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Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:02 pm
by codechief
Name: codechief
Age: > 34 (I've stopped counting)
Location: Canada
Languages: many
Proficiency: none
Sense of humour: dry (which means I do not laugh at my own jokes...and yes that's strange if not funny)

keep smilin'...



Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:13 pm
by dbugger
name: david luotonen
age: 21
location: jönköping, sweden
languages: c++, c, qbasic, javascript, lua,, ... haven't found any languages hard to learn yet.. wrote my own with compiler + virtual mashine as well
occupation: currently a student...
interests: pro-gaming (visit #HE at quakenet): warcraft3, starcraft and counter-strike.. programming in all forms too :D
previous work: a couple of 3d-engines (more like scene-graphs actually), a compressionutility, a compiler + virtual mashine, no finished games yet but soon one that im writing for school in ive written some fragment and vertex programs for saabs scenegraph gizmo3d as well.

gl hf in the future, i'll stick around and perhabs contribute to irrlicht some day :)

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 10:41 pm
by kakTuZ
Greeting to Everybody
My name is Maximilian Müller.
I'm 20 jears old and was born and am still living in Hannover, Germany.
And because it is so a beautyfull city I'm now student of Computer Science at the University of Hannover ( 2. Semester).
I started programming four jears ago with C++ and I stayd there. After Displaying some Textures with Canvas of the Borland C++ Builder for a Tetris Clone i changed to MSVC++ and tried DirectX. Then I changed to OpenGL. I thing OpenGL is a bit easyer to understand for me.
Actually im involved in two projects:
--Wings of Change-- a Raptor Clone (
--The Silmarillion Tales-- a MORPG in the LotR Universe using the Irrlicht Engine (

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 6:09 pm
by warui
This thread looks lika a good place to say "Hi!" to all of you :)

name: Tomasz Nowakowski
age: 24
location: Lodz, Poland
languages: polish, english, japanese... ok, ok, i know ;), it was supposed to be programming languages:
C/C++, Java, PHP

I'm programmin almost as long as i have computer, that means over 12 years now. Currently I'm more into game design, than programming, but since me team lacks good coders, i have to do the job :)

BTW thanks Niko for a good job. Keep on doin' it 8)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 1:25 pm
by joy
name: Mira
age: 24
gender: new species ->female
programming: this is my forth year but actually I wasn't programming two years between and started C++ now. Before I learned a little bit Java
and some script languages
location: South Germany

I haven't done this kind of programming ever. the whole game programming or programming based on engines is new for me. Usability is more what I do and like to do. But this engine seems to be a very good project although I try programming stuff too which the engine is not made for (like 3D UserInterfaces)


Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 8:58 am
by LordNaikon
gender: new species ->female
ohh no we have an unknown species among us! :p

name :Dustin
age: 18
Location: Germany, Berlin
languages: german, english(only with lots of bugs), C/C++, JAVA,(Q)Basic,asm

i don't know when i starting programming. i only know that it was a creeping procedure up to now.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:24 pm
by afecelis
interesting forum

Name: Alvaro F. Celis
Location: Bucaramanga, Colombia, South America
Age: 32 _ semi_dinosaur
Occupation: Architect
Marital Status: Married
Kids: no kids, two dogs, kira and leehlooh, a beagle and a schnauzer respectively
Enjoys: a walk by the beach, and a romantic think I'm serious? I love electronic music, fps, fraggin' some ass in unreal-quake, level editing, working like a mule, having some drinks out with my wife, helping people, putting up computers, destroying computers, hardware, cool video cards, xbox, Industrial metal, Dragon Ball Z, architecture, pubs, safe sex, mexican food.....
Languages: what is that? well, like some 20 years ago my dad was programming in assembler and he tried to get me into it with a language called "pilot" in his Atari 800. It never got to me. Then I tried basic, and then no more. Too bad since I see all you guys had programming instead of bottles!!! Trying to learn Visual C++ now with a lot of pain and headaches!!
I'd better say engines: Quake 1,2,3, Unreal, AMP2, Ca3de, 3dgamestudio, Torque, Cipher (couldn't do sh..t with it since it's for programmers), PowerRender (programmers), DarkBasicPro, (couldn't learn it either), Genesis3d, RealityFactory, oh well.
But I'm very excited with Irrlicht. for the first time ever I understand what I'm doing.

ok, I laready confessed myself.

