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Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:53 pm
by paupawsan
itx wrote:Garfinkle TNX ALOT for this build ;) work perfect on iOS 3.2 and 4.0!!!

paupawsan - just set "Header Search Paths" in the Debug configuration to same values as in Release configuration

P.S. For build 3.2 version need to comment #import <CoreMotion/CoreMotion.h> line in IrrlichtTemplateAppDelegate.h
Hi itx,

Thanks for the suggestion, but actually it was just my mistake not to take a look the gcc compiler version.
The release mode set to gcc 4.2 by default, but the debug mode set to 4.0.
That's why I got so many errors.

And thank you Garfinkle for this guide also, it works excellent.


And finally it works!

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:01 am
by acodev
Hello everybody,
thank to the template from Garfinkle, I was finally able to run an Irrlicht application on the simulator, in release mode.
Unfortunately, despite my effort and some info on other posts, I am still unable to have the Debug compilation to work, but I am confident I will find out why.
Just another black point is the support of Multitouch in an irrlicht application. The library simulate very well the single mouse click, but what if I need to catch two or even more touch on the screen? I should admit that I need still to investigate this part, may be I just need to 'activate' the code already there, dunno! Of course, any info, even minimal, is much appreciated.
And BTW, as itx already said in his post, in order to compile with the version 3.2 you need to deactivate the line in IrrlichtTemplateAppDelegate.h, but may be instead of commenting out you can just use the same line as in

#import <CoreMotion/CoreMotion.h>

so the template will continue to work in both versions 3.2 and 4.0.

Thank you again and best regards

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:54 pm
by patrickoshaughnessey
Garfinkle wrote:Just to clarify or make things easier to follow.

Download Template and compiled Libraries.

and the Irrlicht Engine header Files (updated and patched)

Extract the contents of IrrlichtTemplate to your projects folder

example: /Users/<yourname>/Projects/IrrlichtTemplate

Extract the contents of IrrlichtEngine to your projects folders (this means you don't need to update your library search paths etc)

example: /Users/<yourname>/Projects/IrrlichtEngine.

If running on simulator leave RUNNING_ON_DEVICE set to 0 in If running on device (and you have iPhone SDK 4.0) set RUNNING_ON_DEVICE to 1.


// on simulator or no iOS 4.x SDK

// on device with iOS SDK 4.x

*NOTE* if running on a device do not forget to set your code signing certificate -> Double click on IrrlichTemplate in targets section on left hand side, set code signing in build options :D

that is all you need to do to get the template running.

Quick breakdown of features.

* Ready to run on Device and Simulator
* Integrated Touch Controls
* Integrated Bullet Physics Wrapper
* Integrated Rude Tweaker (allows live modification of values)
* Basic Skybox added to scene so you can see it is working
* Debug physics mode toggleable via single parameter (draw wireframes around all physics objects.
* Pre-compiled irrlicht (1.7) library files so no extra work is needed to get started
* Preset basic game structure with code laid out for updating physics, updating camera, drawing
* Preset Time values for maintaining animations during framerate changes
* Event Handler class integrated into and linked as responder for the device.
* Sample code demonstrating setting physics world up preset in
* Sample code demonstrating RudeTweaker preset in
* vector3df to btVector3 conversion functions integrated into to allow easier interaction between Bullet and Irrlicht
* quick function to get a btRigidBody's position in vector3df -> getV3Pos(rigidBody) integrated in

Hope this helps everyone get started :D
Hey Garfinkle,

Thanks for the excellent work on the Template and libraries! I was wondering if you could provide the xcodeproject that you created to build the libraries themselves?


Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:35 am
by Garfinkle
Hi Guys,

Sorry for the delay responding, been working heavily on other projects.

I will add the xproj file that i used to compile the binaries soon once I ensure that all libraries will link once opened locally for yourselves.

Thanks for all the 'Thanks', glad that the template has helped so much.

