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Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:38 pm
by dawasw
@ SenVa

I would appreciate if the most weapons would be LOTR based and like WoW type. Just World of Warcraft weapons and items are the best example of that what would be very nice. It is because they have a lot of details for example Colours - which is a small but important detail as for me :D

Thank you very much for such kind words. As about rotating - it is unfortunately not camera rotating but player only so it is not as perfect as it should be. :D

Thanks again,

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:52 pm
by SenVa
I’m sorry for taking so long. Things came up and I lost my power... I also didn’t as many weapons as I hoped to.

Updated swords list and many new weapons

++++Multi Sided++++

Weapon name: Brown Hunter's knife
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 12 - 60
Weapon's characteristics: A simple knife.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

++++Light Side++++

Weapon name: Blue Blade of Bywater
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 10 - 55
Weapon's characteristics: A simple knife from the village of Bywater.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Red Hobbit Sword
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 25 - 60
Weapon's characteristics: A basic Weapon and tool for hobbits.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Blue Elven Side Arm
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 82
Weapon's characteristics: A light wight elven side arm.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Hobbit Blade of Agility
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 80 - 117
Weapon's characteristics: A powerful poisonuos knife
Weapon's abilities: Poison dmg; +3 Agility

++++Dark Side++++

Weapon name: Uruk-hai Meat Slicer
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 25 - 60
Weapon's characteristics: A unique hand crafted knife.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Brown Haradrim Knife
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 82
Weapon's characteristics: A light wight elven side arm.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Black Spectre's Knife
Weapon class: knife
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 80 - 117
Weapon's characteristics: A magical knife that causes life drain.
Weapon's abilities: Poison dmg

++++Multi Sided++++

Weapon name: Blue Shortsword
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 17 - 68
Weapon's characteristics: A simple sword.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Black Longsword
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 25 - 72
Weapon's characteristics: A simple Longsword.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Red Runic Sword of Health
Weapon class: Sword
Weapons damage: 62 - 101
Weapon type: Magic
Weapon's characteristics: An old sword that adds health to its possessor.
Weapon's abilities: +25 hit points

Weapon name: Fiery Long Sword (Red)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 90-135
Weapon's characteristics: a sword that causes fire dmg
Weapon's abilities: Fire dmg

Weapon name: Ice Sword of the Mountains of Lune (Blue)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 95-117
Weapon's characteristics: A sword from the Mountains of Lune mountain that causes cold dmg
Weapon's abilities: Cold Dmg

Weapon name: Golden blade of defense
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 97-120
Weapon's characteristics: An old blade that grants 15 armor to its user.
Weapon's abilities: +15 Armor

Weapon name: Poison Blade of Mirkwood (Green)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 97-120
Weapon's characteristics: A sword from mirkwood that causes poison dmg
Weapon's abilities: poison dmg

Weapon name: Ice Sword of Everwhite (Blue)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 210 - 250
Weapon's characteristics: A sword from the Everwhite mountain that causes cold dmg
Weapon's abilities: Cold Dmg

Weapon name: Poison Blade of Fangorn (Green)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 210 - 250
Weapon's characteristics: A sword from Fangorn that causes poison dmg
Weapon's abilities: poison dmg

Weapon name: Fiery Blade of Moria (Red)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 250 - 293
Weapon's characteristics: A sword from Moria that causes Fire dmg
Weapon's abilities: Fire dmg

++++Light Side++++

Weapon name: Blade of the Dwarves
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 17 - 68
Weapon's characteristics: A dwarven sword, it must be useless
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Gondor Sword (Gray)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 25 - 72
Weapon's characteristics: Standered Sword of a Gondor Soldier
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Eleven Orc Slaying Sword (Blue)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapons damage: 62 - 101
Weapon type: Magic
Weapon's characteristics: An old Orc slaying sword made by the elves
Weapon's abilities: +10% dmg vs. Orcs

Weapon name: Númenórean Sword of Endurance (Green)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 90-117
Weapon's characteristics: Stander Sword of a Gondor Soldier
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Sword of Arveleg II (Golden)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 97-120
Weapon's characteristics: The Sword of the Twelfth king of Arthedain
Weapon's abilities: +15 Health

