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Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:34 pm
by The_Glitch
I don't like your specular is that blinn-phong specular?

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:12 pm
by Vectrotek
@The_Glitch.. Ja, it is a bit pronounced. You can set it though. It's basically a question of finding the right balance between
Intensity and Radius. Also the Spec-Gloss map is far from what it actually should be. Anyway, I'm
snowed under with other graphics related stuff so this will have to grace the face until I get CG / HLSL working.
I think that the shipped HLSL / CG / GLSL / Assy example (10, I think) is sending too many unnecessary matrices to the shaders!
I'm currently looking at your HLSL problem and I'll admit that it is rather puzzling! What I'm trying
to do is to send the same matrices to these CG / HLSL shaders in the same way this GLSL shader gets them.
You see, if you download the project and give it a close look I'm sure that you'd find some answers. After all
this shader is "physically correct" and I'll put my head on a block on that!
There must be a parallel between this GLSL shader and your HLSL shader because an Irrlicht Matrix
is an Irrlicht matrix! Id really like to see more of your stuff because I've decided
to go HLSL / CG all the way (for my own project). Oh, the specularity is Bong-Phlynn-Specular!

What are you working on?

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:24 pm
by Vectrotek
I just saw your Shader Pipeline bit with "Halo" character. Well I can just feel it in my bones that this problem is going to be solved shortly!
I know what it is like when you've got so many cool things you want to do, but then a small problem screws it all up!
There is a lot about Irrlicht I don't know but I've got some cool ideas.
Hold on to hope my friend, the cavalry is coming!

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:41 pm
by The_Glitch
LOL okay.

That stuff on shader pipeline thread is deprecated. I've fixed a lot of the issues. I've developed a new normal mapping shader which gives a lot better specular results and better results over all. Just still working out some issues with it.

I never did figure out what was wrong in the latest shader pipeline version then that was causing the problem that broke the shaders because they work fine right now.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:45 pm
by The_Glitch
About the shader matrices.

My new shader uses the ViewInverse Matrix and I believe this might be causing an issue in irrlicht. I see the callback and then set the View matrix to

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But I'm not so sure it's correct. Also If I don't set the matrix pointer for the proj view and world to

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the model gets destroyed.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:24 pm
by Vectrotek
O.K. Glitch! I finally get it! (I'll replace my glasses!)

I'll post my "Final Version" of the GLSL Vertex Program and Fragment Shader (for whoever is interested in working on it).. if its quite all right with you! :)

Then I'll climb into this "HLSL / CG" thing (it might take months or even an eternity, but ill try)

Go well pal!

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:42 pm
by Vectrotek

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 //  - V E R T E X   P R O G R A M  -
 uniform mat4 mWorld;    
 varying vec3 Tangent;
 varying vec3 Binormal;
 varying vec2 UVCoordsXY;
 varying vec3 VNormal;
 varying vec3 VertexGLPosition;
 void main()
  {UVCoordsXY        = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
   // Are these normalisations really necessary?
   // Tangent           = normalize(gl_MultiTexCoord1);  // Acuired here and  passed on to the FRAGMENT SHADER
   // Binormal          = normalize(gl_MultiTexCoord2); // (make sure about skipping this!!!)
   // Is a normalisation quicker here or quicker in the appcode?
   Tangent           = gl_MultiTexCoord1;  // Acuired here and passed on to the FRAGMENT SHADER..
   Binormal          = gl_MultiTexCoord2;  // (make sure about skipping the normalisation!!!)
   VNormal           = gl_Normal; // Unseen normal passed from the User App.. Must happen here..
   // VNormal           = normalize(vec3(mWorld * vec4(, 0 )).xyz); // Model your normals correctly!
   VNormal           = vec3(mWorld * vec4(, 0 )).xyz; // Looks like we got away with this..
   Tangent           = normalize(vec3(mWorld * vec4(, 0 )).xyz); // "mWorld" is our "Golden Thread"..
   Binormal          = normalize(vec3(mWorld * vec4(,0)).xyz);
   gl_Position       = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;   // "glModelview...." is mostly UNSEEN, and ensures that Object "ROTATION" is considered..
   VertexGLPosition  = vec3(mWorld * vec4(,1)).xyz;  // This ensures that Object "TRANSLATION" and "SCALE" is considered..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:52 pm
by Vectrotek