cheers to everyone at the Irrlicht community

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:02 pm
by Guest
Name: Jeff Houck
Location: Idaho, USA
Age: (Pick a number between 30 and 50) :wink:
Occupation: SysAdmin, Freelance Programmer
Marital: Married, no kids, one mother-in-law (in residence)
Profile: I've been programming for a lot of years, on a number of systems, main frames, minis and micros. I'm experienced in several scripting languages, C, C++, and assembler. I've always made more money for "the other guy" than I did for myself so I decided to publish a game and see if I can do well in the market.
I researched a LOT of open source engines along with some commercial ones and have decided that Irrlicht has the features I want for my project. It appears to be well designed, thought out and extensible. We'll give it a go!
So, cheers to the Irrlicht community and I'll seeing ya in the forums!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 12:03 pm
by Manakel
Name: Woody G.
Job: Automobile Software Project Leader
Location: france
Languages: Java/C++ and most scripts languages
Works done: nothing private yet ,always hired job for Defense or Companies

Current Project: Multiplayer Medieval Fighting Game

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:21 am
by Guest
Name: Naim Kingston (in case you were wondering, the first name is persian. I'm half persian, half aussie. :D)
Age: 19
Languages: pretty basic VB since I was 15-16, now, done Java in basic web applets (EVIL!!!!), but mostly C since I started uni 1 1/2 years ago, and now I'm learning C++ on the fly, while programming with irrlicht.
Location: Australia!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:23 am
by Endar
Above message was me.
I just realised that I wasn't logged in. :D

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 7:34 am
by bal
Name: Matthias Bal
Age: 14
Job: Student
Location: Belgium
Languages: 11-12 HTML, 13-14 VB6 and VB.NET (except the OO-part :wink:) and now since a few weeks C++ while discovering the Irrlicht engine :), good tuts are always welcome :)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:00 am
by Kaeles
Name: Ben Van Treese
Age : 19
location: LAWTON,OKLAHOMA,USA.... i hate it here :(
ehhh, i know some php,sql,xml,java,perl,and c++
im newest to c++
mostly just playing around, but i really became interested when i found irrlicht and its helped me to better myself in c++ just cause i have a real reason to learn now :-P
though its making me insane.....
when im not programming im listening to musik,
i love my musik mmm mmm
bands to check out are "element of surprise", "depswa" and of course my band!!!! "INEPT"
check out our stuff on and vote :-D or check out our website at hehehe i know funny site, but youll remeber it heh?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:55 pm
by Felipe
Name: Felipe
Age: 18
Location: RJ, RJ, Brazil
Languages: Portuguese/Spansh/English and computer-related: C/C++, Visual/Quick/DarkBasic, Euphoria, some php, html (does that count?), AI-C, and BF for some mad reason.

I was using DarkBasic for making my games. Until one day while working on it, the PC rebooted without warning and nothing DB-related has ever worked again. Since I knew how to program in C, I searched the net for an engine and found Irrlicht. After 3/4 weeks, I already like it more than DBP.

I am studying computer science now, but I started coding when I was 12 in QB. Actually it was before that, but I guess BAT files don't count as programming.

My current project is AI-C, a version of C geared towards game AI. It can also be used for game modding like Unreal Script. Another project I'm working on, doesn't have a name, is a game that's also a test for AI-C. The idea of the game is to program your own robots and watch them fight.
Oops, got carried away, long post. sorry. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:11 pm
by Mazer
Name Nikolaos Coutsos (my first name means 'Victory of the People' :D )
Age 17.98 years olo. Unfortunately I only started programming at 14 or so, and it was a very crappy language.
Location Ontario, Canada
Interests Figuring out how to use Linux, making my Linux desktop sexier, programming/reading about programming, watching anime. <-- I'm a geek.

I started 'programming' when I was a kid on my big brother's C64, writing programs like

Code: Select all

10 PRINT "I'm so cool"
20 goto 10
When I was 14 I had the opportunity to take a computer science course at my highschool. Unfortunately it sucked and the language we learned was Turing (A garbage simple language for teaching people who mostly have no idea why they took a computer science course). This past year we got a new computer science teacher who taught us C++. Yay! I learned a bit of OpenGL and decided I didn't want to worry about writing my own engine and would rather focus on amazing gameplay.

I'm currently trying to start my project, Evasive Maneuvers 2. This would be the sequel to the game I made in Turing for a school project and for the amusement of myself and my friends during lunch at school.