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Re: NerpaGUI v0.480 ( Style in one file )

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:56 pm
by hybrid
For now, io::path is only a typedef for a unicode capable string. It has no dedicated member functions so far. You have to search the API for methods accepting io::path then.

Re: NerpaGUI v0.480 ( Style in one file )

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:04 pm
by dalerank2
Yea, i know about it... sorry, i want say IF io::path was a class

Re: NerpaGUI v0.480 ( Style in one file )

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:12 pm
by CuteAlien
If io::path was a class the functions would probably belong in there. Although functions acting on class-objects isn't too bad imho. It's really just a problem of finding those functions currently which is somewhat tricky if you don't know they are there already. I think they should belong in io namespace, but I suspect they acted just on strings in the past and so they belonged in core back then and changing that now would probably cause more problems than it would help.

So I guess the solution one day could be making io::path a class and putting them in there. But so long - maybe we can just extend the documentation for io::path somewhat and tell where the functions are - it could help already a little I guess. I'll put that on my todo.

Re: NerpaGUI v0.49(Signal\Slot system, bugfixes, About dialo

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:17 pm
by dalerank2
1. Added About dialog
2. NrpButton added signal Clicked
3. NrpContextMenu item added signal Clicked
4. GuiEditor ( example of signal\slot system in class GuiEditorMenu )
5. Added signal\slot support for elements
6. Added class FlagHolder, which provided IsFlag\SetFlag functions
7. Refactoring animators
9. TabControl added CurrentChanged signal
8. Timer, ListBox, ScrollBar, EditBox now supported signal\slot
10. RadioButton, CheckBox added StateChanged signal
11. ComboBox added CurrentIndexChanged, CurrentTextChanged signals
12. ProgressBar added ValueChanged signal

How it working

Code: Select all

class MyEventReceiver 
    void CreateNewWindow()
        INrpWindow* window = guienv->AddWindow( rectangle, L"Test window" );  
    void AddTextToListBox()
        listbox->addItem(L"Window created with Signal\Slot system");
int main()
        MyEventReceiver* receiver;
        INrpButton* newButtonWindow = gui->AddButton( L"New Window",  rectangle, parent );
        //using qt-like signal to slot connecting
        CONNECT( newButtonWindow, Clicked(), receiver, MyEventReceiver::CreateNewWindow );    
        //or  using c++ style signal connected    
       newButtonWindow->Clicked().Connect( receiver, &MyEventReceiver::CreateNewWindow);
       //when button will clicled, those functions will called
Download universal installer

Re: NerpaGUI v0.5( StretchLayout, RotateButton, RotateLabel

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:07 pm
by dalerank2
1. ShaderButton added
2. Electricity shader added
3. EffectManager added
4. CGuiTTFFont now may render text to texture
5. Fixed NrpMenu items align, padding and margin
6. INrpEnvironment::AddBlendAnimator -> INrpEnvironment::AddOpacityAnimator
7. INrpLabel::setTextMargin -> INrpLabel::SetPadding
8. NrpContextMenu now smoothed opacity when visibility change
9. NrpShaderLabel added
10. NrpStretchLayout added
11. Fixed drawing button text with overrided color

How work rotate button

How work StretchLayout

Download universal installer

Re: NerpaGUI v0.5( StretchLayout, RotateButton, RotateLabel

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:42 am
by dalerank2
Experiment with shader

Archive with compiled files


Re: NerpaGUI v0.5(New element KunessListbox )

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:50 pm
by dalerank2
Some screenshots

and video in action

Re: NerpaGUI v0.5( KunessListbox, new effects )

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:35 am
by dalerank2
+ add some effects for ShaderButton



Re: NerpaGUI v0.5( KunessListbox, new effects )

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:32 am
by teto
Having shaders running on the gui, that's definitely cool :D

Re: NerpaGUI v0.5( KunessListbox, new effects )

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:37 pm
by dalerank2
It has appeared absolutely simply, there will be new effects

Re: NerpaGUI v0.5( KunessListbox, new effects )

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:24 am
by Granyte
woaaaaa that's a dream comming true

Re: NerpaGUI v0.502( BalanceBar, some new effects )