Code: Select all

 //  - FR A G M E N T   S H A D E R  -
 uniform sampler2D DiffuseMap;        // The "ClipMap" is determined (among others) in the Diffuse ALPHA Channel (we need to override the A if the image was 24 bit to be sure)..
 uniform sampler2D NSGMap;            // Normal Specular and Gloss in four bytes. The Normal map was in "Y-Up" standard..
 uniform sampler2D EmissionMap;       // RGB values not influenced by any calclations. Simulated Emmision..
 uniform sampler2D Image004;          // Still worked
 uniform sampler2D Image005;          // Engine had to be recompiled for this! (not simply a change in the API "irrCompileConfig.h" file)
 uniform sampler2D Image006;          // Without the recompiled "irrlicht.dll" file in the system or app directory these wont appear!
 uniform sampler2D Image007;          // New dll and lib was needed by recompiling irrlicht engine code with change in compile options header file..
 uniform sampler2D Image008; 
 uniform int       GPURendermode;     // An Integer that is controlled from the program used to change the RENDER MODE of this Fragment Shader (press buttons 1 to 0..)
 uniform int       GpuPLAECFActive;   // PLAECF Implemented ot not. (ON by default).. (can we pass BOOLS to the shader?) If you make millions I wantin!
 uniform mat4      GPUFloatArray;     // In the form of a "MATRIX4" Variable, but used here as an Array of [4][4] i.e. 16 floats..
                                      // A cool way to talk to the shader via ONE VARIABLE in a bandwidth of 16 floating point numbers!!..
                                      // We can go crazy in our app with floats in the shader!!
                                      // We can animate hoards of lights and even animate their colour!
                                      // We could also have conditionally rendered "Falloff lights" and all their parameters..
                                      // We could have vertex or bone linked "Negative Radiators" to simulate superfast soft shadows and AO..
                                      // The same goes for "radiating lines" which Im currently looking at.
                                      // (interesting concept youre sure to see more of)
                                      // Tables should be set up on which parts of the "mat4" would be assigned to which info like Position, colour, falloff etc..
                                      // While Glossyness is a mainly a "Material Specific Atribute", we can, as seen in photography have
                                      // "diffusion lights" and have in here some way to control it (debatable)..
                                      // These "Special Lights" do not result (at least not visibly) in shiny specular highlights on even a "Glossy" surface..
                                      // We could have this comm-bandwidth for the Vertex Program too!
 uniform vec3 SECONDFloatArray[];    // How do we pass arrays of values without having to conform to GLSL datatypes ???
 uniform vec4      CameraPos;         // The Position of the camera i.e. the EYE, is what the main calculations are fed..
                                      // For demostrative purposes we have a one light hooked to the camera..
 uniform vec3      LightPos001;       // This could eventually become an ARRAY filled with Irrlicht Light Positions (allmost solved and now very possible)..
 varying vec2      UVCoordsXY;        // Passed on to here from the Vertex Program..
 varying vec3      VNormal;           // Effectively (interpolated?) "Fragment Normal" after passing through the Vertex Progam.
                                      // The success of "Radiating Finite Lines" depend on how successfully GLSL does this. (CG does a good job)..
                                      // There is a trick that has to do with the quality of this interpolation in CG..
 varying vec3      Tangent;           // Lovely things!
 varying vec3      Binormal;          // BiNormal and NOT BiTangent.. (as per accepted standard like "DVD" not really meaing anything) 
 varying vec3      VertexGLPosition;  // UNSEEN GLSL (attribute) thing as also occurs in HLSL, FX, CG, and CGFX methods.. 
 varying vec3      LightColour;       // Not fed from our user app yet, but high on the priority list..
                                      // We need an array of lights from the scene which is either processed 