Weapon name: Aldrileneian's Blade (Golden)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 210 - 250
Weapon's characteristics: An Eleven Blade from the 2nd Age
Weapon's abilities: +15% damage vs. Spectre

Weapon name: The Sword of Elendil (Black)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 470 - 700
Weapon's characteristics: The Sword that cut the Ring from The Darklords hand.
Weapon's abilities: +15% damage vs. Spectre and Orc

++++Dark Side++++

Weapon name: Brown Haradrim Blade
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 25 - 72
Weapon's characteristics: Standered Sword of a Haradrim Warrior
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Green Orc Elf Slaying Sword
Weapon class: Sword
Weapons damage: 62 - 101
Weapon type: Magic
Weapon's characteristics: An old Orc slaying sword made by the elves
Weapon's abilities: +10% dmg vs. Elf

Weapon name: Uruk Sword of Strength (Red)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 90-117
Weapon's characteristics: A sword for elite warriors.
Weapon's abilities: +3 Strength

Weapon name: Blade of Grendith (Green)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 97-120
Weapon's characteristics: The sword of a great Orc War Lord
Weapon's abilities: +5 Agility

Weapon name: Orc Sword of Dwarf Slaying (Brown)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 210 - 250
Weapon's characteristics: A sword used to hunt and kill dwarfs
Weapon's abilities: +15% damage vs. Dwarfs

Weapon name: The Witch King’s Blade (Black)
Weapon class: Sword
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 470 - 700
Weapon's characteristics: The Sword that was used by the king of the ring wraiths
Weapon's abilities: +15% damage vs. Human and Elf

++++Multi Sided++++

Weapon name: Brown Wooden Bow
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 27 - 56
Weapon's characteristics: Simple Wood Bow.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Green Longbow
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 32 - 65
Weapon's characteristics: Simple Longbow.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Red Hunter's Cross Bow
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 54 - 90
Weapon's characteristics: Advanced Bow.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Wizzard's Bow of Endurance
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 85
Weapon's characteristics: Advanced Bow.
Weapon's abilities: +3 Endurance

Weapon name: Enchanted bow of Metaphysics
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 85 - 100
Weapon's characteristics: Advanced Bow.
Weapon's abilities: +4 Metaphysics

Weapon name: Runic Crossbow of Metaphysics
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 90 - 115
Weapon's characteristics: An old Runic bow.
Weapon's abilities: +5 Metaphysics

Weapon name: Green CrossBow of Endurance
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 90 - 115
Weapon's characteristics: An old Runic bow.
Weapon's abilities: +4 Endurance

Weapon name: Blue Longbow of Agility
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 107 - 120
Weapon's characteristics: A powerful longbow.
Weapon's abilities: +4 Agility

++++Light Side++++

Weapon name: Shire Bow
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 95
Weapon's characteristics: A small bow from the shire.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Elven Longbow
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: elitecraft
Weapons damage: 120 - 155
Weapon's characteristics: A well crafted Elven longbow.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Red bow of Glorfindel
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: legendary
Weapons damage: 160 - 207
Weapon's characteristics: The bow that was once weld by Glorfindel the elf.
Weapon's abilities: +6 Agility

Weapon name: Blue Dwarven Longbow of Metaphysics
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 215 - 254
Weapon's characteristics: An advanced bow made by the dwarves.
Weapon's abilities: +5 Metaphysics

Weapon name: Legolos's Longbow of Intelligence
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 412 - 515
Weapon's characteristics: This bow was given to you. Use it Well.
Weapon's abilities: +8 Intelligence

++++Dark Side++++

Weapon name: Bow of Isengard
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: Magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 95
Weapon's characteristics: A small bow from the white hand.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Mordor's Longbow
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: elitecraft
Weapons damage: 120 - 155
Weapon's characteristics: A massed produced weapon.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Red Crossbow of Isengard
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: legendary
Weapons damage: 160 - 207
Weapon's characteristics: The well crafted crossbow from the once powerful isengard.
Weapon's abilities: +6 Strength

