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Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:54 pm
by Repgahroll
I didn't check Qt forums, but tomorrow i'll reinstall everything because my Windows is messed up, and i hope a clean and updated Windows installation will make it work properly.

I'll wait for MSVC 2010... the trial period is 90 days for VC and 30 days for VA.

Thank you man!

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:37 pm
by Repgahroll
I used to compile Qt properly by disabling webkit support, i also installed the msvc plugin.

However, i found it very boring to work with... it is half-RAD... there's no such thing like click-and-code, i thought the GUI editor would be integrated in MSVC... but the only thing it does is to launch the QtDesigner when you click the ui file.

It's pretty bad to have to connect everything by hand, and VisualAssist isn't autocompleting Qt specific calls; dunno why because everything is linked; i could compile it well also...

The Windows GUI App Editor actually *is* a RAD, unfortunately it only works for Windows.

Of course Qt is powerful and easy (to understand, not to code imho), but i don't need such amount of features, wxWidgets does what i need flawlessly and easily (using wxsmith)... what else can i ask for?

And i think some people will develop a real RAD for Qt soon.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:37 am
by Sylence
Of course you can onnect signals and slots inside the designer without writing a line of code.

You open the signals and slots toolwindow, click + and then choose which signal of which object should be connected to which slot

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:39 pm
by Valmond
>Have you every tried Visual Assist? If you use it once every other IDE will feel "incomplete" (imho)

>'s probably the best add-on I saw for any IDE to date.

Can't agree more, cool others found out about this little jewel and I don't think the *2 dev speed is that over estimated (if at all).

As I'm a fan-boy (of VA), here are the ones I find most useful:

CTRL+g -> go to definition (in any source file)
Shift+Alt+o open any file (with "autocompletation")
Alt+o switch between .h and .cpp
Alf+F8 = reformat selected code (corrects indents...)
and the autocompletation that contrary to most other ones works like by magic (well, mostly instead of rarely at least).

Please tell if I have missed any :)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:43 am
by Repgahroll
Valmond wrote: CTRL+g -> go to definition (in any source file)
Shift+Alt+o open any file (with "autocompletation")
Alt+o switch between .h and .cpp
Alf+F8 = reformat selected code (corrects indents...)
and the autocompletation that contrary to most other ones works like by magic (well, mostly instead of rarely at least).

Please tell if I have missed any :)
NetBeans can do everything you listed :D, of course the autocompletion isn't that advanced, but some things are even better than VA, for example, if you type include and for some reason leave the <> empty, if you move the cursor over the empy <> NetBeans automagically launch the includes autocompletion popup. On VA you have to use the autocompletion shortcut :D of course this means nothing, VA is more advanced than NB completion, i'm not NB fanboy, but don't worth to buy MSVS IMHO because the gap between NB and VS isn't THAT big. (Is big but isn't THAAAT big)

And of course, NetBeans supports other languages that i use also, like Java, PHP, Python, Fortran, Ruby, Javascript and MySQL db.

MSVS has support for a lot of other languages that i don't care, because .NET platform IMHO is a gay javavm shameless fork that only aims to monopolize this kind of market, because of course, java is totally cross-platform and runs even on watches. And MS is totally against cross-platforming.

I hate such things because the last MS-based Smartphone my father had, was crashing at least once in a week, now he has a linux-based one and it never crashed :).

MS want to monopolize some markets that they doesn't have competency.

I'm happy because i'm not going to buy VS anymore. Honestly, all the MS products i bought disappointed me, my mouse can't hold click and scroll at same time, my keyboard produces noise like a 'made-in-china' one (next time i'll buy logitech) Zune crashed and drained all the battery when i was camping (when i most needed it, next time i'll buy apple or made-in-china); my granpas x360 had 3rl issue, and was imported, so there was no warranty (now he's happy with a PS3); my father's smartphone was crashing like a drunk pilotin an airplane; Windows XP becomes unstable through time and needs reinstall, and for some reason i can't upgrade to Vista(which is outdated) or something at least decent... BTW, i'm not going to buy any MS hardware again.

However, MSVS would worth the money, because i tried it and saw by myself. Luckly i discovered NetBeans which isn't as good as VS, but is good enough to save my pockets.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:39 am
by Brainsaw
@Repgahroll: I am not a big MS-fan, but some of the hardware I had from them (Joysticks, 1st generation natural keyboard) were really great imho. OK, currently I don't have any MS hardware (Thrustmaster Joystick, Logitech Keyboard), so this might have changed in the meantime. But: my smartphone with WindowsMobile is very reliable, never had a crash with it, whereas my Archos pma430 mp3/video player with a Linux version (with QTopia GUI) crashes every 4 to 5 times I try to program it's video recording function.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:41 am
by Sylence
Repgahroll wrote:MSVS has support for a lot of other languages that i don't care, because .NET platform IMHO is a gay javavm shameless fork [...]
One year ago I thought the same. Then I actually tried C# and felt in love with it ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:18 pm
by Repgahroll
Brainsaw wrote:@Repgahroll: I am not a big MS-fan, but some of the hardware I had from them (Joysticks, 1st generation natural keyboard) were really great imho. OK, currently I don't have any MS hardware (Thrustmaster Joystick, Logitech Keyboard), so this might have changed in the meantime. But: my smartphone with WindowsMobile is very reliable, never had a crash with it, whereas my Archos pma430 mp3/video player with a Linux version (with QTopia GUI) crashes every 4 to 5 times I try to program it's video recording function.
Ok man... i'm not telling that every new MS hardware is poop, Xbox for example was a pretty well made videogame, however it had almost no piracy protection (as 360), and became outdated very fast. I know MS has some nice hardware, but i'm not going to buy 'cause i'm not a fool, as long as i have other options (Google is another monopoly, i know, but their products are amazing, Apple also has some amazing products).