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:18 am
by dalerank2
+ Some bugs fixed
+ BrowserWindow created moved to WebRenderer
+ Added options for EditBox marked area( bg color, text color, margin )
+ Skin config now support color value as FFFFFFFF
+ Style added property "background-color"
+ Using css-like name for element properties
+ Fixed alpha mask picked for Button
+ Fixed draw function in ComboBox


Effects (Using modified shder from heruko)

Effects (In work)


Re: NerpaGUI v0.502( BalanceBar, some new effects )

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:23 am
by Felyza
Decided to check this out... and here's my experience. For reference, I grabbed a copy from the post above me, and trying to build for Irrlicht (since its not labelled 1.7, I'm assuming its 1.8 branch).
  • Visual Studio Express 2008 really doesn't like the solution. Loading up the solution results in a handful of errors that solution folders are not supported in this version of Visual Studio. All of the projects load, however the solution folders (for organizing projects, not files) are all listed as disabled, separately. The instructions (thankfully) list project names in addition to folders, so it can still be accomplished.
  • Tried building using Static-Release-FastFPU, building it in order doesn't work. Fails at WebRenderer with unresolved externals (fatal error linking a dll).. glancing at the project settings tells me there's no special project settings for statically linking a monolithic exe. It still tries to build dll's on some projects... not very 'static'. I then got the itch to dig in the tree, and the .libs don't include a static lib. Might want to consider removing all 'Static' build configurations.
  • Rebuilding using Release-Fast FPU, also fails with unresolved externals at WebRenderer. Rebuilding with Release and again, same spot.
  • Another rebuild using Debug (the default when opening solution) and this time, wait, no... same unresolved externals. When compiling WebRenderer, NrpWindow.obj fails to link due to missing externals irr::nrp::SerializeHelper::vTextAlignProp/hTextAlignProp/internalNameProp/opacityProp/and styleProp.
  • In NerpaDefs.h, I see dllexport is disabled and dllimport is enabled.. which should be the case if NERPA_EXPORTS is not defined... but it IS, in project configuration.. don't know why this is, but I went ahead and kludged it to dllexport by commenting out the rest. Now, failing on NrpBrowserWindow.obj, same stuff.
  • In NerpaWerRedererDefs.h (I think its supposed to be NerpaWebRedererDefs.h.. but where its included says Wer too, oh well), I found the same deal with dllimport/export, and did the same kludge to force dllexport. Still fails anyway.
  • Trying to build Nerpa.GUI Editor_vc9 linker fails with pretty-much every obj complaining about an unresolved externals from SerializeHelper.
  • Been at this a while now... tried extern in all sorts of places, coaxing, pleading, and half a pot of coffee... added NrpSerializeHelper.cpp to WebRenderer and it built!
  • Since the sledgehammer worked, added it to Nerpa.GUI Editor_vc9, and THAT built.
  • Firing up NGE, and it dies. Sledgehammer approach is a failure.
At this point, I'm tired. I'll have a looksie again later. The screenshots look very promising, and thought I can't wait to get a chance to see it in action, but the throbbing pain in my right frontal lobe is telling me I should wait. Perhaps later, or trying it at a friend's tomorrow where he has full VS2010 will succeed.

Re: NerpaGUI v0.502( BalanceBar, some new effects )

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:48 am
by dalerank2
i use vs2008 for compiling, but NerpaGUI haven't dependecies from windows
thanks for bug(( sorry, but i forgoten about those project configurations
will try to fixing subj

PS. if you can't compile from source, you can try precompiled binary

Re: NerpaGUI v0.502( BalanceBar, some new effects )

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:59 am
by dalerank2
0. New Skin
1. Fixed style min-width property reading
2. Fixed TabControl background and tabheader drawing
3. Fixed Button font using
4. Fixed SlidePanel minimazeButton and Caption drawing
5. Fixed cursor drawing in EditBox
6. Fixed checkbox drawing
7. Added button icon drawing
8. Fixed window caption drawing
9. Fixed AboutDialog resizing
10. Splitter drawing icon added
11. IntervalScrollBar style config added
12. BreadCrumbs drawing fixed

