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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:21 am
by Valnarus
<gasp in utter amazement> It compiled...

For anyone that cares, to compile the VS project in VS 8 save yourself some time and create a new project and set it up yourself. Don't try to convert from the project file on the CVS server because it WILL cause linker issues.

Now I can get started on actually being of use to this project...

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:17 am
by coolsummer

is there any site where i can see the actual status of the project and where i can see who is working on what features?


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:17 pm
by Valnarus
You can get the status from

I don't know where a list of who is working on what can be found though.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:17 am
by austcro
Valnarus wrote:Hey austcro, am I supposed to be able to compile this source that comes with the Irrlicht download or is there another place I can download the most recent stuff? Or is it not capable of compiling yet in the first place?

Also, which IDE are you using to write your code?
Phew, finally got back here. I've been really busy with other stuff :roll:

Uhmm, I s'pose so. Are you doin' this in .NET 2.0 or .NET 1.1 :?

I'm using .NET 1.1 with VS2003. I was also going to do a port to .NET 2.0 as well at after finishing off the .NET 1.1 port but that's way down on the TODO list.

Questions regarding status: about 65%. I have a sourceforge site to host this stuff on but I'm a woeful web developer :( so that stuff will go kinda slow. I have it on good authority that the_bob is excellent with this sort of thing :wink:

The address of the site is I'll upload some code very soon.

Thanks for contributing valnarus. I've yet to download but I'll have a look now.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:42 pm
by coolsummer

thanks for your answers.
about 65%. I have a sourceforge site to host this stuff on but I'm a woeful web developer so that stuff will go kinda slow. I have it on good authority that the_bob is excellent with this sort of thing

The address of the site is I'll upload some code very soon

This is what i wanted to know :D


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:34 pm
by the_bob
austcro wrote:I have it on good authority that the_bob is excellent with this sort of thing
Huh? That's not the way I remember it... :roll:
the_bob wrote:Also, I'm no whiz with HTML, etc. But, if you are still looking for help with that I'd be willing to pitch in when / where ever I can.
There, that's more like it... :wink:

Seriously, though. I am completely green to the world of sourceforge. In fact, I just signed up for an account today. I'm not sure if there's anything special about building a site on sourceforge. From what I can see so far, you'd have to add me as a member of the project.

Beyond that, I'd be happy to hack out something for a basic initial site. Something with a few links (to the wiki's .net area, the original irrlicht site, etc.) and perhaps a few images to pretty things up. :)

Let me know if you might be looking for anything special.

EDIT: I just found the IrrlichtSharp project page here!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:14 pm
by Braneloc
.Net 1.1 ????

I am a little disturbed by the creation of a new project in 1.1, and would strongly recommend moving to 2.0 (express if needed) as soon as possible. There are so many useful things not available in 1.1...

I might be interested in helping out on certain things with 2.0, but I don't even have the old versions of visual studio installed any more, and like C++, I really don't want to be going back to 1.1

As to the irrsharp webpages.. souceforge has lots of nice features, get the wiki and bbs running first, the rest should be relatively easy even if souceforge doesn't use aspx 2.0... lol. Documentation is key with this kind of stuff - don't fall into the traps others do. Don't forget what happened to Axiom.

...also, keep the CVS active, and good luck !!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:47 pm
by Valnarus
Okay that's one thing that confuses me about .NET... I don't know how to tell which one I'm compiling in but it's probably 1.1. I agree with Braneloc though we should make this all 2.0 instead of 1.1.

I can get it to compile now and I was linking to the dll and everything was running great but now it's causing the test program to crash due to an out of memory error. I'll have to look into that tonight and see if I can't solve that problem.

EDIT: Apparently it runs fine when I run the compiled exe from Windows Explorer so something is screwy with SharpDevelop 2.0.

I need to make an account on sourceforge but I'd be willing to help with the HTML side of things too. I'm rusty but I can pick it up and learn it all again real fast.

EDIT: Oh, apparently I already signed up for sourceforge last august :)
Username is valnarus if you don't mind adding me to the project.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:03 pm
Yeah (without havin read all posts) a pure NET port would be great, once you learn NET you'll never go back. It feels like stepping from procedural C to object-orienten C++, great work MS (though a lot is stolen from java ;) ).

The only danger I see is: Rewriting an Irrlicht feature makes it neccessary to rewrite it Irrlicht.NET too, in order to make both version quite equal.

Lots of thanks to the people that are actually working on that.


Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:20 am
by GuruMeditation
Big thumbs up to the people working on this, and those porting tutorials over to .Net :D Working lovely in VS2005.

Keep up the good work :)

*throws the developers a bag of summary and param tags, and pats them on the head*

glad to see you guys have a project up on SF...

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:45 am
by buhatkj
but now to business!!! lets get thsat code up in the CVS :-)
hehe sorry, I'm just eager to see it ;-)

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:07 am
by coolsummer

i can help you, but i donĀ“t know what still is todo ...
would be great if there would be a todo-list and cvs


Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:49 am
by Zitzu
I would like to help too. Even if I still don't know how. my username on Sourceforge is Zitzu.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:20 pm
by austcro
Whoa, that's more like it.

I seriously didn't expect this to capture so much interest :!:
Ok here goes,

Valnarus, Braneloc: I totally agree with you both. IrrlichtSharp should be a .NET 2.0 engine. However, where I work we are still using .NET 1.1. :shock: Yeh, it feels like the dark ages but you cannot imagine the red tape we have to go through to get new(er) software. I have an application that I'm extending that is written completely in .NET 1.1, so my idea was to get this engine running in .NET 1.1 to meet the requirements. Some guys I work with are still coding in vb6. Apparently they can't figure out what all the fuss is about with .NET, so they just cover their ears. (Laa, Laa, Laa)

Added to this we are using several third party controls that are written in .NET 1.1. I have already tried using these controls with .NET 2.0 and they broke. I had thoughts on just getting the engine up and running properly with the opengl driver and then see what happens seeing that I'm more comfortable with opengl. However, if there is a bigger push to get this going in .NET 2.0 then I'm all for getting that going asap.

valnarus: did you try the express version of c#?

Anyone know if Tao is running ok with .NET 2.0 ?

the_bob: I was asking the same questions. I work with a guy who is involved with GAIM on sourceforge. I'll pick his brain tomorrow. Another friend of mine is an excellent graphic designer. I will try and get him on board. Unfortunately he is working in the UK so this might take some time.
Anyway, got your email. Thanks.

To summarise: This is going a bit slower than I would like to admit due to other things I am doing at the moment. I sorta got snowballed. However, I will have heaps of time very soon. Hopefully, there should be plenty of time to release something that works well. I will start back at it this w/e so expect that CVS upload shortly.



Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:17 pm
by the_bob
Not sure about Tao on .NET 2.0, but the SDL.NET & ODE.NET (related to Tao, but somehow not quite the same) guys seem to be working on building their stuff on .NET 2.0.

One of the issues I have with SDL is that it seems to only run on OpenGL. Which brings up another topic. Since it looks like we're heading for the .NET 2.0 framework, what are the plans for DirectX? I assume, we'll be planning to use the managed assemblies (much cleaner than unmanaged! :D ).

Also, if they keep up their standard pace, I would expect another DX9 release this month, but we'll have to see if it includes a non-beta .NET 2.0 assemblies. According to this guy, the debugging works much better with the new .NET 2.0 aseemblies.

One last thing, I had a little fun with blender & gimp last night and today at lunch. Here's the result:Image