Also, it's not fair to compare "Archos" (never heard before) with those big companies, the problem is some small companies think that Linux means totally or almost free software costs, while sometimes Linux can even be more expensive than Windows, companies that take it seriously and don't want to lower the costs to the limit, always get a pretty nice rock-solid gear.

I personally love the Maemo platform, Android is good, but it's very hard to port things to it, Maemo is almost "just Linux". Other proprietary restrictive OSs simply sucks IMHO.

I'm not a opensource activist or something, i just think some licences are very very restrictive, did you ever saw how hard is to simply install a new theme on Windows XP/Vista? - This is the problem! Every iPhone is the same, every Windows-based gear is the same, no matter how "ultimate hacker" the guy is, as long as he doesn't uninstall all this heck and install Linux/Other, he will not be able to customize 'his' software.
Sylence wrote:
Repgahroll wrote:MSVS has support for a lot of other languages that i don't care, because .NET platform IMHO is a gay javavm shameless fork [...]
One year ago I thought the same. Then I actually tried C# and felt in love with it ;)
I will not even try such language while Java does everything that i want (actually I tried asp and IMHO is sucks, PHP is far better) and i owe all my money to Linux, and .NET will never run okay under Linux. Where would be my gratitude if begin to use .net? BTW... i never found any site using silverlight. Who knows if the platform is really secure? I would not access a bank that uses such technologies (.net), i think at least half-world share the same opinion, that's why every bank i know uses java :).

Actually, the only MS product that i think really worth is MSVS :D and i will not buy it! huahauhauhau.
Of course Windows worth because of games, otherwise a pile of dog's poo would be better IMHO. Even some softwares that was native on Windows platform now runs very choppy on it, a good example is ugs nx, the first versions was windows-only (i think), now the latest version runs much better under Linux (if you have a workstation or ati card, because the latest nvidia standard drivers for linux sucks).

Also, Windows is cheap, otherwise Mac would be the most used OS on offices.

Of course, all that i posted is just MHO. I don't mean to be rude.

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:33 pm
by sRc
.NET runs fair on Linux using Mono. everything I've written with it runs well, except for my XNA project (because the XNA specific stuff isnt supported in Mono).

Microsoft's new dedication to getting Silverlight running on Moblin should help it out a fair amount

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:04 pm
by Repgahroll
Mono always will be one (or more) step(s) behind .NET...

BTW... Visual Studio is not showing the errors while typing; for example, if i forgot an operator it doesn't mark the error :(. And i could not find the option... MSVS is good but definitively is very hard to setup properly. The options aren't organized.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:36 am
by Brainsaw
@Repgahroll: Archos is not that small, they sell quite a lot of mp3/media players. I really love the PMA, it just crashes from time to time, but apart from that it's great (of course Archos is not Apple or Microsoft). I am not an opensource activist either (not really), but I nevertheless love using free and open software.

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:05 pm
by Repgahroll
At least in my country, Archos is very unknown. Isn't there any firmware update that doesn't crash? If Archos is that big, they should support their products very well.

In fact, i don't even agree with most opensource philosophies, i just think it's too fanatism, in future maybe would be understandable, but nowadays you just can't ignore every non-totally-free software, for example.

I don't like to use opensource also, it's very painful... hardware support isn't that good, professional software either, anyway, you learn a LOT using opensource, it's a good thing. However isn't comfortable, a nice and comfortable system that has good hardware support and nice pro apps is Mac OS... you know, maybe it's just me but i think Windows more painful than GNU/Linux nowadays, but i'm biased because i'm used to it.

A good philosophy that works today is the Ubuntu one... "just take the best free apps all over the world and put them together" - That's something that works today!

You know, talking about simpler apps, the opensource ones are better, (not only imho) and i don't have any doubt that in a not-so-far future even the most complicated ones will be better that the proprietary ones, because the development speed is much faster.
Of course some apps produces huge amounts if income, and a part of it is used to improve the same app, so it's like a vicious cycle, a good example is Maya... Blender has an euphoric development, however, Maya has an extremely huge amount of investment, so the development is also very fast. Lately Blender development is clearly faster than any other 3D suite, but the gap isn't that big, so i think would take something like 10 years for Blender to overpass Maya's capabilities (if everything stays as is).

BTW: I'm not using MSVS because I just can't configure the code correction while typing. This is one of the most important features to me!
I'm using NetBeans but i want to use VS because the VA trial period will expire! :(.
It's simply impossible to find the option and not even googling it i could find the answer! :(. Man! The interface is a mess! This should be something easy to find...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:47 am
by hopcarl85
For me you get a much better compiler, more stable CRT and a lot of whistles and bells with the IDE that I've grown accustomed to. Having upgraded several projects (one that was massive), the VC6 to VC7 transition is fairly painless. Going from VC7 to VC8 is a little trickier until you understand what warnings to turn off.


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:57 pm
by kaos
I use mvsc++ 8 express edition sp2(the best) for to program ant them I compile width code blocks or visual.

autocompletion of codeblocks is very bad, wxdev is better for autocompletion. And not this one obsolete.

The problem of express edition(I think) is that you need the runtime library for execute programs of express edition(blender is a example). I prefer mingw.

pd: if I want compile irrlicht width directx,mingw and code:block I need directx dev pack, so wxdev and code:block are the same Lil Margin ???

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:48 pm
by Sylence
kaos wrote:The problem of express edition(I think) is that you need the runtime library for execute programs of express edition(blender is a example). I prefer mingw.
Only by default. You can change this in the project settings and link everything static. This is why mingw binaries are (by default) bigger than msvc binaries. The mingw ones have the runtime linked static while the mscv ones link them dynamic.