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Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:30 am
by BlindSide
Yah, the tagging looks wicked. :)

Are you really gonna have a php server? That might introduce quite a bit of server overhead, (And you have to use TCP). It might be a bad idea for a realtime physics-enabled game.

Btw, I still haven't given up on giving you a hand with this, I'm just really busy as usual. ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:41 am
by FuzzYspo0N
Yea i know, im still fiddling with a lot of ideas and tests on the engine side of things. when i get the core done which hopefully ill do soon then illstart bothering you ;)

The tagging is actually a real photo from south africa so its cool.. cos the map is actually modelled after a place here too :)

Anyway thanks for the comments. It always inspires me to work more at the game if people respond lol

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:53 pm
by FuzzYspo0N
some more ideas with texturing. im trying to find the best match for this kinda setup .i see this design all over south africa of shop front, but it wont fit the walls if i dont do it nicely. so im being careful to not mess it up.

trying to be consistent too. learning as i go , of course

image moved, check later posts

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:33 pm
by xDan
Looking cool as always :)

Regarding a PHP server, for a game I made I used php just to store a list of IPs (with a http request). So PHP was just used for the master server. Then you can have the actual simulation peer to peer.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:20 pm
by FuzzYspo0N
thanks for the comments xDAn.

For everyone :

image moved, check later posts

some more. going for an outdoor little store front restaurant. there will be chairs and tables here under the canopy. and yes the lighting is wrong with the light under the canopy in the day. there will be 2 versions of the map :) the light is on so u can see the new textures.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:08 pm
by FuzzYspo0N
i had to change that brickened wall to a different style after texturing the inner wall differently, and liking what i had. so here are some new shots. nearly finished this one :)

wide : :

image moved, check later posts
Closer/Detail :

image moved, check later posts

I went for a run down sorta closed up place, and the props will be tables and chairs that are like knocked over etc, it fits the scene more. that kinda shop front is common here in south africa but to make it look nice will be a lot harder then this.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:48 am
by Halifax
I have a few questions. Are you using Blender (it appears so)? Are you creating those textures by hand, and if not where are you getting them from? And if you did model it in Blender, did you use full polygon modeling? If not, then what would be a quick overview of the type of commands you used that helped a lot?

The reason I ask, is because I am looking for an efficient way to model my levels. But everytime I resort to use full polygon modeling, with extrusion, etc., and the Ctrl key. And the Ctrl key makes everything look blocky and crappy since it goes by 1 units. :( I never figured out how to overcome not using the Ctrl key.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:32 am
by FuzzYspo0N
Ahh, actually my artist, reverthex is using maya for the map bases, im tweaking fixing and updating the rest of the map in 3dsmax, all textures are hand made in paint shop pro using and as a reference. then i merge and blend all the textures detalils into my already mapped out UV map. such as :

^^^^^^^ very bad quality, but very bad UV layout too. the point is i take my colored UV map (colored in the 3d app) into a image program and texture it there, and my scene updates when i hit save. so its efficient for testing and texturing. there is still a few steps missing from my texture process : my stages so far have a * :

texture images *
dirtoverlay *
lighting overlay *

The reasons for the textures from free sites will become clearer at a later stage, but full poly modelling is cumbersome and stuff. I actually start with the base shapes (in 3ds) and i start detailing them using whatver technique i want, even if it makes it high poly, then i merge vertices all over the place to lower the count and usually it can come out with good looking shapes with say 5 polys, for a chamfered curve, when before (using auto tools in max) wud make it say 50, merging (collapse in the menu) vertices togther that are parallell is how i neaten or add to the shapes.

Also one of the downhill maps i am making next i will detail a bit on my strategy. the path iv taken gives me the ability to have goodlooking maps (like now, the map is on the lowest mESH settings, then when i have UV mapped and textured the whole map, i add detail using mesh modifiers, any advanced ultra million poly tools i need, and then i render a normal map. then i have both low and high, and the game uses low + normal map to make high and also uses the same base. with whatever detail i want tweaked into the final stages, making the high detail incredibly detailed, and the low poly really detailed but , low poly.

hope that helps? its 330am ,so i might be waffling :D

as a matter of interest, the poly and vert groupings and collapses i do are clearly evident on the floor here, and also, on the roof of the building im working on, i grouped a lot on the roof, removed a lot off the floor and removed all faces and verts from under the floor that were not necessary.

any other questions? i dont mind sharing ideas

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:24 am
by JP
I have to say the texturing work is looking stupidly good! Much respect! Can't wait to have a wander around in your little game town! :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:36 am
by FuzzYspo0N
haha you wont so much wander as mcuh as you will barrel around at a high speed D: but thanks for the comments

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:05 pm
by FuzzYspo0N
iv done the roof through, ill collect them into one texture atm this roof is 2 pieces...:D

anyways. some more shots i guess.




Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:27 pm
by FuzzYspo0N

lowest quality in game shot, still looks decent i think.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:00 am
by krama757
Looks pretty damn nice ! :)

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:46 am
by FuzzYspo0N
OK well here are some major updates on the map. iv been working on it a lot, its still missing a lot but iv been lowering the polys as i go, changing the layout a bit to suit a style thats playable and fun!

Anyway, my hosting is moved so the images were all moved. here are the vital ones :




Anyway :D more to follow D: i updated the first link to point here for now, cos the images got owned.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:45 am
by BlindSide
cos the images got owned.
Your vocabulary is amusing. :D