Weapon name: Blue Crossbow of Metaphysics
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 215 - 254
Weapon's characteristics: The well crafted crossbow from Mordor.
Weapon's abilities: +5 Metaphysics

Weapon name: Grendrid's Longbow of Intelligence
Weapon class: bow
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 412 - 515
Weapon's characteristics: This bow can from the Haradrim. It will serve you well.
Weapon's abilities: +8 Intelligence

++++Multi Sided++++

Weapon name: Green Lumber Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 15 - 45
Weapon's characteristics: Basic Wood Cutting Axe
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Blue Battle Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 45 - 90
Weapon's characteristics: Basic Battle Axe
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Red Runic Battle Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 95
Weapon's characteristics: An old Battle Axe
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Black Ice Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 95
Weapon's characteristics: An Axe that causes Ice Dmg
Weapon's abilities: Ice Dmg

Weapon name: Brown Fiery Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 75 - 113
Weapon's characteristics: An Axe that causes Fire Dmg
Weapon's abilities: Fire Dmg

Weapon name: Blue Double Sided Axe of Strength
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: Unique
Weapons damage: 90 - 120
Weapon's characteristics: A Powerful axe
Weapon's abilities: +3 Strength

++++Light Side++++

Weapon name: Green Dwarven Axe of Endurance
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: elitecraf
Weapons damage: 120 - 155
Weapon's characteristics: A Dwarven made axe.
Weapon's abilities: +4 Endurance

Weapon name: Green Dwarven Axe of Metaphysics
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: elitecraf
Weapons damage: 155 - 170
Weapon's characteristics: A Dwarven made axe.
Weapon's abilities: +5 Metaphysics

Weapon name: Gloin's Battle Axe of Strength
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 210 - 265
Weapon's characteristics: An axe from the once powerful Gloin.
Weapon's abilities: +6 Strength

Weapon name: The Axe of Girion the Last King of Dale
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 315 - 650
Weapon's characteristics: A mighty gift from the people of lake town.
Weapon's abilities: +9 Endurance

++++Dark Side++++

Weapon name: Green Haradrim Axe of Endurance
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: elitecraf
Weapons damage: 120 - 155
Weapon's characteristics: An axe made by a Haradrim warrior.
Weapon's abilities: +4 Endurance

Weapon name: Red Heavy Uruk-ha Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: elitecraf
Weapons damage: 155 - 170
Weapon's characteristics: A massed produced Uruk weapon.
Weapon's abilities: +5 Metaphysics

Weapon name: Black Spider Axe
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 210 - 265
Weapon's characteristics: An axe that is used to kill giant spiders.
Weapon's abilities: +6 Strength

Weapon name: The Axe Hirdrille
Weapon class: axe
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 315 - 650
Weapon's characteristics: The Axe that killed Ciryandil.
Weapon's abilities: +9 Endurance

++++Multi Sided++++

Weapon name: Hunter's Spear
Weapon class: spear
Weapon type: normal
Weapons damage: 25 - 60
Weapon's characteristics: A simple spear used by hunters and trappers.
Weapon's abilities: N/A

Weapon name: Hunter's Spear of Poison
Weapon class: spear
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 60 - 97
Weapon's characteristics: A poisoned spear used by hunters and trappers.
Weapon's abilities: Poison Dmg

++++Light Side++++

Weapon name: Icey Spear of Lothlorien
Weapon class: spear
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 65 - 109
Weapon's characteristics: A icey spear made by the elves of Lothlorien.
Weapon's abilities: Cold Dmg

++++Dark Side++++

Weapon name: Fiery Spear of Moria
Weapon class: spear
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 75 - 115
Weapon's characteristics: A fiery spear used by goblin elementalist.
Weapon's abilities: Fire Dmg

++++Multi Sided++++

Weapon name: Green Poison Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 62 - 87
Weapon's characteristics: A basic staff.
Weapon's abilities: Poison Dmg

Weapon name: Blue Ice Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 65 - 89
Weapon's characteristics: A basic staff.
Weapon's abilities: Ice Dmg

Weapon name: Red Fire Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: magic
Weapons damage: 70 - 90
Weapon's characteristics: A basic staff.
Weapon's abilities: Fire Dmg