                                      // for "importance" by the CPU in the code or in here by the GPU.. 
 // =============================================================================
 vec4 Interpolate(float Slider, vec4 ArgA, vec4 ArgB) 
  {vec4 OutputVal = ArgB * Slider + ArgA * (1 - Slider);
   return OutputVal;
  } // I thought "mix" could do this, but it doesnt??? 
 // =  M A I N  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
 void main()
  {bool DropletEnabled = 1; // A special efect for "Glassy" Surfaces..
   // normalize (VNormal); // If not normalised in Vertex Program or properly normalised during Modelling..
   vec4 MAPDiffuseRGBA   = texture2D(DiffuseMap,UVCoordsXY.xy);   // ALPHA is "Clipmap"..
   vec4 FinalDiffuse = MAPDiffuseRGBA;
   vec4 MapNSGRGBA    = texture2D(NSGMap,UVCoordsXY.xy);    // ALPHA is "Droplet Shader Mask"..
   vec4 MAPSpecXGlossY; // = texture2D(SpecGlossMap,UVCoordsXY.xy); // Specila MIXED Specular and Gloss..
   vec4 MAPEmissionRGB  = texture2D(EmissionMap,UVCoordsXY.xy);  // Emmision Mapping for wider effect domain..
   vec4 MapRGBA004 = texture2D(Image004,UVCoordsXY.xy);  
   vec4 MapRGBA005 = texture2D(Image005,UVCoordsXY.xy);  
   vec4 MapRGBA006 = texture2D(Image006,UVCoordsXY.xy);  
   vec4 MapRGBA007 = texture2D(Image007,UVCoordsXY.xy);  
   vec4 MapRGBA008 = texture2D(Image008,UVCoordsXY.xy);  
   // == MAPPED DIFFUSE BRIGHTNESS CHANGES FROM USER APP == *= GPUFloatArray[0][2];  // Multiply these in here with value passed from user app..  [[FIXXXX]]
   // *= GPUFloatArray[0][2];  // Multiply these in here with value passed from user app..
   MapNSGRGBA.z *= GPUFloatArray[0][0];
   MapNSGRGBA.w += GPUFloatArray[0][1]; // See the "LAECF" at work! 
   // This "fixes" a copy of any incoming UVs that fall outside of the 1.0 Unit Square..
   // This is mainly done so that when we render the UVs (via this copy) in X=Red Y=Green for tests.
   // Delete this procedure and its variables when you no longer want to see your UVs as modelled.
   // It has no bearing on the Final Render..
   vec2 RenderedUVs = UVCoordsXY;
   if (RenderedUVs.x < 0.0){RenderedUVs.x += 1.0;}
   if (RenderedUVs.x > 1.0){RenderedUVs.x -= 1.0;}
   if (RenderedUVs.y < 0.0){RenderedUVs.y += 1.0;}
   if (RenderedUVs.y > 1.0){RenderedUVs.y -= 1.0;}
   // Tests.. Emulate a "Flat Blue Normal Map" to see other things like specular without the bumps..
   MapNSGRGBA.x = 0.5; // where 0.5 refers to ZERO on the imaginary X axis..
   MapNSGRGBA.y = 0.5; // See "Range compression" of NSGMaps..
   MapNSGRGBA.z = 1.0; // Note that an even higher resolution is possible when we dont use the negative values (in most cases!)..
   // Tests.. Emulate a "Single Colour" SPEC_GLOSS map to see the model as if it was rendered without fixed Spec or GLoss..
   MapNSGRGBA.z = 1.0; // 1.0 is the Maximum Mappable "Intensity" (Brightness) for speclar highlight..
   MapNSGRGBA.w = 1.0; // 1.0 is the Maximum mappable "Average Gloss Radius" (Shinyness) for Speclar Highlights..
                       // In here we can exceed 1.0 for both values..
   // Tests.. Replace the "Mapped Diffuse Colour" by any other colour..
   MAPDiffuseRGBA.x = 0.5;
   MAPDiffuseRGBA.y = 0.5;
   MAPDiffuseRGBA.z = 0.5;
   // -- Replace the Diffuse Colour with Simple Greyscale. (not the true accurate optical formula) --    
   vec3 Greyscaled; // An average of RGBA colours..
   Greyscaled.x = ( MAPDiffuseRGBA.x + MAPDiffuseRGBA.y + MAPDiffuseRGBA.z ) / 3.0;
   Greyscaled.y = ( MAPDiffuseRGBA.x + MAPDiffuseRGBA.y + MAPDiffuseRGBA.z ) / 3.0;
   Greyscaled.z = ( MAPDiffuseRGBA.x + MAPDiffuseRGBA.y + MAPDiffuseRGBA.z ) / 3.0; =;
   // --------------------------------------------------
   vec4 LerpSliderDiffmap; // How much is the final render is "lerped" toward the Originally Mapped Raw Diffuse Colour..
                           // We want this controlled from the User App..
   vec3 UnCompressedNormal;
   // We IGNORE the incoming Z value (now another free channel) as we use a derivative of Pythagoras's Theorem to aquire Z..
   UnCompressedNormal.xy = (MapNSGRGBA.xy -0.5) * 2.0;
   // The "droplet" mask will also have to fit into the Diffuse Alpha. Which is very possible as we use the alpha channel for "Clipmapping".
   // Now, Clipmapping requires only a small contrast between pixel intensity allowing us to assign this droplet mask
