I have improved the Irradiance mapping shader i already had, it was doing incorrect calculations, and i couldn't model anything beyond an ambiental lighting. Now i place an unlimited number of static lights of any size at a constant render time, (as they are stored as texture maps

. The render has interactive framerates, and, although it doesn't show, because the light is black, there is shadow mapping with 5 samples to antialias it.
This render has 17 static lights + 1 dynamic, directly to the backbuffer, crisp, antialiased and clean
The render is still rendermonkey, but this app is very little, so the pass to irrlicht is to load the shader, set the apropriate constants, and that's all folks.
EDIT: instead of uploading a new image, i edit this, because they are too similar.
Now the irradiance map has the shadows calculated.
This render shows all the effects in action.
-Irradiance maps
-Normal maps
-5-PCF antialiased Shadowmapping
-cubemap reflection
I think it is pretty complete. The idea is to use this shader as an static meshes renderer.
"There is nothing truly useless, it always serves as a bad example". Arthur A. Schmitt