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Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:39 am
by Myth
No problem about the delay. I've haden't have any success with BCB and irrlicht on 0.10 or 0.11. I still get that error at the core::stringc template.

Re: string<T>& operator=(const B* c) give errors w

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:05 pm
by etcaptor
etcaptor wrote:Hi all,
in file:


in fuction

void Surface::clear()
//replace textureName = 0; with
textureName = '/0';
//or textureName = ""
That is my solution at now. You also can reove CCSMLoader from irr project if you have not plans to use this format in your game.

So, I start compiling and uploading Irr 11 with BCB6. Check this topic again after few hours

Irrlicht v.011 for BCB6 was uploaded

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:16 pm
by etcaptor
Hi, I uploaded Irrlicht port on: ... BCB6.part1 ... BCB6.part2

Seems this hosting not suports big files and rar amd zip extension, so I've split file.

Rename Irr011BCB6.part1 to Irr011BCB6.part1.rar
and Irr011BCB6.part2 to Irr011BCB6.part2.rar

after downloading

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:23 am
by Myth
Ok the URL of part 2 is wrong but I understood downloading the file Irr011BCB6.part2 instead :). I'm, downloading it now.. it goes slow..

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:10 pm
by Myth
Ok I got it to work nicely!
With the include files and your dll it works completely.
But with my own compiled dll directx has a very short view distance?
I used the latests version of the dx9 sdk, but didn't compile including dx8.
Why is this view distance so short??
setfarvalue and all won't make any influence, same for lightning and fog it won't diffrer.
EDIT: Ok so I tried using this instead of 0.09 in my somewhat big project.
At runtime it sais: Error can't find entrypoint for createdevice in IRRLICHT.dll.
I do link against irrlich.lib and irrlidht.dll is in the folder.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:34 am
by etcaptor
Maybe I not understood right... Have you run irr011BCB6 with dx9?
I can't. It's work for me under Opengl and DX8.

It's strange, because for example irr09BCB6 stop working under DX9, when my PC was upgraded. The only one version of IrrBCB that now works with dx9 is old NX version. But only on this PC.
But with my own compiled dll directx has a very short view distance?
I used the latests version of the dx9 sdk, but didn't compile including dx8.
I thinks that this problem is related with dx lib files. On my PC I have installed Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (Summer 2004). So, you must use your dx lib files. See this part again:

Microsoft lib file is created as COFF library, whereas Borland linker works with OMF library files, so:
- Use COFF to OMF Converter located on C++Builder/bin directory like:

coff2omf.exe d3dx9.lib d3dx9bor.lib

- Change the name of d3dx9.lib original file and the rename d3dx9bor.lib to d3dx9r.lib

- Use Borland Import lib tool located on C++Builder/bin directory like:

/implib.exe/ implib d3dx9.lib d3dx9d.dll
After that just copy these lib files to lib\CBUilder6 folder and recompile engine.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:32 am
by Myth
I indeed used directx9. Not 8 since I didn't halo all header files for dx 8.
Like dx8dcore.h isn't in the dx sdk anymore.
I did that coff2omf stuff, I will try with an older direct x sdk now then.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:23 pm
by Myth
It works now!! It's awesme man!
EDIT: DirectX still gives an error. Maybe I have to do some parameter to compile direct x libaries and dll's? I assume I need them?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:55 pm
by etcaptor
Only this was added by me in IrrConfig.h, to get BCB with Irrlicht.

Code: Select all

#if (_MSC_VER < 1300 && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__)) 
#pragma message("Compiling Irrlicht with Visual Studio 6.0, support for DX9 is disabled.")

Code: Select all

With my old PC and DirecX SDK this was issue for DX9, but now it's not working for me.

If you have any idea or you get any solution with DX9, please tell us. When this line is adde I can see that Irrlicht.dll increases by size... I will make some DX9 attempts too.


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:31 am
by Myth
I also get the following error.. dunnoif you get it too? fixed it maybe?
I get it at runtime.
"sqrt: domain expection error".
I remember I got it at previous versions after updating to smooth fps cam.
And the camera in irr11 is smooth already, so that problem might be around there?

- Myth

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:01 pm
by etcaptor
Do you use

Code: Select all

#include <float.h>
  _control87((_control87(0, 0) | ~0011), MCW_EM);
before CreateDevice fuction?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:52 pm
by Myth
Yes. If I leave it out I'll get the floating point division by zero error when switching to FP cam.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:08 pm
by etcaptor
OK, try this in your App:

Code: Select all

#include <bcbmath.h>
I wrote this file to avoid this kind of problems.
You can find this file in Irrlicht\include and include directory.

BCB6 for Irrlicht v.012.0

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:17 pm
by etcaptor
Sources for compiling of BCB6 with Irr v.0.12 are ready.

Here is a link: ... 12BCB6.zi_

rename file like after downloading.

In zip file are only changed sources for BCB6. I've not tested it with my current projects at now, so if you have any problems or errors, post me here please.

Also BCB5 works with Irrlicht too and because comes with free borland compiler can be used with Irrlicht. If anyone interests from Irrlicht with BCB5, can post me here.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:35 am
by Bazzilic
etcaptor, that's great! thanks a lot! And, i think you should tell Niko to include these changes into official IrrLicht releases!