   // to, say, a value of anything above 60% and as a bonus still giving us a "smooth" border which we shall define in the shader..
   // We could cut of the intensity between 60% and 100% as a finite line which we then convert to a "softness"
   // for the Droplet Mask..
   UnCompressedNormal.z = sqrt(-(UnCompressedNormal.x*UnCompressedNormal.x) - (UnCompressedNormal.y*UnCompressedNormal.y) + 1.0);
   // This is aquired by "Solving For" the Z variable in the Pythagorean Theorem, given X, Y and 1.0 (as normals modules are 1.0)..
   // Because of Quadrarics there are a Negative and a Positive answer to this! We must select the RIGHT ONE!
   // There! I did all the hard work for you!! :)..
   // normalize(UnCompressedNormal); // Only if your normal baking wasn't cool. (neglible) 
   // - LIGHTS -  // We need a sensible way to get these from our app..
   // For now we control them in here..
   LightPos001 =; // So we have at least one moving light..
   vec3 LightPos002 = vec3( 0.0 , -100.0 , 0.0);
   vec3 LightPos003 = vec3( 0.0 , 100.0 , 0.0);
   vec3 LightPos004 = vec3( 0.0 , 100.0 , 0.0);
   LightPos004.x = LightPos001.y + 0.0; // Just to get it to move differently from the camera..
   LightPos004.y = LightPos001.z + 0.0;
   LightPos004.z = LightPos001.x + 0.0;
   // Light colouring should come from the user app.. We'll do this once we have a good basis to work from..
   vec3 LightCol001 = vec3( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ); *= 1.00; // Global Intensity Scale.
   // vec3 LightCol002 = vec3( 1.0 , 0.1 , 0.0 ); *= 0.90; // Global Intensity Scale.
   vec3 LightCol002 = vec3( 0.5 , 0.0 , 0.0 ); *= 1.0; // Global Intensity Scale.
   vec3 LightCol003 = vec3( 0.0 , 0.5 , 0.5 ); *= 1.0; // Global Intensity Scale.
   vec3 LightCol004 = vec3( 1.0 , 0.5 , 0.0 ); *= 1.0; // Global Intensity Scale.
   // Simply different lighting setups to play with..
   if (GPURendermode == 11) { *= 1; *= 1; *= 1; *= 1; }
   if (GPURendermode == 12) { *= 0; *= 1; *= 1; *= 1;}
   if (GPURendermode == 13) { *= 1; *= 0; *= 0; *= 0;}
   // Global Lighting Multiplier (will be looped when we get lights from Irrlicht).. *= float (GPUFloatArray[1][0]);
   // *= float (GPUTestFloatArray.x); *= float (GPUFloatArray[1][0]); *= float (GPUFloatArray[1][0]); *= float (GPUFloatArray[1][0]);
   // IMPORTANT.. Use Tangents and Binormals to FIX the final normal..
   // This was quite a Headache but now it works Perfectly!
   vec3 FinalNormal;
   FinalNormal = normalize((UnCompressedNormal.x * Tangent)
                           +(UnCompressedNormal.y * Binormal)
                           +(UnCompressedNormal.z * VNormal));
   // =============================================================   
   // What follows is a "Broken Down" version of the above for you to see how it works..
   // Comment the one and uncomment the other to see..
   // =============================================================   
   vec3 AddA;  vec3 AddB;  vec3 AddC;
   // - T A N G E N T - 
   AddA.x = UnCompressedNormal.x * Tangent.x;  // WAS STATIC, NOW DYNAMIC!
   AddA.y = UnCompressedNormal.x * Tangent.y;
   AddA.z = UnCompressedNormal.x * Tangent.z;
   // - B I N O R M A L - 
   AddB.x = UnCompressedNormal.y * Binormal.x; // WAS STATIC, NOW DYNAMIC!
   AddB.y = UnCompressedNormal.y * Binormal.y;
   AddB.z = UnCompressedNormal.y * Binormal.z;
   // - V E R T E X   N O R M A L - (updated with skinned deformation) 
   AddC.x = UnCompressedNormal.z * VNormal.x;  // DYNAMIC !!
   AddC.y = UnCompressedNormal.z * VNormal.y;
   AddC.z = UnCompressedNormal.z * VNormal.z;
   vec3 AddFin;
   AddFin.x = AddA.x + AddB.x + AddC.x;
   AddFin.y = AddA.y + AddB.y + AddC.y;
   AddFin.z = AddA.z + AddB.z + AddC.z;
   FinalNormal =  normalize (AddFin);  
   // =============================================================
   // - NORMALISED DIRECTIONS - (used for Diffuse and Specularity) 
   vec3 ViewDir     = normalize(CameraPos - VertexGLPosition);
   vec3 LightDir001 = normalize(LightPos001 - VertexGLPosition); // Fragment Position??
   vec3 LightDir002 = normalize(LightPos002 - VertexGLPosition);
   vec3 LightDir003 = normalize(LightPos003 - VertexGLPosition);
   vec3 LightDir004 = normalize(LightPos004 - VertexGLPosition);
   float DiffBASE001 = max(dot(FinalNormal, (LightDir001)),0.0);
   float DiffBASE002 = max(dot(FinalNormal, (LightDir002)),0.0);