Weapon name: Brown adapt's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 90 - 107
Weapon's characteristics: An adapt wizzard's staff.
Weapon's abilities: +1 Intelligence

Weapon name: Brown Wizzard's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: unique
Weapons damage: 112 - 120
Weapon's characteristics: A true wizzard's staff.
Weapon's abilities: +2 Intelligence

Weapon name: Gray adapt's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: elitecraft
Weapons damage: 120 - 145
Weapon's characteristics: An adapt wizzard's staff.
Weapon's abilities: +2 Intelligence / Metaphysics

Weapon name: Gray Wizzard's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: elitecraft
Weapons damage: 150 - 170
Weapon's characteristics: A true wizzard's staff.
Weapon's abilities: +3 Intelligence / Metaphysics

++++Light Side++++

Weapon name: White adapt's Staff of Inte
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: legendary
Weapons damage: 175 - 205
Weapon's characteristics: A powerful staff.
Weapon's abilities: Ice Dmg +4 Intelligence / Metaphysics / Endurance

Weapon name: White Wizzard's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 215 - 263
Weapon's characteristics: An Advanced wizzard's staff
Weapon's abilities: Ice Dmg +5 Intelligence / Metaphysics / Endurance

Weapon name: Staff of Radagast
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 325 - 557
Weapon's characteristics: The staff of a druid wizzard
Weapon's abilities: Ice Dmg +7 Intelligence / Metaphysics / Endurance

++++Dark Side++++

Weapon name: Black adapt's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: legendary
Weapons damage: 175 - 205
Weapon's characteristics: A powerful staff.
Weapon's abilities: Fire Dmg +4 Intelligence / Metaphysics / Endurance

Weapon name: Black Wizzard's Staff
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: ancient
Weapons damage: 215 - 263
Weapon's characteristics: An Advanced wizzard's staff.
Weapon's abilities: Fire Dmg +5 Intelligence / Metaphysics / Endurance

Weapon name: Staff of Saruman
Weapon class: staff
Weapon type: valar's craft
Weapons damage: 325 - 557
Weapon's characteristics: The Staff of the wizzard of many colors.
Weapon's abilities: Fire Dmg +7 Intelligence / Metaphysics / Endurance

I'll work on some items, quests and a few more weapons. If you want me to do something in addition to that just ask.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:28 am
by SenVa
What kinds of armor will be in this game? (Like helmets boots rings… ect.)
What kind of info do you need to know for armor \ wearable items?

Also is this the kind of things you are thinking about for items?

++++Healing Items++++

Item's name: Bread
Item's effect: Restores 20 health
Item's Icon: a simple icon of bread.

Item's name: Mushrooms
Item's effect: Restores 30 health
Item's Icon: a simple icon of a Mushroom.

Item's name: Cup of Stew
Item's effect: Restores 50 health
Item's Icon: A simple cup looking thing

Item's name: Salted Pork
Item's effect: Restores 60 health
Item's Icon: A picture of meat

Item's name: Lambas Bread
Item's effect: Restores 100 health
Item's Icon: a simple icon of bread.

++++Attribute Mods++++

()()part time Scrolls()()

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Strength +1
Item's effect: +1 Strength During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (red)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Strength +2
Item's effect: +2 Strength During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (red)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Strength +3
Item's effect: +3 Strength During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (red)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Agility +1
Item's effect: +1 Agility During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Purple)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Agility +2
Item's effect: +2 Agility During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Purple)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Agility +3
Item's effect: +3 Agility During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Purple)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Endurance +1
Item's effect: +1 Endurance During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Yellow)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Endurance +2
Item's effect: +2 Endurance During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Yellow)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Endurance +3
Item's effect: +3 Endurance During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Yellow)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Intelligence +1
Item's effect: +1 Intelligence During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Blue)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Intelligence +2
Item's effect: +2 Intelligence During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Blue)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Intelligence +3
Item's effect: +3 Intelligence During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Blue)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Metaphysics +1
Item's effect: +1 Metaphysics During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Green)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Metaphysics +2
Item's effect: +2 Metaphysics During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Green)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Metaphysics +3
Item's effect: +3 Metaphysics During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Green)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Health +20
Item's effect: +20 Health During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Brown)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Health +50
Item's effect: +50 Health During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Brown)

