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Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:12 am
by saboniux
Hello, I'm new aroud here and I got this little problem. When I try to compile the project with codeblocks I get the same error as twentytortures did. It says:
C:\Program Files\IPhysics-1.2\lib\IPhysics.a(CPhysicsCarWheel.o):CPhysicsCarWheel.cpp:(.text+0x328): undefined reference to `NewtonVehicleAddTire'

BTW the Newton and Irrilcht libraries are linked correctly. I can compile a project using those two libraries, but if I add IPhysics then it throws theese errors. I have tried pragma commenting but still no success. Can someone please send me some project file of codeblocks correctly configured with those examples from IPhysics to ? Or just tell me what is the problem.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:01 am
by twentytortures
Did you link everything in the proper order? I have my directories and linkers in this order:


For me it only works when it is in that order.

Make sure you add

#pragma comment(lib, "libIrrlicht.a")
#pragma comment(lib, "libIPhysics.a")
#pragma comment(lib, "Newton.lib")

Check to make sure everything is in the proper order. If they are in proper order and it is still not working, I'll send you my project file. Just let me know ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:19 am
by alogon
I am trying to do the example 2 on and it seems to be running very slow. After maybe one or two objects added the rest just freeze in place. I am using Code::Blocks and twentytortures' IPhysics.a file. Can anyone tell me how to fix the freeze.

EDIT: After a little more playing i found that it is almost like a set amount of time, i can get like 50 balls rolling around if i spam the button right when i start but it locks up after just a few seconds. It doesnt matter if i do just one object or 50 its after about 10seconds it will lock up.


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:40 am
by 3ddev
This looks really promising! I am going to try using it!

AFTERTHOUGHT: by the way, thank you for that Newton-car tutorial! It was great! :D

License? Terms of use?

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:45 am
by 3ddev
By the way, what is the License for this? The zlib license like Irrlicht? I am not planning to make any commercial games, but I am not sure if there are any requirements!( Like releasing source code etc. )
Thanx :lol:

P.S. I hope there isn't any restrictions!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:24 am
by klikmaster
I believe the licence should be the same as Newton's.

Nick, do you have any ideas about my levelEntity problem?

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:25 am
by alogon
The car demo works great no lockups, i dont know what is with demo number 2, i changed the car demo to use a terrain instead of the bsp and it works fine. However I cant seem to get the data for a much larger car correct. it seems like if i increase the mass of the car then the tires need more mass to get traction. But if increase the mass of the tires then the car bounces around all crazy. I also cant figure out how to make a larger car move faster than the tiny car the demo uses, if i increase the torque then the care just spins its tires and doesnt get traction either.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:41 am
by savagedp
Hello all

I'm just starting with irrlicht and Don't have much experience with game engines and stuff

was searching around in this forum and found this engine...
but when i tried to run the eg, i have the following errors

Simpletest fatal error LNK1262: link failed due to mismatched versions of 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\c2.dll' and LINK.EXE

what does this mean ?

I'm using VS 2003 as seen in the DIR.
irrlicht is Version 1.1

Please help . thanks. I dont want to directly use newton. I'm quite confused by it and Iphysics seems to be less complicated.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:42 pm
by twentytortures
@ alogon:
Sample 2 just runs very slow, I don't know why, I think it may be because of the drop test cube command thing. As for larger cars, I'm playing with it as well but haven't figured it out yet. I'm actually using newton directly with my project since IPhysics is still young. So I'm not too much of an expert. Heh.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:28 pm
by Nick_Japan
Hiya all, sorry - been crazy busy these last few days with job interviews.

@klikmaster: The scene node part shouldn't be the problem; that's only used to set the scale and store for any callbacks. Looking at the code you posted earlier, I understand that it crashes when you try to create the physics entity, is this correct? In which case, maybe the best thing to do is send me a copy of the mesh you're trying to load, and thus saving us loads of slow back and forth does-it-crash-when-this-happens posting ;)

@savagedp: Looks like a Visual Studio problem - have you upgraded from an old version? If there's nothing obvious I'd go for a reinstall.

About example 2 being really slow, there's no really good reason for that - interesting. All that's going on, as you can see, is that a terrain is loaded and then a single cube or sphere added every time you click a mouse button. It's getting late - I'll think a bit harder about that in the morning.

About larger cars, yeah, it's a pain. Particularly difficult is working out the values for the suspension shocks, spring and length. Also the relative masses of the tires and body are important. I intend to make that simpler in future, but for now either go with what I've used, or have a look through the Newton forums - they all struggle with it too!

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:49 pm
by alogon
I tryed to register on the newton forums but it says that my e-mail is banned.. I dont know how this could be possible and i couldnt find an admistrator e-mail anywhere. I use gmail so i am guessing they have just banned all those addresses, does anyone else have a free e-mail service that they have not banned on the newton forums?

Also, since this project is still young i have been looking at doing the physics myself but i cant seem to find a working example. I tryed using the example but the sample code doesnt work right anymore (guessing version differences) and i tryed to get somethign basic going on my own, but if i make a "Game Class" as an IEventReciever it never calls my "bool OnEvent(IEvent event)" function. Also i am using Code::Blocks and MingW which I think are giving me some issues. (like the iphysics.a file)

If anyone can point me to some working Irrlicht examples using Newton, i would really appreciate that.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:47 am
by Nick_Japan
@alogon: to get your own event receiver working, you still need to tell Irrlicht to use it, either by passing it to createDevice() or using setEventReceiver(). Also, make sure you've got the function signuature exactly the same - if you put onEvent instead of OnEvent or something like that it'll just think you're declaring a new function and the compiler won't tell you anything.

About example 2 running slowly, just a clarification: does this happen when you run the precompiled examples, or only with ones you've compiled yourselves? I want to know if it's just that it runs slow on some computers, or that some compilers generate a version that runs slowly.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:42 pm
by twentytortures
Newton Tutorials:
You can find 3 handy tutorials on the irrlicht wiki. I'd give you a direct link but it seems the server is down or something. Just go to the wiki, click on tutorials, then on Physics API and find newton. Good luck!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:39 pm
by alogon
The pre compiled version just runs slow and stops after 20-30 seconds, when i compile my own it would run very smooth for about 10 sec then the physics would completely stop.

I compile it using Code::Blocks and MingW GCC, and my computer is a P4 2.0ghz w/ HT, 1gb of ram, and a GeForce 7300. I have no clue what is causing the lockup after a few seconds on both examples.

I made progress with event recievers I was trying to make my Game class the event reciever but i couldnt get it to work, so i ended up making a 2nd class called MyEventReciever like many of the examples do and doing something like MyEventReceiver receiver(game); game.device->setEventReceiver(&receiver);

I have been trying to get to the wiki the past few days but its been down most of the time. I have also not been able to access the newton forums because my e-mail is banned, somehow (gmail?) anyone know of somewhere I can set up an address that they will accept?

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:26 pm
by ComputerWhiz
liberostelios wrote:Is there any .NET support of IPhysics? Any future plans, maybe?
I would like to know this as well, since I'm developing a senior design project using Irrlicht, and I'm looking at possible physics engines to use.