Dwarf axe not textured in template

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:57 pm
by andrew
I downloaded the template and have been playing around with the code. The axe on the dwarf.x is just white and is not textured as it normally is. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of what is going on or how I would go about fixing this.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:05 am
by irrspring
So is irrlicht work on iPhone or not ?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:32 pm
by StunterLiZaRd89
Hi, I was startedup Garfinkle's template on simulotor under xcode but how can I change retina resolution (for IPhone 4 960x640 and IPad 1024x768)?
simple [glView setContentScaleFactor:2.0f] doesn't work :(
And My next question is, how to use multi touch and accelerometer? is it possible on this template?
cheers :D

Help with template

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:26 pm
by speedy15453
I'm new and need a little help.

could some break down the template?

I have loaded nodes in, is this the right place? No textures are showing up.

To animate movement I tried to place the instructions in
and received declaration errors when calling an existing node.

I'm new and trying to learn, any help would be great!


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:09 am
by digijohnny
has any one done any benchmarks on 1.5 vs 1.7?

i have made (quick and dirty)changes to irrlicht for touches/tilts and a simple arcade gui for my apps, i did it over a year ago and dont really want to try to apply them to 1.7 right now unless i can get significant improvements, ill wait til after my next game released this month


would any one with an ipad or ipod4
(or even an ipod 3 running ios4.0)
like to beta test my next app before i submit it to apple?

pm me, all i need is your pods uid, ill responde with a link to download, just install with itunes

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:05 pm
by openglman
Great work on this template! I have the template compiling and running properly on the iPhone 3/4 simulator and device! Was very easy to get going for the iPhone.

Only problem I have run into is that I am unable to get it to run on the ipad device v 4.2 Release mode. It gives me the error:
"GDB: Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loading shared library "/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebufferSupport.dylib")"
Anyone else been able to get irrlicht working on ipad? Are there any plans to support iphone retina display (960x640) and ipad native (1024x768) resolutions? Also if anyone needs help with testing or anything I can do to help I would be willing!


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:52 pm
by Codefused
Hi all,

If you use the Garfinkle template you should:
- Remove the view from the MainWindow.xib file.
- Remove EAGLView.h/.m from the template project.
- Remove references to glView from IrrlichtTemplateAppDelegate.

The reason is that an EAGLView is created for you programatically within the irrlicht device and having a second redundant one hanging around is inefficient and confusing.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:54 pm
by JohnArete

I'm working on an iOS project using Irrlicht. I can compile and link my program against libraries provided by Garfinkle, and everything works fine.

However, I needed to make some slight modifications to Irrlicht, so I created a new project with code from ogl-es branch, and was able to successfully compile Irrlicht for both device and simulator.

With these self-built libraries, my application compiles and runs perfectly when using simulator. However, when I try to compile my application for device, I get the following linker errors:

"_createDeviceEx", referenced from: -[AppDelegate applicationWillUpdate] in AppDelegate.o

"irr::video::IdentityMaterial", referenced from: __ZN3irr5video16IdentityMaterialE$non_lazy_ptr in SpriteSceneNode.o (maybe you meant: __ZN3irr5video16IdentityMaterialE$non_lazy_ptr)

ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Is there a compiler flag or something I am missing here?

I've wasted a lot of time on this matter not really getting anywhere, so any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Okay I finally managed to solve this. Apparently XCode was not using the library compiled for device at all (eg. I got the same two linker errors when I completely removed the Irrlicht library from my XCode project). Renaming the library and adding it again solved the problem.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:51 pm
by Leo [Teh one]
Hi, there is a problem in simulation mode (can't test it on device) and ITouchControl:

when I try

Code: Select all

irr::gui::ITouchControl* tch;
application just quit.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Am I doing something wrong or this is a bug?

Re: Compiling irrlicht ogl-es branch for iphone (progress)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:12 am
by Monkey-D
Garfinkle's template is helpful, thank you so much
but i have a problem, the event seems incorrect, i can't get "left mouse pressed down"

iPhone iPad device generation detection

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:10 pm
by digijohnny
I'm trying to get the hardware device string from irricht
When irrlicht initialized I get console output

Darwin 10.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.4.0: Wed Oct 20 20:06:26 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.58.28~3/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8720X iPod2,1

Any one know how to retrieve this string

EDIT: got it , using sysctrl() , had to force cast the the mallaoc() for the char buffer to (char *) on xcode for some reason, contrary to every example on the web;
Added system detect to create_ex() for auto resolution settiing
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