Item's name: Moonscript Scroll of Health +80
Item's effect: +80 Health During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Brown)

()()full time Scrolls()()

Item's name: Scroll of Strength +1
Item's effect: +1 Strength
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (red)

Item's name: Scroll of Strength +2
Item's effect: +2 Strength
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (red)

Item's name: Scroll of Agility +1
Item's effect: +1 Agility
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Purple)

Item's name: Scroll of Agility +2
Item's effect: +2 Agility
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Purple)

Item's name: Scroll of Endurance +1
Item's effect: +1 Endurance
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Yellow)

Item's name: Scroll of Endurance +2
Item's effect: +2 Endurance
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Yellow)

Item's name: Scroll of Intelligence +1
Item's effect: +1 Intelligence
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Blue)

Item's name: Scroll of Intelligence +2
Item's effect: +2 Intelligence
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Blue)

Item's name: Scroll of Metaphysics +1
Item's effect: +1 Metaphysics During Night
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Green)

Item's name: Scroll of Metaphysics +2
Item's effect: +2 Metaphysics
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Green)

Item's name: Scroll of Health +30
Item's effect: +35 Health
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Brown)

Item's name: Scroll of Health +70
Item's effect: +70 Health
Item's Icon: A simple Scroll (Brown)

++++Selling Items++++

Item's name: Broken Armor
Item's effect: Worth little money
Item's Icon: Broken helmet or something similar

Item's name: Lesser Ring
Item's effect: Worth Huge amount of gold
Item's Icon: a simple band of gold

++++Mic Items++++

Item's name: Town Portal
Item's effect: Takes people to there home town.
Item's Icon: a scroll (Teal)

++++Quest Items++++

Item's name: Lesser Ring of the Dwarf King
Item's effect: None
Item's Icon: Band of Gold with one stone

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:41 am
by dawasw

Excellent work. Just BRILLIANT !
Exacly that what I was looking for.


Kinds of armor(as for now):

- Armors (cuirass only - please type Mail in the name)
- Helmets
- Capes

And this is it. I'm not sure about leggings, boots, gloves ,belts. I will think about it later.
Also items should have requirements defined by player's Level. There can be items desired for one race only.
As for armor there should be : name of armor, what part of armor it is (type - helmet or cuirass for example, but when you will use cuirass please type Mail) , how many armor it have, special abilities etc.

Ok sorry that I write a bit chaotic right now, but I'm in a hurry to computer shop to update my system Ram a bit ;)

Great Thanks Again SenVa !,

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:18 pm
by SenVa
Sounds good, but I think we should have rings as a wearable item… because it is a Lord of the “Rings” game… just my two cents though.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:45 pm
by Maize
Well done SenVa

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:52 pm
by dawasw
Oh of course that Rings would be wereable.

But above I just thought about Armor Parts Visibility on the player's model. That is why I was wondering about leggings etc.

Talk to you soon,

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:22 pm
by dawasw
Sorry that there were no further news in a moment, but I'm just making a little break from whole LOTR world etc.

Such ambitious project can make you crazy because you would love to have many great things in short time.

Don't worry I will continue it after first release - 24th of December.

Right now I'm resting in making FPS. :D

Good luck all,

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:31 pm
by SenVa
Thanks... it wasn't really all that much work.

No need to apologies I have been slacking on making items and weapons because of my project too… Which also happens to be a FPS.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 3:53 pm
by dawasw
PS Spells avaible to cast are -> Lightning and Blizzard.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:44 am
by Nova
hey, great project you put together there

though i'd recommend to get that video out, its a nice thing but for a demo this is what takes most of the filesize and its really not worth it...

the video ~ 40 MB with the wav file ~ 40 MB
that makes 80 MB out of 106 MB for a download....

