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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:38 pm
by m_krzywy

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:20 pm
by FuzzYspo0N
jotatsu you crack me up. That is an awesome post

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:06 am
by Virion
hahaha that's pure awesome!

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:29 pm
by jotatsu
On a more serious note idk what are the plans but i think the redesign is a good idea, w/e design wins and why not pass the project to its own domain and server? is avaible if niko is still using, and i think a shared domain will be more than enough for the the needs of the project (cms, phpbb3 with attached files :o , wiki, coppermine, porn streaming, etc).

Maybe its worth, maybe not, but i think it has to offer a more centralized, less constrained, community controled situation for the project, with small donations the thing can be paid 3 years in advance or something like that in a decent webhost seller.

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:16 am
by remixedcat
realistic tit shaders?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:29 pm
by socco
Hello @ all,
Im new here and I take my time to post my first 2cents right here, couse i worry about the silence about this important topic.
Im just starting to use the IrrLicht engine. I had to search many articles on the web to decide for the IrrLicht.
I can tell u the web presentation was not the one to help me to pick this engine. And the sreenshot section give me the rest so I turned and tryed ogre. After studying the OgreEngine I see, there are only some features diffent to Irrlicht and becouse of there LicincePolitic and the big overhead in the design I give IrrLicht another chance.

All I try to tell is: Please dont stop on working on presentation your engine couse the better the presentation the more people use it and not at least the better for the engine.

this are my two cents.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:16 pm
by Virion
discontinued? :cry:

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:08 pm
by xray
I hope not...

I would say it depends on the admins to say what the next step would be (webdesign competition, or what else)
And Im still willing to help in this section, free of charge.[/quote]

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:11 pm
by Josie
I am willing to help as well. I am a professional web developer that specializes in web applications, so I could definitely help with making the site more dynamic and easy to update, as well as the move to PhpBB3.

Also, as far as hosting goes, sourceforge is a pretty excellent free host for websites of open-source projects, although it would be nice to have an actual domain name.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:17 pm
by DtD
Also on hosting, I'd be more than happy to donate part of my 1&1 web server to Irrlicht. I don't use even 1% of my limits with my Business Shared Hosting plan.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:30 pm
by kingdutch
Bumped for awesomeness.
this needs doing :D
Willing to help in any way possible

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:53 pm
by hybrid
Well, bitplane has almost vanished from earth's surface, so I don't know how to proceed with this. Just keep on creating suggestions on how to change the layout and things. Also make sure that all your proposals are conforming to the things SourceForge offers. And no, thanks, but we don't need hosting, because this is already provided by SourceForge.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:56 pm
by Josie
hybrid wrote:Well, bitplane has almost vanished from earth's surface, so I don't know how to proceed with this. Just keep on creating suggestions on how to change the layout and things. Also make sure that all your proposals are conforming to the things SourceForge offers. And no, thanks, but we don't need hosting, because this is already provided by SourceForge.
Agreed. Hybrid, I recently moved a phpBB1.x site to phpBB3, If you want to try the upgrade, we could make a phpBB3 instance and clone the posts and users to it.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:38 pm
by hybrid
Well, we also need to cross-link from old to new posts etc. So porting the forums might be second or third step IMHO. More important would be the update of the homepage. Maybe we should go for the Wordpress blog and a nicely looking Wiki. I guess that would fit most of our needs, would just require some nice layouts.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:52 am
by Josie
hybrid wrote:Well, we also need to cross-link from old to new posts etc. So porting the forums might be second or third step IMHO. More important would be the update of the homepage. Maybe we should go for the Wordpress blog and a nicely looking Wiki. I guess that would fit most of our needs, would just require some nice layouts.
Yeah, I think maybe docuwiki or mediawiki might be able to suit the project's needs fairly well. Any other suggestions? My wiki platform experience is lax ( moinmoin ).