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Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:51 am
by Thulsa Doom
Yep, I'm not the oldest one...
(nor the youngest...)

name: Uwe Hilpert
age: 35
location: Germany
first tech experience: C64
obsession (besides programming): the 3M's (germ.: Musik, Mädchen, Motorräder)
profession: physics

Nice 2 meet U!

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 8:18 pm
by jikbar
Name: Riel
Location: Ontario, Canada
Age: 14 now, 15 at the end of january
Languages: english, french, VB (the language im best at) , C++, DarkBasic (i havent used it in such a long time i can hardly remember the syntax), HTML, Perl (my personal favourite)

i started programming when i was 12, picked up a teach yourself DirectX book but i couldnt understand the 3D code so i started hunting for engines.

after finding DarkBasic (slow and terrible graphics) and Revoluion3D (slow and very bug prone) i found Irrlicht, which has really great everything and forces you to use c++, which is good since otherwise id be too tempted to make my games completely unorganised.

i have a relatively old PC and a very old Mac, id love to make games on my mac but 1) there arent any good free compilers for mac and 2) theres no complete mac version of irrlicht[/b]

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:23 pm
by etcaptor
Age 40 :P
I'am oldest here :wink:
Country - Bulgaria /East Europe/
Languages C++ and some others.
Wing Chun, Heavy metal and hard rock, 3d, music creation.
I like Borland and don't like Microsoft.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:52 pm
by bal
Omg, you could be my dad etcaptor :). And I would love a dad who's intrested in programming and pc's :P.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:22 pm
by etcaptor
:D Thanks!
We still hold the line :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:40 pm
by Ikka
I was 14 when I met programming on a C64 Commodore. But cauz o' my parents, I had to stop. "You future's in school, not in that kidding"... They said "kidding"...

Now I'm 33 n' I trying to learn these new languages cauz I've writen an scenario for a 3D game n' I want to try myself making a demo.

I'm just starting... First I tried in Basic (DarkBasic) but now I do with Visual or Dev C++.

Nice to read U... :D

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:09 pm
by SuryIIID_
It's nice you didn't lose your sence of humor even at 40 etcaptor :)
Nice work on the Visual editor tho.
Are you work as a programmer in Bulgaria ?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:48 am
by etcaptor
No, at this moment I work in University. Here in my city are no many firms related with programming. But this is my main activity :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:27 pm
by DarkWhoppy
niko wrote:Very interesting thread :)

Code: Select all

core::stringc name = "Nikolaus Gebhardt";
s32 age = 24;
char* languages[] = {"C/C++", "C#", "Java", "Delphi", "PHP", "PL/SQL", "VisualBasic", "and some others"};
core::stringc location = "Vienna, Austria"
Started programming with BASIC at the age of 14, worked some years as programmer for game companies, now studiying software engineering.
Wow, me and Niko started programming at the same age :P But, i'm just 1 year older. I plan on going into software engineering as a career also. But rihgt now i'm doing "game development". I've gotten an offer or two from companies (which i've turned down or they've said 'nevermind' because they found out my age) East Coast Games is one I turned down ... a month or so ago. :roll: I'd like to get hired but they expected me to call every so often... and think of the phone bill! lol

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:32 am
by Robomaniac
hm...what was this so called East Coast Games.... I though the eastern coast of the us was a game creation wasteland ;)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:33 am
by Guest
Ah, my poor friend, if you're working for them, why dont you just get cell phone and good plan and it would be worth it if u got paid enough. if u want to be game developer, you must be number one at problem solving. what i like to do is look at "magic tricks" and figure out how they work. like the ones at, since theyre its computer tricks, can be figured out! problem solving does indeed help 8)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:05 am
by Notsosuperhero
Name: Joe
Age: 17
Location: New York, USA
Languages: HTML, C++, VB, a little C# and Java

been programming for about 2 years now and am making a game with a couple friends for their comic Jetpack Jesus.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:13 pm
by INM8
Ok, I'm not the youngest! WOO!!!

Name: Cameron
Age: 15
Location: Texas
Hobbies: Programming, video&animation, paintballin', sk8tin', etc.

About Me:
First off, I got my first computer when I was 7 or 8, I got interested in making games when my brother downloaded RPG Maker! Then I found... Game Maker! I learnt it's scripting language called GML (basically C - which later on I learnt C/C++ for other things!), then I wanted a website to post my games, so I learnt HTML. Then I got interested in more advanced HTML, so I lernt Javascript. Then I went on... and BLAM! An interest of movie making hit me! So I got Flash MX, and lernt action script. Then I saw people adding in 3D to their animations, they used Swift 3D. So I got me a trial version, but then... it hit me! Time 2 make 3D games! So I d/led and learnt Blender (modelling) and lernt some Python 2 help me w/ that. Recently afterwards I got a DIGITAL CAMERA, and recorded some live video footage, yet getting interesting in movie making again. All of a sudden I had an urge to get back to game making! So I searched the internet for countless hours, months... and stumbled onto the Irrlicht website, but never looked into it. I've tryed out many many engines, and find this to be the BEST! Nowadays, I have my Digital Video Camcorder, Flash MX 2004, Dreamweaver MX, and the Irrlicht Engine for all my needs! Lots of time and $$ was brought into this, but over all, its great! Im getting a FREE server, so I have a website coming up pretty soon. I already have some great videos to show, and am currently working on a FPS w/ Irrlicht engine! Somewhere in the middle of all of that I learnt C/C++, and learnt about OpenGL and all that fancy stuff. I can harld remember anything, especially in order! So, yes its a jumbled up mess! Much trial and error... but enough about me! I need 2 get back to programming!!! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:33 am
by MikeR
I want you all to know that you make me feel like a dinasaur. :shock: I have kids older than you.

Name: Mike Rowley
Location: California
First computer language...err...punch cards. They were so boring that I gave up on computers. My first pc was a commadore 64. (ok,so that wasn't a real computer)
I currently have:
p4 1.5ghz windows xp
p3 win 98
p1 redhat linux
computer languages I know?? verrrrrry basic html. That's it.
I can read most languages and figure out what they are doing, but can't write them yet. I am in the process of learning c++

I am a Truckdriver by trade, but do graphical building for a website of gaming enthusiests who are building their own games. We write them, and build them. We were about 2 months from launching our site (started 2 years ago) when the owner of the program we were using (Adobe Atmosphere) pulled the plug on the program. We went searching for a new engine and I found Irrlicht.

Oh, my age. 44

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:57 pm
by cartoonit
Well about me
Name: David Toon
Age: 21
Location: England the North West
Ocupation: Currently studying for a degree, in to the final year now and got a couple of months left.
Languages: C++ (although I'm told once you know this Java, and other OO languages come a lot easier??), ASM, PIC embedded system, C and I'm just learning some linux stuff. Got in to programming when I started Uni which is 3 years ago now, which was basic C and in the last two years we've been blasted with C++ and OOP. I'm doing a FPS as part of my final project for Uni. I've made other windows games using Borland, and dos games namely minesweeper using assembler and borland 3.0!!! This is my first major project and it all seems to be going ok!!!??? Just end up getting bogged down with Uni work though when i'm back, so I've ended up having a busy x-mas and not a lot of time off :?

When I graduate I want to get a job round here, either working for a game company if possible or any other area of SE that is available :D