xml based postprocessing framework
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
the shaders would have to be optimised but the framework is quite well done
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
930 fps in mode 0 (no antialiasing)
730 fps in mde 1 (fxaa aplied)
450 in mode 2 (four cascading effects with about 30 passes)
ok, its not a speed machine but also not so bad...
but however, I'm grateful for any hints,
730 fps in mde 1 (fxaa aplied)
450 in mode 2 (four cascading effects with about 30 passes)
ok, its not a speed machine but also not so bad...
but however, I'm grateful for any hints,
is a little bit general I think....these things really have to be optimized
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
See, what did I say?930 fps in mode 0 (no antialiasing)
730 fps in mde 1 (fxaa aplied)
450 in mode 2 (four cascading effects with about 30 passes)
"If its not done perfect...." And that's quite fast.
Okay i must admit it though, its not quite perfect. The shaders can use a lot of tuning, but for the most part irrlicht itself needs tuning.
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
While we are on it i modified the framework to handle mrt to allow depth write on in a single pass and maybe even defered rendering i might post my sources if you guys are interested in it
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
Anything with single pass depth and the possibility of deferred, makes me happy 

Re: xml based postprocessing framework
I modified the RenderDepth function in the following way to enable mrt rendering
using this vertex shader
and this pixel shader (glsl equivalent)
but as before with a second render pass for depth,normals and world coords...
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void CPostProcessManager::renderDepth(const video::SColor& defaultDepth)
if (DepthPassNodes.size())
// animate and render the camera to ensure correct depth and normal information
scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = Device->getSceneManager()->getActiveCamera();
if (camera)
DepthMaterial->setPixelShaderConstant("MaxDistance", camera->getFarValue());
// set depth and normal render target texture
// as multi render target
core::array<video::IRenderTarget> mrt;
Device->getVideoDriver()->setRenderTarget(mrt, true, true, defaultDepth);
// render all nodes that are stored in the depth pass array
for(u32 i=0; i<DepthPassNodes.size(); i++)
// get the scene node from the array
scene::ISceneNode* node = DepthPassNodes[i];
if (node->isVisible())
// save the scene node materials
core::array<video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE> bufferMaterialList(node->getMaterialCount());
for(u32 j=0; j<node->getMaterialCount(); j++)
// apply the depth material
// animate the node
// render the node
// reset the scene node to the original material
for(u32 j=0; j<node->getMaterialCount(); j++)
node->getMaterial(j).MaterialType = bufferMaterialList[j];
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float4x4 WorldMatrix;
float4x4 ViewMatrix;
float4x4 ProjMatrix;
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Pos : POSITION0;
float3 Normal : NORMAL0;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Pos : POSITION; // Vertexposition
float4 WorldPos : TEXCOORD0; // World Position
float4 WorldNormal : TEXCOORD1; // World Normal
float Depth : TEXCOORD2; // Depth
VS_OUTPUT main (VS_INPUT input)
VS_OUTPUT output;
// default positions
output.Pos = mul(mul(mul(input.Pos, WorldMatrix), ViewMatrix), ProjMatrix);
// world positions
output.WorldPos = mul(input.Pos, WorldMatrix);
// world normal
output.WorldNormal = 0.5*mul(input.Normal, WorldMatrix)+0.5;
// depth
output.Depth = output.Pos.z;
return output;
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niform float MaxDistance;
struct MRT_OUT
float4 rt0 : COLOR0;
float4 rt1 : COLOR1;
MRT_OUT main(float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD0,
float4 worldNormal : TEXCOORD1,
float depth : TEXCOORD2)
MRT_OUT output;
// put the worldpos, calculated in vertex shader, into rgb of the first rt
output.rt0.rgb = worldPos.xyz;
// put the depth, calculated in vertex shader, into alpha of the first rt
output.rt0.a = depth/MaxDistance;
// put normal into the second rt
output.rt1 = worldNormal;
return output;
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
that's a nice aproach my modification alow the user to define MRTS in the RTT definition i would say the only issue right now is that the mrt get binded all the way to the shader
so this mean that the shaders would have to be rewrittten because there will be something binded to texture 1 or 2 if you created a rtt with that many textures in it
modifications to PostProcessManager.h
modifications to PostProcessManager.cpp
line 62
line 87
line 128
line 196
i also added this because some of my nodes render to a texture during thier animate pass or something so i though it could be usefull
MRT are then declared this way in the rtt.xml
and they get named accordign to thier ID and a number so textures from auxIn will be named "auXin0" "auXin1" etc etc etc.
