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Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:53 pm
by unknown_usr
Allso I think the engine should load vertex colors from 3ds files, couse I dont think it does that - everything is totaly white if you dont use textures.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:41 pm
by saigumi
I'd like to be able to joy-ride on Irrlicht's IFileSystem to a degree.

It's a nice way to read objects, but it feels strange having to implement a secondary zip-reader for non-graphics related files.

Though, using it does conflict against my "use a tool for it's job only" belief and having my own file/storage library isn't a major deal.

crossover between terrain and objects(bumpmap)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 1:22 pm
by Robin
hello, I'm a very novice programmer, and have not very much experience with 3d engines, but would it be posible to let jou assign a map on a material in the same way that you assign a texture, to change the verticies, like they do with the terrain example, but on objects like cube's, in this way, a simple cube could be transformed in something like a rock or tree. You could also create caves in a terrain(strong translation from a single cube on top of a terrain). If you could even assign difftent textures (AND transparancy) to base material and "bump map" or however you would call it, you could create things like grass, by letting some pixels stand up in a curved line. Then you culd use simple pixeltransformations on the map to let the grass move/bend dynamicly. Taking this further you could stransform the map to make dents in objects, or even holes in them. In this way you could have a virtual object act lke its solid.

I hope i'm making any sense here, and i hope that i have not reinvented the weel(that this is the same as bumpmapping)

I would like to make an example program, but i dont have the knowledge (yet) to do this, but i do think it has potential.

Greets, Robin from holland

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:26 pm
by Guest
Just to add some info :
About LWS support: No, not in the near future. But there will be .X support, i think there are some very good exporters from lightwave to .X. MD3 support: Yes, maybe already in next release, but I

Imho the most important and trouble free is directx 8 with animation. (bones and weights)

- dx8 with animation can be exported from LW, there's a plugin, I suppose yet free.

-Hash Animation master has a cheap plugin that is very powerful to export Hash AM --> dx8 with everything.

-In Max, there's already a dx9 version which works as an exporter, and the great Panda software plugin can export very well, not sure if also dx8 animation with bones and weights.

-Character Fx (outstanding tiny/cheap tool for animation) exports dx8 , too.

-Ultimate Unwrap, also. (it even also imports well it)

-3d canvas exports also dx (I think dx8 , wurely with weights )

-Truespace 6.6 can export dx8 with bones and weights (not sure on this point) if user purchased also the conversion pack 2.1. previous versions of Truespace I think export or import dx7.(not too useful for character animation)

-Milkshape can export dx8 animatiions. No weights as the package do not suport weights (grrrr)

-There's a Maya free plugin that is told to work nicely exporting dx8 animations. Some people talk about total success with that. I think already also dx9.

-3d exploration (Deep Exploration) supports nicely directx 8 conversions and previewing. Full version till 30 days, you can save even. Or it did. Also opens md2 and most md3 files.

-ac3d supports it, don't how much does it.

See, the major packages supporting a fluid, organic type of animation. I don't know if bones and weights are too cpu intensive but many today games (unreal2k3 , Jedi, etc) are using bones and weights.

Many packages also export as dx7 static object.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:37 pm
by guest
Just to add some info :
About LWS support: No, not in the near future. But there will be .X support, i think there are some very good exporters from lightwave to .X. MD3 support: Yes, maybe already in next release, but I

Imho the most important and trouble free is directx 8 with animation. (bones and weights)

- dx8 with animation can be exported from LW, there's a plugin, I suppose yet free.

-Hash Animation master has a cheap plugin that is very powerful to export Hash AM --> dx8 with everything.

-In Max, there's already a dx9 version which works as an exporter, and the great Panda software plugin can export very well, not sure if also dx8 animation with bones and weights.

-Character Fx (outstanding tiny/cheap tool for animation) exports dx8 , too.

-Ultimate Unwrap, also. (it even also imports well it)

-3d canvas exports also dx (I think dx8 , wurely with weights )

-Truespace 6.6 can export dx8 with bones and weights (not sure on this point) if user purchased also the conversion pack 2.1. previous versions of Truespace I think export or import dx7.(not too useful for character animation)

-Milkshape can export dx8 animatiions. No weights as the package do not suport weights (grrrr)

-There's a Maya free plugin that is told to work nicely exporting dx8 animations. Some people talk about total success with that. I think already also dx9.

-3d exploration (Deep Exploration) supports nicely directx 8 conversions and previewing. Full version till 30 days, you can save even. Or it did. Also opens md2 and most md3 files.

-ac3d supports it, don't how much does it.

See, the major packages supporting a fluid, organic type of animation. I don't know if bones and weights are too cpu intensive but many today games (unreal2k3 , Jedi, etc) are using bones and weights.

Many packages also export as dx7 static object.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 2:38 pm
by Krampe
What about vertex lighting and vertex blending? :)

Quake 3 Map stuff

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:50 pm
by Guest
One thing I'd like to see is some kind of trigger/func brush selection routine for q3maps, say...

list<Q3Func>* funcs = q3map->getFuncs();

list<Q3trigger>* trigger = q3map->getTriggers();

or something like that, then a custom collision response can be assigned based on collisions with triggers, say

if (getObjectCollidedWith()=EQ3TRIG_TYPE_KILL) {

complete pseudo-code here :) haven't played much with Q3 Meshes/collision, mostly for lack of this ability (as far as I can tell)

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:09 pm
by elvencode
another easy thing i'd like to see is the possibility to set a color as trasparent in a texture, so in the rendering it's not renderer for that material. i think is not difficult, is will be much good if by default the texture alpha color (if in the format/file) is not displayed and also optionally i can set a color of mine (like in some games magenta is set for not be displayed)

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 12:59 pm
by Mike Wiering
It would be nice if the OpenGL full screen mode would use the current desktop display frequency instead of 60 Hz (probably easy to implement).

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 7:45 pm
by Cleves
Hey all,

What i would really like to see in the next version is events that happen upon collition.I really need that in my game :?

Heres a few new Ideas

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:01 am
by Washi
How about implementing Height levels aka Flight levels if used in flight sims, which would allow games to implement another of my Ideas... Clouds / Cloud levels these could probably be done with a similar idea to a independant box like a skybox only moveable in code like other objects.
Along the same lines Depth levels like when in water certain depth levels would speed up darkening scenes.

Possibly even implementation of a custom Irrlicht model format, could be done in many sneaky ways so as to not require too much coding.

Just a few ideas, hopefully some of them will be appreciated :)

BTW: Thanks for a great engine :)