   float DiffBASE003 = max(dot(FinalNormal, (LightDir003)),0.0);
   float DiffBASE004 = max(dot(FinalNormal, (LightDir004)),0.0);
   vec3 DiffColByLight001 = DiffBASE001 * LightCol001; // All xyz..
   vec3 DiffColByLight002 = DiffBASE002 * LightCol002;
   vec3 DiffColByLight003 = DiffBASE003 * LightCol003;
   vec3 DiffColByLight004 = DiffBASE004 * LightCol004;
   vec3 FinalDiffLightsColed = DiffColByLight001 + DiffColByLight002 + DiffColByLight003 + DiffColByLight004; // Combine the diffuse results of different lights..
   // S P E C U L A R I T Y   versus   G L O S S..
   // Specularity is the amount of Light reflected or intensity of the Specular highlight (mathematically similar to reflection),
   // where Gloss is the Size of that Highlight..(Unpolished Metal Gloss has a "bigger" highlight and lower Specularity whereas
   // a shiny Apple would have a "smaller" highlight and higher specularity)..
   // The following procedure is the result of an in-depth study in the physics of light and is
   // "Highly Protected Academic Intellectual Property"..:) (only if you make millions with your game or app!!) You can still use it!
   // Here is the Standard "Phongs Method" for generating "Specular Highlights" on a surface..
   // It is very cool, but has one very big weakness.. How does the artist who makes a Glossmap know which level of grey would correspond
   // to which "Tightness" of the Specuar Highlight? Many have tried, and many have failed! 
   // However, Phong works fine and you can still contoll the "General Glossyness" changeing the "77.777" value in the lines below..
   // The "Gloss Controll" also still works but not like we would like it..
   // "PLAECF" is MUCH BETTER though and promisses to change things throughout the CG world forever..
   // Try using "K" and "L" (gloss param) with "PLAECF" active and then try "PLAECF" Deactivated to see what "PLAECF" actually means..
   // Without "PLAECF", having a Glossmap as a human-understandable or generateable "Greyscale Map" is SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE
   // as many coders of graphics apps and games have discovered!
   // (I could point to a few examples) In fact if there was any successful implementations out there before today, Id like to know of it!
   // The imporance of "PLAECF" will become apparent in time and you'll understand why I want to keep the credit for being the
   // sole developer of the formula!!
   float SpecBASE001; float SpecBASE002; float SpecBASE003; float SpecBASE004; // Specular intensity from all lights (position and not colour, yet)..
   if (GpuPLAECFActive == 0)
    {SpecBASE001 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir001)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  MapNSGRGBA.w * 77.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ); // A (alpha) for Gloss!!
     SpecBASE002 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir002)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  MapNSGRGBA.w * 77.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ); // 
     SpecBASE003 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir003)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  MapNSGRGBA.w * 77.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ); // 
     SpecBASE004 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir004)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  MapNSGRGBA.w * 77.777 ), 0.0 , 1.0 ); // 
   // That was "Phong"s Specularity method..
   // start **** PLAECF *** 
   if (GpuPLAECFActive == 1)
     SpecBASE001 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir001)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MapNSGRGBA.w * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     SpecBASE002 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir002)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MapNSGRGBA.w * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     SpecBASE003 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir003)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MapNSGRGBA.w * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     SpecBASE004 = clamp(pow(clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir004)),FinalNormal),0.0,1.0),  pow(2, (MapNSGRGBA.w * 10.0)) ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
   // end **** PLAECF *** 
