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Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:40 am
by sudi
Jepp thats what i thought,too. By the way there isn'T really anything u can't do without modifing the core engine because irrlicht is so extendable.

Yeah that is what i meant but using a bmp is in my opinion not worth it. because we can't save for exampel the distance modificator between the points.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:16 pm
by sudi
Update: Ok i worked a little bit more on the converter to cal3d and made a little demo application having the network engine integrated into the irrlicht event system.

But now i'm going on vacation for a week hope u guys keep this post up at the top and do some work too....see ya in week.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:50 pm
by omaremad
btw this might save you hard work sudi.

I found a custom cal3d exporter made for blender 2.42 and above

good luck :D

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:00 pm
by omaremad
WOW i just tested it and it works perfect! no deformations, normals correct way and everything.

One note though is never have any vert groups in the mesh that dont have a bone it crashes the script causing a "parsing error"

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:17 pm
by sudi
OK I'm back to this project.
Hey omaremad thanks for the link! Unfortunatly i don'T know how to use blender and i'm not really an artist genius so the only think of models will be boxes....
anyways the code is comming along great but i got one question.
I build an custom guielement for every menu thats showing up in the game the same with the scenenodes i got special scene nodes for everything execpt static this a good way to go for a tech demo? Ok it probably wouldn't be to hard to change it but this way it's way easier to deal with everything....I'm waiting for ur suggestions.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:06 am
by trunks14
well at least you have a robust desing here, i don't like to see these projects...'a better-than-halo FPS game' :P >_<

Anyway if you need some concept art or models i have two friends who would like to help.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:04 pm
by Yeurl
Hey Sudi,Happy to see you back ;)

My keyboard is ready to burn under the code ;)

By the way i have got a new idea for the game mecanic.
As we have deathmatch, capture the flag ... why don't we have a " capture the head"

Imagine a group a player with a sergent. The goal of the other(s) team(s) is to capture all sergent head of the other size and go back the capture to the base. If the head is captured back from his team, the sergent respawn, other the team lose.

What do you think of that ?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:15 pm
by sudi
nice to see some interest after such along time again....but i jsut had to finish some kind of game otherwise i would have gone crazy......
Anyways i think i just implemented a completly working network code...but i don't really know yet didn't test it....probably it will crash but if it works i'm pretty much done with the basics and i will have to complete the character controler....newton is the way i'm going with this so it should be done soon.
then i will have to add the action and fun stuff like shooting and using static objects after that i will need some artist who will make my models walk....hehe no seriously the goal for the beginning of next week or end of this is having a character walk on the network. everything else behind the scenes is already done and working.

PS: If someone wants to help coding tell me what u can do and i will try to find and area for u in the code.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:20 pm
by Anteater
I would like to help with this project, but I'm not sure how I could help.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:05 pm
by sudi
I know something.....make a simple patch for irrlicht 1.1 so it can load the irr files from the new IrrEdit....right now i'm replacing the some stuff in the file to load it....but a really bad problem with this is that the prgramm sometimes crahses when loading an irr file....
anyways like i said before only the gameplay is left to code....oh and some good news the network eventsystem worked perfectly so the character will probably be walking by tomorrow evening

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:20 pm
by sudi
OK i'm happy to show u my first release....


-basic movement
-network code
-newton physics

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:07 am
by Spintz

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:22 pm
by sudi
You are?hmmmm
I'm not....ok thats bad damn

Oh by the when that is fixed i'm at a point where i will need some art to make it nice to look at but i'm really bad in doing stuff like maybe someone of u (community) could help me out with maps or stuff like that.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:51 pm
by sudi
Ok i hope i fixed it....did like everything i could think off....

hmmm is someone willing to do some art stuff for the game? maybe levels? i got weapon and playermodels myself but no levels.

if u want to make some levels model all your stuff and than place it in irrEdit.

but u have to setup the correct paths for the level to work correctly.

in your irredit folder build a pacth: data/levels/"nameofyourmap"/"place all the models in here"

than make a new map in irredit and place the models than save the irr file in the levels folder. Now u can copy the irr file and the corresponding folder into the game derectory and add the game to the index.levels file. Test it and if it works send it in.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:36 pm
by sudi
Hmmm just found out that i din't fix so i took a look at the newton download page and found out that i was using a totaly outdated version now the game runs with newton 1.53 and it works perfect!

And i fixed this odd bug when a client connected to the server the app got unmovable cause to a call to a math function.....i replaced it with my own code now it works and i managed to double the FPS