And am I correct or am I not able to skip it? because i don't want to watch it all over again every time i start your game

and there are other things i'd try to figure out before getting any more deeper into all that item/weapons stuff


- fixing the movement -> you have to press, hold and wait a moment before your char moves... kinda strange
- camera rotation is nice but messes up as soon as you try to look up
- those gandalfs attack the camera and not the character
- there is no feedback when you have killed someone, they just remain their movingless... maybe making them disappear would be nice

on top of that i was not able to find any mount which is quite sad, because i found those screens quite promising...

apart from that it looks like you really put some work into this project and - for an amature - you are damn dedicated... keep it up and you may someday come up with something great

though i'd recommend to start with several smaller projects first and raise the bar of skill every time you finish one small project.

dont take this criticism negative, still looks very cool :)
go get WoW from the throne *g*

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:56 am
by dawasw
I don't understand what are you talking about.

Look into Key Bidings .txt to find your 'keys commands' , thanks to them you can mount something etc.

Thx for review anyway.

Here are key bidings if you have problem with getting this file (but it was attached with the project):

Lotr Test Version Key Bidings:

- W/A/S/D - movement with strafes

- Z - hide/draw weapon (animation not yet supported)

- Space - Jump

- Left Mouse Button - attack with weapon

- Right Mouse Button - cast spell/skill

- Enter - go into User Interface/ hit again to exit UInterface (use mouse to use UI)

- H - Mount Horse/ press again to dismount

- G - Mount Flying Mount / press again to dismount - warning ! -> note that when you have flying mount equipped you use SPACE to fly up and C to glide down

- P - make camp fire +40 health

- X - Kneel on the ground (it will be sit also in some other races)

- 1,2,3,4 check up few weapons

Short tutorial about your counters:

In the Upper Left side of your screen you can see three counters:

- Green is player's health

- Blue is player's mana

- Purple is player's level

Thank you for reading Key Bidings for Lotr tutorial.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:58 pm
by dawasw
I think it is time to get back on the track ;)

I have finally set up Dev-c++ with irrlicht 0.12 (i had some problems earlier) and also I use Acki's version now, so it means that game should content such features: (in few days)

- fully working trees, a first forest will appear (I wonder what fps drop I will get :P)

- ChatBox: will give you avaibility to write notes, see in-game notes (including battle log on what is happening) and also a Game Master commands, which are used only for developers

- few new effects ( I saw some effects, even not working fully from Ackis irr, but there are few great particles to use; also I will make some new billboards for the player's wizard spells)

- adding enemies with sound support and 'basic AI' (based on distance etc.)

Hope someone is still looking forward to it.

Sorry for such 'low' release and even so big (the Avi file was not necessary), but next release will finally contain some sort of effects (animations in fight etc. , because I make this game to play it not to watch a static meshes :D)

Thanks for reading this news!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:02 pm
by dawasw
Welcome , all interested (if there are still any).

I finally got back to work.

The first goal now was to fully port sources into 0.12 irrlicht from 0.9 version, what just have been done (and tested !)

So here is a little update: (it is not a new version due to I want to make version 0.30 an alpha status and that will require much more work)

Update 7.01.2006:

- Game is (finally!) using Irrlicht 0.12 version. I will consider if 0.14 won't give me any bugs in nearest future, but it is not so important now. Everything works properly as it should (mounts/skills/user interface) but there is a 'bug' with Blizzard spell unfortunately, which will be solved later

- Game uses Acki's extended Irrlicht edition, that means: ChatBox and MultiColor Listbox'es (for example) are avaible, :D Thanks a lot Acki !

- There is an in-game Chatbox, where you are avaible to enter message, and developer is avaible to rule the world (set experience and many other functions will be avaible for developer/game master)

- LOTR is using CZestmyr's CFlareSceneNode to make a nice Lens Flares effect

- Changed the Skillpanel, and it will be modified in few days into a similiar WoW like UI.

- Trees are now displayed properly. They're nice and low poly ;) (first forest shot soon)


This is it for now, here is a little screenshot from the last build:


Thanks for reading this news :D

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:06 pm
by omaremad_
that cloud looks really familiar!
if it is from my flight sim i actually ripped it from microsoft flight sim and added a bmpmap with gimp