   vec3 SpecBasColled001 = * SpecBASE001 ; // Now the Light Colours comes into it..
   vec3 SpecBasColled002 = * SpecBASE002 ;
   vec3 SpecBasColled003 = * SpecBASE003 ;
   vec3 SpecBasColled004 = * SpecBASE004 ;
   vec3 SpecColforAllLights = (SpecBasColled001  +  SpecBasColled002 +  SpecBasColled003 +  SpecBasColled004); // Will be in a loop..
   // SPECULAR (quite colourless in itself) is mathematically based on REFLECTION and should thus reflect LIGHT COLOUR..
   vec3 SpecularColour; =  MapNSGRGBA.z *; 
   // This is still quite GREY, but will change to colour depending on light colour.
   // We use ".z" (blue) from "NSGMap" for the "Specular Intensity" and ".w" (alpha) for the Gloss..
   // Test render the "Emmision Map" in a darkened scene..
   // The other parts of this Shader Command is under // - SHADER COMMAND - later
   // This is done here so we can dim the lights..
   if (GPURendermode == 10) { *= 0.3; *= 0.6;} 
   // keep in mind that this (above) would eventually be a loop of some sort to handle
   // all the lights once we have more lights and a good system to feed the lights from the main program..
   // =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
   // =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
   // Droplet Shading simulates the effect created when a light shines on, for instance,
   // a red round glassy gem in a ring where we have a Specular Highlight and then also a
   // reversed-bigger sort of highlight that is the same colour as the 
   // material which the gem is made of..
   // This effect is useful for, well, gems and particularly the irisses in eyes..
   // It also works for "wet" surfaces like rain on a tar road or blood on a character.
   vec4 DiffuseMinusDropletMask; =; // (NOT "w") DO THIS BEFORE OTHER CALCULATIONS..
   if (DropletEnabled)
    {vec3 AlteredUCN = UnCompressedNormal;
     float GlobalDropConcavity = -1.0;       // Think of the "Convexity" of the "Lens" of an eye then of the "Concavity" of the "Iris"..
     AlteredUCN.x *= GlobalDropConcavity;    // Tweakable value.. Originally -1.
     AlteredUCN.y *= GlobalDropConcavity;    // It is not a mathematically perfect thing so tweaking is O.K..
     vec3 DropletNormal = normalize((AlteredUCN.y * Binormal)  // The "Altered Normal" is an Inverse of the X and Y of the
                                   +(AlteredUCN.x * Tangent)   
                                   +((AlteredUCN.z * VNormal) * 1.0));
     float GlobalDropFact = 1.0;
     float GlobalDropPhong = 8.0;  // "Tightness" of "Reversed" back light (8.0 works)..
     // - ALL LIGHTS - 
     vec3 DropletColled001 = LightCol001;   
     vec3 DropletColled002 = LightCol002;   
     vec3 DropletColled003 = LightCol003;   
     vec3 DropletColled004 = LightCol004;   
     float DropletEffect001 = clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir001)),DropletNormal),0.0,1.0);
     float DropletEffect002 = clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir002)),DropletNormal),0.0,1.0);
     float DropletEffect003 = clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir003)),DropletNormal),0.0,1.0);
     float DropletEffect004 = clamp(dot(normalize((ViewDir + LightDir004)),DropletNormal),0.0,1.0);
     // Phong 8.0 is good..(here we dont use the Standardising "PLAECF" as we
     // manually controll the Sharpness of the "Inner Hhighlight")
     DropletEffect001 = clamp(pow(DropletEffect001,  GlobalDropPhong ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     DropletEffect001 *= GlobalDropFact; *= DropletEffect001;
     DropletEffect002 = clamp(pow(DropletEffect002,  GlobalDropPhong ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     DropletEffect002 *= GlobalDropFact; *= DropletEffect002;
     DropletEffect003 = clamp(pow(DropletEffect003,  GlobalDropPhong ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     DropletEffect003 *= GlobalDropFact; *= DropletEffect003;
     DropletEffect004 = clamp(pow(DropletEffect004,  GlobalDropPhong ), 0.0 , 1.0 );
     DropletEffect004 *= GlobalDropFact; *= DropletEffect004;
     vec3 DropletFINAL = DropletColled001  +  DropletColled002  +  DropletColled003  +  DropletColled004;
     float DropletMask = 0;
     if (MAPDiffuseRGBA.w > 0.6) // Referring to the Upper 40% of Alpha Intensity..
      {DropletMask = (MAPDiffuseRGBA.w - 0.6) * 2.5; // Convert our Upper 40% into 100% for smooth bordering..
