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Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:27 am
Location: Western Australia

Post by Alex »

Cool it sounds like some of you younger guys (and I'm not that old) have access to amazing resources compared to when I was a kid.

I would describe myself as a self taught hacker (much to the displeasure of my parents shocked by my plummeting grades) who has eveloved to embrace design principles. I still like to hack, but only once I have a good solid framework. Go figure.

Name: Alex
Age: 23
Languages (in order of learning):
1981, English (Earth 0.5a)
1986, Basic 1.1 (Amstrad CPC 6128) (my first program IIRC flashed the border different colors)
1989, DR Logo (Amstrad CPC 6128)
1992, Assembler, (Amstrad CPC 6128), mostly fiddled with registers to see what would happen :)
1994, QBasic, My first MS-Dos PC (Yay!)
1995, Turbo Pascal
1995/1996, x86 Assembler
1999, Started hacking C code, messy but it worked
2000, Java at College, taught me some OOP
2001, OOP C++, Partly learned in University, mostly self taught
2004, PHP

It seems like my programming experience reads like my life history, but during most of that time I was also swimming, tae-kwon-do, surf lifesaving, playing soccer or baseball, running, cycling and generally being active.

My main focus since 1992 (and the fateful day i played Star Control 2) has been trying to create the ultimate space adventure game. But because of the setbacks if real life and new technology making my entire codebase obsolete (before I learned OOP) here I am today, trying to do it in 3D. As long as games don't go 4D in the next couple of years I should be right.

If u wanna check it out, http://users.bigpond.com/alexp1 should work for another month or so until I get a new ISP.
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2004 12:30 am

Post by pszlachetka »

Name: Peter Szlachetka
Age: 17
Languages : C++
Location: GA, USA

Been working with C++ for about 8 months now. Discovered Irrlicht just recently. Taking a computer science course in high school right now, and we're learning gay old JAVA, but oh well. Made two games before using one of those "kiddie engines". A soccer game made with Klik and Play (anyone remember this one?!) and a helicopter shooter scroller with Game Maker. Hope to make it one day into the game industry, or at least some kind of programmer.

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:47 pm
Location: France

Post by Overkills »

Name : Thomas
Age : 17
Language : C++, Qbasic, php, Darkbasic (too slow)
Location : France

I began to program on Atari STE with my mother, Discover Darkbasic for my 15 years but, too slow, launch me in C++ learning. I am now in second years of Biologie licence in University. Develloping games with a group of friends.
All programmer need respect
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Post by Armen138 »

name: Armen
age: 29
location: Laval, Quebec, Canada
languages:C/C++, Perl, PHP
hobby: painting, programming, watching cartoons :)
favourite games: all Command & Conquer games, Supreme Commander

<updated june 2010>
Last edited by Armen138 on Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
if you're looking for me, start looking on irc, i'm probably there.

Post by Guest »

Name: Kevin van Leeuwen
Age: in 4 months 16
Languages: C-script,HTML, PHP,MySQL, a little basic, im learning c++ since a few weeks.
Location: Germany, Niedersachsen
Website: www.gfxstyler.de || currently offline -> redesign
Occupation: iam going to school
Hobby: everything that has to do with computers [programming, 2d design, webdesign], (maria *g*)
Favourite games: UT2003, C&C Generals, The Nations
Been programming since i was 11 or 12 (html), then moved on to php when i was 13, with 14 i did a little basic and began to learn c-script, but basic was boring to me so i left it. then with 15 i just got myself into php+mysql again, very interesting. now iam learning c++ and irrlicht api.
what i can do best:
1.html [very good] (its really easy)
2.c-script [good](isnt a real language, its from 3dgs)
3.php [good]
4.mysql[not so good as php, but it is enough to program a forum,guestbook or even browsergame]
5.c++ [not good (iam learning it right now)]
6.basic [bad (i just wanted to learn this because of a friend, but it was soo fu**ing boring so i stopped it)]

edit: here is a picture of me:
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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:34 pm

Post by Oz »

Ok ill introduce myself, too then.

Name: Ozzy
Age: 26 (born on Halloween, do-do do-do!)
Location: Yorkshire, England (born on uranus)
Went to colledge to do various IT stuff including software and motorcycle engineering. (guess which I stuck with longest)
But im just a hobby game coder.
Started coding: at around 12: +2A Basic, Z80 assembler, (no coding for ages) qbasic, Visual Basic, C (prefered language, most experience), C++ and just a little HTML.
Coding Interests: MOD-making (quake2 started the ball-rolling with C), game-dynamics.
Likes: Science Fiction, cider, surfing the net. Open Source. Kate Russel & Jeri Lyn Ryan (Seven of Nine). Preferably both at the same time. :D
Dislikes: People who watch, but dont play sport. Religeous extreemists. Bees. Hangovers.