so this mean that the shaders would have to be rewrittten because there will be something binded to texture 1 or 2 if you created a rtt with that many textures in it
modifications to PostProcessManager.h
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core::array<video::IRenderTarget> AuxBuffer[2];
// additional render target textures (defined in rtt.xml)
core::map<core::stringw, core::array<video::IRenderTarget>> RenderTargetMap;
modifications to PostProcessManager.cpp
line 62
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void CPostProcessManager::SwapAuxBuffers()
// swap the in and out buffers
core::array<video::IRenderTarget> tmp = RenderTargetMap["auxIn"];
RenderTargetMap["auxIn"] = RenderTargetMap["auxOut"];
RenderTargetMap["auxOut"] = tmp;
line 87
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void CPostProcessManager::render(E_POSTPROCESS_EFFECT effect)
if (effect<EPPE_COUNT)
// first swap the in and out buffers
// run through the effect chain
for (u32 i=0; i<EffectChain[effect].size(); i++)
// retrieve the post process
IPostProcess* postProcess = EffectChain[effect][i];
// bind input buffer
if( !postProcess->getRenderSource().empty())
core::array<video::IRenderTarget> a = RenderTargetMap[postProcess->getRenderSource()];
for (int i =0; i< a.size();i++)
postProcess->getMaterial().setTexture(i, a[i].RenderTexture);
// bind output buffer
if( !postProcess->getRenderTarget().empty())
// render the post process
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void CPostProcessManager::update()
// render the scene into the framebuffer after postprocessing
core::array<video::IRenderTarget> a = RenderTargetMap["auxOut"];
RenderToScreen->getMaterial().setTexture(0, a[0].RenderTexture);
Device->getVideoDriver()->setRenderTarget(video::ERT_FRAME_BUFFER, true, true);
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void CPostProcessManager::loadRTTConfig()
// create a xml reader
io::IrrXMLReader* xmlReader = io::createIrrXMLReader("config/rtt.xml");
// we'll be looking for the rendertarget tag in the xml
const core::stringw renderTargetTag(L"RenderTarget");
while(xmlReader && xmlReader->read())
case io::EXN_ELEMENT:
// we are in the setup section and we find a rendertarget to parse
if (renderTargetTag.equals_ignore_case(xmlReader->getNodeName()))
// get the rtt parameters
core::stringw id = xmlReader->getAttributeValueSafe("id");
u32 width = (u32) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("width");
u32 height = (u32) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("height");
f32 scale = (f32) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsFloat("scale");
video::ECOLOR_FORMAT colorFormat[4];
u32 count = (u32) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("MRT");
colorFormat[0] = (video::ECOLOR_FORMAT) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("colorFormat");
colorFormat[1] = (video::ECOLOR_FORMAT) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("colorFormat1");
colorFormat[2] = (video::ECOLOR_FORMAT) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("colorFormat2");
colorFormat[3] = (video::ECOLOR_FORMAT) xmlReader->getAttributeValueAsInt("colorFormat3");
// set width and height of the rtt
if (scale > 0.0f)
width = (u32) (scale * Device->getVideoDriver()->getScreenSize().Width);
height = (u32) (scale * Device->getVideoDriver()->getScreenSize().Height);
if (width==0 || height==0)
core::array<video::IRenderTarget> a;
// add the rendertarget with its properties and store it in the render target map
if (count >1)
for(u32 i=0; i<count; i++)
core::stringw lid = id;
video::ITexture* texture = Device->getVideoDriver()->addRenderTargetTexture(core::dimension2d<u32>(width, height), lid, colorFormat[i]);
a.push_back( video::IRenderTarget(texture));
video::ITexture* texture = Device->getVideoDriver()->addRenderTargetTexture(core::dimension2d<u32>(width, height), id, colorFormat[0]);
a.push_back( video::IRenderTarget(texture));
RenderTargetMap[id] =a;
delete xmlReader;
i also added this because some of my nodes render to a texture during thier animate pass or something so i though it could be usefull
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void CPostProcessManager::RollbackRTT()
MRT are then declared this way in the rtt.xml
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<RenderTarget id="auxIn" colorFormat="3" scale="1.0" MRT="2" colorFormat1="9"/>
<RenderTarget id="auxOut" colorFormat="3" scale="1.0" MRT="2"colorFormat1="9"/>
<RenderTarget id="coulds" colorFormat="3" scale="1.0" MRT="2"colorFormat1="6"/>
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
Very nice!