      } *= (1.0 - DropletMask); // Blacken the areas covered by the droplet mask.. += * * DropletMask;
     // See how "OpenGL Clip Cutoff" occurs at just below 50% grey allowing us
     // some latitude above that value.. (We use above 60% to be safe)..
   // END of "Droplet Shader Effect"
   // =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
   // =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=
   // FINAL STUFF.. *=;
   if (GPURendermode == 0)  // -- LERPED --  (default) 
    {// Interpolate between the raw mapped diffuse colour and the shaded colour as a way of emulating ambient lighting..
     LerpSliderDiffmap = 0.7;
    }  else {LerpSliderDiffmap = 1.0;} +=;  // FINAL SPECULAR "ADD"..
   MAPDiffuseRGBA.w *= 3.0;  // A cool (hardcoded) way to finetune the Alpha Channel to get "Thicker or Thinner" cover on the CLipMap..
                              // This should be done "after" we extracted and converted the different "ranges of intensity"
                              // from the Alpha channel for other things like "Droplet Mask"..
   FinalDiffuse.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w;
   FinalDiffuse.w *= GPUFloatArray[0][3]; // Inc/Dec very slowly by tapping "C" or "V"..
   gl_FragColor = Interpolate(LerpSliderDiffmap, MAPDiffuseRGBA, FinalDiffuse);
   gl_FragColor.w = FinalDiffuse.w;
   // (there is still something funny here)..
   // O.K. 
   // - SHADER COMMANDS -  // Override the Final Calculations above.. 
   // When youre done playing with the different rendermodes dele these to save GPU time..
   if (GPURendermode == 10) // ADD the "Emmision Map" to everything else. Darkened Scenes (which we did elsewhere) works better..
    { += MAPEmissionRGB.z; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; } // No return this time..
   if (GPURendermode == 2)  // Render the "Mapped Raw Diffuse Colour" only..
    {gl_FragColor = MAPDiffuseRGBA; return;}
   if (GPURendermode == 3)  // Render "Final Normals" after all the "Tangent, Binormal and Matrix Calculations"..
    { = ( / 2.0) + 0.5;
     gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; // We want to see our "Adjusted" clipmapping always..
   if (GPURendermode == 4)  // Show Diffuse by LIGHT_001 only..
   { = * 1.0; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return; }
   if (GPURendermode == 5) // Show only DIFFUSE and SPECULAR (diffuse subdued for a better effect)..
    {float DiffSub = 0.25; float SpecSub = 1.0;  // Tweak them.. = * DiffSub; += ( * SpecSub);
     gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;
   if (GPURendermode == 6) // Render TANGENTS..
    { = ( / 2.0) + 0.5; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;} 
   if (GPURendermode == 7) // Render BINORMALS..
    { =(; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;} 
   if (GPURendermode == 8) // Normals as mapped in the "NSG Map" in R and G along with our Cool Calculated Z..
    { =  ( / 2.0) + 0.5; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return; } 
   if (GPURendermode == 9) // Render Geometric Vertex Normals.. If you can see one of your "Extra Images" then your recompile and new dll works!..
    {vec4 VnormalRepresentation; = (VNormal.zyx / 2.0) + 0.5;
     // We test our EXTRA FOUR IMAGES here!
     // =;
     // =;  // From here we have to change "irrCompileConfig.h" and recompile the Irrlicht Engine to get a new DLL and LIB)
     // =;  // See details of this elsewhere.
     // =;
     // =;
     gl_FragColor = Interpolate(0.25, VnormalRepresentation,  MapRGBA006); // Just for fun..
     gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; // We want to see our "Adjusted" clipmapping always..
   if (GPURendermode == 14) // Mapped Spec & Gloss as if it was mapped with R and G..
    {gl_FragColor.x =  MapNSGRGBA.z; gl_FragColor.y =  MapNSGRGBA.w; gl_FragColor.z =  MAPSpecXGlossY.z;
     gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;} 
   if (GPURendermode == 15) // Mapped Specular..
    { = MapNSGRGBA.z;  gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;}     
   if (GPURendermode == 16) // Mappped Gloss..
    { = MapNSGRGBA.w; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;}       
   if (GPURendermode == 17) // UV Representation..
    {gl_FragColor.xy = RenderedUVs.xy; gl_FragColor.z =  0.0; gl_FragColor.w = MAPDiffuseRGBA.w; return;}   
  }// -- END --  You fix the rest!