Cya around, y'all.
"When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw what heights civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height." -Keeper Annals
(Thief2: The Metal Age)
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Location: Russia

Post by ZDimitor »

Name: Zhuck Dmitry
Age: 26 years
Country: Russia (Eastern Siberia)
Town: Krasnoyarsk
Languages: certainly C++ (and other Pascal, Basic, SQL, PHP, Java, HTML, bla bla bla bla... :lol: )
Posts: 49
Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:46 am
Location: England

Post by Flatline »

Name: Derek Hartley
Age: 25
Began programming in: 1985-6 on the ZX81 before progressing to BASIC and AMOS on the Amiga. Now I code in C++ and do web work in PHP. I've never actually written a game before, but hopefully with Irrlicht's help, I can get something done!
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:07 pm
Location: Germany

Post by Kristian »

Name: Kristian
Age: Born 23/5/1982 (5/23/1982 for some)
Location: Germany, NRW
Languages: JAVA (thx to uni), C# (thx to uni), C, C++ (a little rusty), x86 ASM, mainly AT&T syntax (barely enough to write a bootloader), Perl
Ocupation: University student - Wirtschaftsinformatik (don't really know how to translate it, it's a mix of business and cs)
Operating Systems: Open BSD, Linux, Mac OS X 10.3.*, Windows XP
Computers: Athlon 1,2GHz 640MB SDRAM, GF 4 TI 128MB; 867Mhz 15" Power Book, 1GB SDRAM

I don't consider myself a good programmer, since I can't motivate myself to finish stuff. I tend to switch languages, too. Started
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Location: Nobody's Place (Venlo NL)

Post by Acki »

I'm so happy, because I'm not the oldest guy here !!! ;)

Name: Axel Schneider
Age: born in 19x6
Home: Mönchengladbach (Germany)

I started coding on a Commodore VC-20, than C-64, Amiga 500 and after Commodore was out of buisiness I started with an Pentium 1 (110 mhz)...

Languages: a couple of BASIC dialects (Commodore V2, Amos, DOS, PowerBasic, VB4-6, VBA, ...) and several C based dialects (C/C++, Java, PHP, ...) and some other languages like HTML (well not really a programming language) and Profan...

Greatings to Silberwolf, we're almost neighbors (just a couples of km)... ;)
Last edited by Acki on Mon May 10, 2010 9:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
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Location: Mannheim / Germany

Post by Kande »


Name: Senol Kandemir
Country: Germany
City: Mannheim
Age: 30
Favourite Football Club: 1.FC Kaiserslautern (They had better times though)
Favourite Dish: Döner and Pizza
Favourite Hobby: Sleeping

I started programming on the Amiga..... cant really remember when it was but since then some time passed.

Nice thread :) People from all over the world are here, i like that.
Life is expensive..... but a trip around the sun is included.
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Location: Geluwe, Belgium

Post by bal »

Looks like I am the youngest here :).
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System: AMD Barton 2600+, 512MB, 9600XT 256MB, WinXP + FC3
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Post by Robomaniac »

14 for me biatch :D
The Robomaniac
Project Head / Lead Programmer
Centaur Force
The Hellcat
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Post by The Hellcat »

Name: Mack R.
Age: 26
Location: Western Hemisphere
Profession: 8)
Languages: HTML,CSS,Javascript,ASP,PHP,SQL,XML,QBasic
Special Powers:
1. Ability to learn new languages on-the-fly.
2. Ability to use foreign accents when required.
Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:41 pm

Post by T101 »

Phunk wrote:NAME: Robin
LOCATION:Mijdrecht, the Netherlands
OK, this is just scary:
Mijdrecht has only about 16 or 17000 people and is no bigger than about 2 or three km across.

Name: Gert-Jan (In Dutch that's a man's name by the way)
Age: 34 (well, at least I'm not the oldest - and all the girls say I look a lot younger)
Location: Mijdrecht, Netherlands
Marital status: difficult to tell right now - I have a foreign girlfriend and I don't know where that's going.

First inspiration to start programming: I was probably about 12 years old, I owned a game console, and I wanted to make games for myself.

Bought a Commodore C-16 when I was about 14 (121 colours instead of the C-64's 16, but you needed a memory upgrade if you wanted to do anything "serious").
Then a C-128 (I've always been a non-conformist) that I truly knew inside-out. Did some stuff with sound manipulation after I was introduced to the miracle of AD converters. Wrote my own assembler. But not a lot of games.

Bought an Amiga 500+. This was when most PC's for sale were 286's - although the first 386 was already on the market.
Later upgraded it to an 020 (IIRC) but it never had more than 10MB RAM. Still, that was at a time when PCs went all the way up to 4MB.

It took SVGA and the 486DX2 to finally get me to take the PC seriously.

Since then I bought (and later got rid of) an early PowerPC Mac (which I never got a compiler for).
Still bought an Amiga 4000/030 which I upgraded to 74MB, and an 060 processor.

Implemented an IPX implementation for the Amiga - which was used by ADoom, an Amiga port of Doom, and that made it possible to play Doom with/against PC and Mac players.

I was involved with a mod for UT - AirfightUT - for about a year and a half.

The last few years I've mostly played games I'm afraid. The 4000 is still in my closet, and I've got two pretty beefed-up PCs - one on Linux/Win98, the other on Win98.

I'm not a Microsoft lover, although I don't think they're absolutely evil.
I've just got a little bit too much experience with server crashes to want to depend on their software.

Languages: 6502 assembly, C-16/64 basic, some VBA (Access, Excel, AutoCAD), Pascal and 6809 assembly in polytech, lots of C, some C++, some Lisp, SQL, some REXX, dBase, some Prolog, a bit of PHP, and probably some other languages I forgot about.

Recently I've been working on some software to modify voice samples - but now Rome:TW is getting in the way...

The reason Irr looks interesting to me right now is because (like someone else in here) I'd like to use it for 3D point-n-click games. But that will have to wait until I get my voice software done.
Irr's rendering obviously isn't optimised, but it should allow me to prototype quickly, and then exchange components.
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