Your approach is the definitly the better one....
Your approach is the definitly the better one....
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
The weakness i see in my technique is that it require some shader modification when the user pushes the number of texture per mrt unless we push the number of texture required for the famework to 8 and put all the texture that remain fix to the texture layer 4 and higher.(as irrlicht suport only 4 rtt we could limit the number of texture per mrt to 4)
the other weakness i see is that the depth write relie exclusively on the user unless we write a merge depth shader that would write the rttdepth to the second texture of the mrt.
the final weakness is that every shader will need to copie the content of the mrt to the other mrt
the other weakness i see is that the depth write relie exclusively on the user unless we write a merge depth shader that would write the rttdepth to the second texture of the mrt.
the final weakness is that every shader will need to copie the content of the mrt to the other mrt
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
I tried compiling the latest download zip of the Postprocess framework using Linux. And no matter what version of irrlicht I use, even pre 1.6.1.
I get this:
I really have no clue how someone managed to compile this in anyway.
Also have to ask, which Source of postprocess framework are you using? I see that yours appears quite different(guessed by line numbers in granyte's post) from from the version i'm able to obtain
I get this:
Code: Select all
irrlicht-1.8/include/irrMap.h: In member function ‘irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass& irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass::operator=(const irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass&)’:
irrlicht-1.8/include/irrMap.h:635:8: error: non-static reference member ‘irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>& irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass::Tree’, can’t use default assignment operator
irrlicht-1.8/include/irrMap.h:635:8: error: non-static reference member ‘const irr::core::string<char>& irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass::Key’, can’t use default assignment operator
PostProcessManager.cpp: In member function ‘void CPostProcessManager::SwapAuxBuffers()’:
PostProcessManager.cpp:53:53: note: synthesized method ‘irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass& irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass::operator=(const irr::core::map<const irr::core::string<char>, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass&)’ first required here
Also have to ask, which Source of postprocess framework are you using? I see that yours appears quite different(guessed by line numbers in granyte's post) from from the version i'm able to obtain
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
wich compiler are you trying to use ?
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
It seems gcc 4.2 doesn't like the default operator and passes the AccessClass into the = operator, instead of the pointer in the SwapAuxBuffers() function. You can get around this by changing the SwapAuxBuffers in PostProcessManager.cpp like so:Justei wrote:I'm unsure about if this is my fault or well, what it could be...
Anyhow, the problem I am having is that whenever I try to include this into my project I get the following error:
Unsure of why this could be :/ I am trying to run this on mingw on Code::Blocks... Any ideas?Code: Select all
C:\Users\Kristoffer\Desktop\ChannelIrrlicht\include\irrMap.h|488|error: non-static reference member 'irr::core::map<irr::core::string<wchar_t, irr::core::irrAllocator<wchar_t> >, irr::video::ITexture*>& irr::core::map<irr::core::string<wchar_t, irr::core::irrAllocator<wchar_t> >, irr::video::ITexture*>::AccessClass::Tree', can't use default assignment operator|
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void CPostProcessManager::SwapAuxBuffers()
video::ITexture* texin = RenderTargetMap["auxIn"];
video::ITexture* texout = RenderTargetMap["auxOut"];
RenderTargetMap["auxIn"] = texout;
RenderTargetMap["auxOut"] = texin;
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
Yes that certainly works. However, some of the shaders also do not want to work correctly, but thats be due to something else. I'll look into it.
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
The more I play with this framework the more I love it. This is a prime example of well written, natural, intuitive code. I big thanks to tbw.
Download the OpenGL shader fixes here
Like other people in this thread I've ran into some problems with the OpenGL shaders, as I'm using an embedded graphics processor too. I've fixed the following shaders as they have minor issues with them (incorrect casts etc:)ACE247 wrote:Yes that certainly works. However, some of the shaders also do not want to work correctly, but thats be due to something else. I'll look into it.
- Pencil Scetch
- Scratched (compiles but doesn't work)
Download the OpenGL shader fixes here
Re: xml based postprocessing framework
the lastes download is suposed to have all the shaders fixed