ^^

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:51 pm
by kazymjir
Haha, no, they are two different people :)

If somebody didn't see picture that Shadowslair mentioned:

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:32 am
by hendu
Unigine's new demo has some nice vegetation:

Re: tapeworm

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:00 am
by kazymjir
Ahh... beautiful.
Why I don't have time for 3D coding :(