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:53 pm
by Vectrotek

Code: Select all

 // H O W   T H I N G S   W E R E   P A S S E D   F R O M   A P P C O D E ..
 // Snippet..
 virtual void OnSetConstants(irr::video::IMaterialRendererServices* PrivateServices, irr::s32 userData) 
  {irr::core::matrix4 matWorld;
   TheWorldMatrix = TheVideoDriver->getTransform(ETS_WORLD); // THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
   TheCameraPosition = TheSceneManager->getActiveCamera()->getPosition();
   PrivateServices->setVertexShaderConstant("mWorld", TheWorldMatrix.pointer(), 16); // All we need here from our side! (there are some "unseens" under GLSL though)..
   int TexAddresses [8]; // 4 is current max..
   #define DIFFUSE     0
   #define NORSPEGLOSS 1  // Very cool..
   // #define SPECGLOSS   XX  // New implementation where we "Combine" Specular and Gloss in a single image..
   #define EMMISION    2  // Emission for "Glow" effects..()
   #define IMAGEX004   3  // Future stuff would be SSS, LSSOMS, 
   #define IMAGEX005   4
   #define IMAGEX006   5
   #define IMAGEX007   6
   #define IMAGEX008   7
   TexAddresses [DIFFUSE]     = DIFFUSE;
   TexAddresses [EMMISION]    = EMMISION;
   TexAddresses [IMAGEX004]    = IMAGEX004; 
   TexAddresses [IMAGEX005]    = IMAGEX005; 
   TexAddresses [IMAGEX006]    = IMAGEX006; 
   TexAddresses [IMAGEX007]    = IMAGEX007; 
   TexAddresses [IMAGEX008]    = IMAGEX008;  // Bit of a mess but it works..
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("DiffuseMap",   (int*)(&TexAddresses [DIFFUSE]),     1);      
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("NSGMap",       (int*)(&TexAddresses [NORSPEGLOSS]), 1);  
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("EmissionMap",  (int*)(&TexAddresses [EMMISION]),    1);  // 
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("Image004",     (int*)(&TexAddresses [IMAGEX004]),   1);  // 
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("Image005",     (int*)(&TexAddresses [IMAGEX005]),   1);  // I5 IMAGE  O.K.
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("Image006",     (int*)(&TexAddresses [IMAGEX006]),   1);  // I6 IMAGE  O.K.
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("Image007",     (int*)(&TexAddresses [IMAGEX007]),   1);  // I7 IMAGE  O.K.      
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("Image008",     (int*)(&TexAddresses [IMAGEX008]),   1);  // I8 IMAGE  O.K.
   //  CGparameter cgEnvironmentMap;   // Textures..  WHAT IS THIS CG THING'S COUNTERPART IN GLSL? (comes from CG!!)
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("GPURendermode",  (int*)(&FragmentRendermode), 1);
   if (PLAECFActive == 1){int Valll = 1; PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("GpuPLAECFActive",  (int*)(&Valll) , 1);}
   if (PLAECFActive == 0){int Valll = 0; PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("GpuPLAECFActive",  (int*)(&Valll) , 1);}
   // HOW DO WE USE "SAMPLER CUBE" ?? (there must be a way as the keyword exists under GLSL)..
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("CameraPos", &TheCameraPosition.X, 4); // see how we have the ".x" to indicate the first in an array..
   PrivateServices->setPixelShaderConstant("GPUFloatArray", (float*)(&ShaderFloatArray), 16); // As a "mat4" type..
   // etc etc..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:56 pm
by Vectrotek
That was my last GLSL post! I'm taking a short break, then its HLSL all the way! Aah! Irrlicht 1.8.3 !

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:05 pm
by Vectrotek
Very old CG render (win32) a few years ago..
Now for HLSL..

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:20 pm
by The_Glitch

Been working on a better specular result with my TS shader.

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:09 pm
by Vectrotek
Been trying to figure out how to get Cg and HLSL working..
Post a project!

Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:57 pm
by The_Glitch
The Viewmat is a C4matrix in irrlicht depending on what version of Irrlicht your using you would assign the variable Viewmat to the string in your shader.

Usually with the method of

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Re: Bump mapping for Animated meshes

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:48 pm
by Vectrotek
Anyone? Why can I not get the method..

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for "IMaterialRendererServices"