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Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:15 am
by juliusctw
I am so anxious .......

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:56 am
by Gotmilk
nice project. I am modelling city myself too. I make a plane in 3dmax put some buildings on it and some textures and sace it in 3ds format and load it in irr engine. so i builde step by step

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:45 am
by JP
Just downloaded the demo and it's looking fantastic :D I remember when it all started out heh.

I got a strong urge to start shooting up some gangs but i couldn't find any :( GTA has tarnished my mind :lol:

I know it's not a game and just for rendering cities, but could someone use it to make a game, like GTA or otherwise? So basically could someone drop in some AI enemies and put a gun in so you could run around fighting?

Hey Don Pedro it's looking good

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:17 pm
by Celebrity3D
Hi Don, I am impressed with your efforts with your Urban Environment you are creating. I hope you still are working on it. Let me know if you are please. I would love to have knowledge in this area. My dream would be to create something like Second Life, or another Avatar environment like's world There. That is why I am writing. Do you think it would be easy to set up a fairly small environment with the ability for people on the internet to log in and become an avatar? Something small. Like lets say a small Diner to or bar so people can stand around or sit at tables and drink a virtual drink. Then talk in voice bubbles? If you go to and sign up for free on a basic membership you will see how it is. To do something like that with the bubbles over our heads. Now I compare your world to that one. Graphics are ok but not fine in detail. Looking at the memory aspect at the same time. This is probably something complex to implement. But I sure wish I could do it. Tell me where I should start? I know C++ is popular. I have no clue about anything really. Other than starting to use DAZ3D Studio. Which is nice. You can buy 3D content for cheap. Is there anyway I could somehow use this engine Irrlicht with buying some 3D sets over at DAZ?? And using there characters? It is probably not possible but maybe some aspects could be. Give me a clue on all this. What I should do and where I should start. Please do check out the two places I am talking about. and two places of my interest. Thanks a lot Don and I hope your still monitoring this forum. Sincerely Jerry in California.

Re: Virtual City

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:03 pm
by sam_the_programmer
Hello !!!!
I use Irrlitch for 3d graphics!!! Can you tell me how to load your wonderful map . I Have been trying hbut in vein !!
Give me the code source please !!! Thank you :D

I am working on engine intended for real time rendering of large urban environments, like in GTA for example. It's based on Irrlicht, of course :wink: . Core functionality of the engine is already implemented, that means it can display anything designed with my homebrewed editor :).
Now something about its capabilities. After some tests I conclude that average modern computer, with 512Mb of memory should with no problem handle(store it in memory and display) virtual representation of comlete city of area 25km2(this is, I think, European city of about 50.000pop), with detail level not whorse, than seen on following screenshots . It surely doesn't sound stunning but consider that impression of size is much better on computer than in real life, and I belive, it's beter than in mentioned earlier GTA. All about i'm talking is case when all city is completly stored in computer memory, there of course is no problem with uploading some data at runtime, what gives even more area. The problem actually is that there's
need for big team to design such a gigantic map :) .
Well, I'll now present some of my work so far. I just started to design my first test scene(to this time I tested engine on random generated ones), and here goes first screenshots. I will release little demo, when I'll make a few more buildings :) .





Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:53 pm
by Virion
This project seems inactive...