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Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:04 am
by lostclimategames
if you need any help with any 2d art I might be able to help you a little when Im bored. So do you have it functioning over a network now? or is this just single computer tests?

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:07 pm
by Insomniacp
I dropped single computer testing, I will have to code it over the network in my house, I have a linux I will be bringing into my room so I can code both at the same time and do easy debugging. 2D art is being done by Kaisui once I get the dimensions and finish the gui. Anyway, time to eat some breakfast... now that it is 10 am :P

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:22 am
by sanctus2099
Well I could help you with some easy coding (stuff that is related more to the logisting and irrlicht) and most important with some 3d graphics :D
The only thing I request is you help me with my irrlicht problems (like tell me how to make a map editor with rise and lower features)

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:51 pm
by Insomniacp
hehe, that works for me. If you could sign up on the game's forums I will add you to the staff so you can see what exactly we need still. Contact me on an IM platform and I will help you out with whatever you need :). Or we can do PM's either works imo.
Link to Forums: ... /index.php

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:13 pm
by Insomniacp
Seamless map editor tools now work across maps, this makes the seamless maps even more seamless since they will be made side by side instead of separately. I will be doing automatic map saving later aswell as a teleporting function so after you get 5 maps in each direction done you won't have to spend the time moving between them you can just teleport to wherever you want. I will also be adding the brush adjustments during this time.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:55 am
by Insomniacp
Time to spread the word to those who don't check the game's forum...

We have set a date for an alpha test! It will take place on September 27th. This test will be done in the basement of my house using the linux server I have built and 8 computers, each computer will be played by someone at any given time which will let us test account creation, logging in, talking, and every feature we can get in between now and then. Though before the test I will ofcourse be testing the server and client code as it gets built. We will be sending the game and server to some people so they can test it on their own systems though it will require a linux and windows machine, server and client. Once we get a beta out I will port the client to linux aswell. So that being said if anyone wants to jump on board for graphics during the last month before our first release they are welcome to do so. All staff members will have access to the server and client during the alpha testing phase of the game. I still offer free web-hosting to staff members aswell.

On an unofficial note a full release of the game will be made by Christmas time, this would mean the game is online, tested and fully functional with a decent sized map.

For an update with things, the map editor now saves maps and loads them dynamically. buildings and foliage will be added in the very near future. Possibly tonight if I can get it all in before I have to sleep...

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:08 am
by Insomniacp
Registration is now done. Character creation page will be postponed for the alpha test since there will only be one model and one race. Client world building will be next, it will take the data from the server and build everything around the player, this will lead into player movement and chat across the network followed by attacking and then monster spawn and movement script. Hopefully this will all be done before the release at the end of the month. I will be posting test material here, the server (linux) and the client (windows for now). There is my update, hopefully we will have some in game screen shots soon ;).

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:24 am
by Insomniacp
a quick recode of the client is currently being undertaken. I planned it a little off hoping that i would be able to alter the environment in seperate threads but it did not like me so I recoded it so the main thread will now receive info from the other threads to handle the environment properly, the map system already used the method I am using so it wasn't something drastic. Anyway 1 week left before our alpha test which will require a bit of work on my end to get all the programming finished on time. We have one map square to test with. Back to programming though, more to come later. I want to get player movement done tonight...

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 5:52 am
by Insomniacp
Well, I am stopping just shy of movement... the map loads, I will load the character model right after, then the gui. after that comes movement with data transmissions between client and server. Also visible movement over multiple computers will be done tomorrow. Hopefully I will also get chatting implemented tomorrow aswell as attacking, other players only for now. I will add monsters sunday/monday probably. some screen shots will hopefully be posted tomorrow with multiple people playing.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:09 pm
by Insomniacp
Well it has been a while... almost too long I suppose but here is the current situation as I see it.

The issue:
We came across an issue with player movement over the network which caused a long stall. I then decided to wait for my brothers to learn up a bit on Irrlicht and Network programming so that they can join me with programming the game. So there was a large chunk of time where not much work got done on the game. I also got a job which takes up a good amount of time when combined with school.

The decision:
As my brothers learn how to program I will continue working on the game. I wrote up a fix for the movement issues over the network and will implement them client and server side this weekend which should finalize movement in the game.

The future:
After movement I will build the GUI interface and make it fully functional. After that (which will take some time most likely) I will do attacking killing jumping, flying, spawning and everything else to make a world functional.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:48 pm
by Intangir
I wish people would quit making WoW wannabes and other boring obsolete system games. It's like people can't think for themselves anymore.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:59 pm
by monkeycracks
I wish people would quit thinking that WoW was the first game to exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:30 am
by Intangir
monkeycracks wrote:I wish people would quit thinking that WoW was the first game to exist.
Oh I don't but that's what people tend to go from these days.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:45 am
by Insomniacp
The game will be much different and more in depth than wow. Unlike most current MMO games all you do is go around and kill things, party with people, and usually can make some items (WoW). We are planning on going much more in depth than this. One example of this is player towns and government. Players will be able to cut down trees, turn it into logs, and build a house or store out of it. Players can build anywhere allowing people to start their own stores where players tend to train making it a useful point for people that can change and grow. If enough players build around each other they can found a town which will allow for a government to form allowing them to control things around the area of the town such as having guards, a wall, some roads and things of the like. There will also be many other ways players control game play that I won't go into until they are on there way and more planned. So this system should not ever become "obsolete" since the players themselves can change the game environment.

Hope this shows that it is not just another wannabe game.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:30 am
by monkeycracks
You may want to put a few limitations on that (buildings have to be so close to a main plot for each potential town area) so the game doesn't become cluttered with random shops and buildings.