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LOTR Project *** 1st Release ***

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:31 pm
by dawasw
*** First Release ***

Today is Christmas Eve - 24th of December

Here is the download link for first release of my amateur game.
Thank you if you are downloading and testing this test version.
Please do not expect anything awesome. (this is test version)

Foregive me that file has got 111 mb. (I didn't find any time to make it a bit smaller etc.)

Have fun ;)


* UPDATE 04.12.2005 *

All right time for a small update :D

Here are new LOTR features:

*** Update: Version 0.26 ***

- Two Factions and Eight Races are avaible in game. - working - 100%
EVERY Race has it own class. You are not avaible to choose Race then Class in result of too heavy work needed for this.
You are avaible to choose between good and evil forces :

+ Alliance of Light -> races:
- Human -> Wizard
- Elf -> Hunter
- Dwarf -> Warrior
- Hobbit -> Rogue

+ Abyss Union -> races:
- Spectre -> Warlock
- Orc -> Warrior
- Uruk-Hai -> Berserker?
- Haradrim -> Dark Palladin

- You are avaible to choose your race in game menu - working - 100%

- Starting Points for each Race - working - 100%

- At the moment avaible races: Dwarf, Spectre. - working - 100%

- Diffrent mounts/sounds/items/etc. for each race - working - 100%

- Spectre can equip Mordor Horse and Wyvern - working - 100%

Below are just 2 screenshot I can show you at the moment, here you can see how looks Spectre (Nazgul) on its/his Wyvern flying mount:




I have an honour to annouce a: Lotr Project.

Lotr project is a very amateur single player RPG.

The plot takes place in Middle-earth, after the 3rd part of the Lord of The Rings Trilogy : The Return of The King.

Here are some screenshots:












Here is version log:

*** Update: Version 0.25 ***

- Enormous gui update, made almost full user interface

- You are avaible to select your skill/spell from Skills Window

*** Update: Version 0.24 ***

- Minas Tirith city added, textures are not finished yet, also need few improvements - working - 80%

- Warning: when you enter Minas Tirith area -> framerate can drop down on lower system specifications

- Updated Horse Mounting, player shouldn't block in animator box any more

- Due to 0.9 version of irrlicht supported, culling system is bugged, to prevent this issue - distance culling system implemented based on 3d lines and distances - easiest and fastest way

*** Version 0.23 ***


- Swift 3rd Person Camera - working - 100%

- World platform terrain physics - working - 100%

- Basic game objects

- Player model and animations - working - 100%

- Player using HP and MP counters - working - 100%

- Player can jump - working - 100%

- Player can kneel/sit - working - 100%

- Player using basic melee weapons - working - 100%

- Player can cast spells (Blizzard Spell in this version) - working - 100%

- Player can mount Brown Horse (100% speed increase) - working - 100%

- Player can mount flying mount Giant Eagle (200% speed increase) - working - 100%

- Enemies model and animations - working - 100%

- Enemies basic AI - working - 100%

- Enemies damage to player is random and different by enemy type (using srand parameter) - working - 100%

- Enemies timer of damage caused to player (example: attacks are done by 2.20 seconds) - working - 100%

- Enemies player can be: Flamed, Frozen, Drain Health or Poisoned by enemy - working - 100 %

- Particle effects - working - 100%

- Possibility of making campfire to gain health (require wood) - working - 100%

- Basic User Interface - working - 100%

- Orthanc Tower - working - 100%


So that is it.

Please write your comments, how do you like the screenshots.
Also I would like to know if you like RPG games.

Thanks for reading and watching this topic,


Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:38 pm
by MikeR
That is looking great. keep it up.
And yes, I like rpg games.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:58 pm
by Twinsen
looks quite good may i say, really like the character stats sheets and the spellls, keep up the good work

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:37 pm
by bitplane
Very nice! I'm a sucker for RPGs, can't wait for a playable demo :)

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:57 pm
by ErUs
Looking great :D

is it going to be open source anytime soon? because i would love to see how you do the entity <--> entity interaction stuff.

ps. super cool riding on horse and eagle btw :)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:10 pm
by dawasw
I'm very happy that you like it guys :D


I hope to release some alpha version soon.
It all depends on how fast i will make few updates, and add few new things to get it to a 'fully alpha status' :)

@ ErUs

I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid I cannot make it open source, because it is amateur project - so it is ... very hardcoded and uncleaned. In the project are used thousands of booleans and integers etc.
(it would be a shame, if I show you something like this ;) )

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:03 pm
by Pr3t3nd3r
looks nice ..
if the bad code is the only think you don't want to show pls show us...
probabily you will get verry good sugestions about how to impreve'it ...
any way is your decision

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:40 am
by sudi
The best thing rpg made with irrlicht.....great work...keep it up

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:53 pm
by Electron
looks very nice! I'm impressed

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:16 pm
by Spintz
Sweet, whens the playable demo coming?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:23 pm
by Maize
Sudi wrote:The best thing rpg made with irrlicht.....great work...keep it up
My vote is for alpha foundation. This still looks good anyway.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 6:17 pm
by Reiyn
I think your project is the coolest, most progressed Irrlicht game I've seen :D
Very nice -- Keep at it :D
I'm jealous of your mount system, I imagine it was hard to make =O Awesome job!!

I program as you said, with lots of booleans and variables, lol =X Oh well, it works :)

I could list off some ideas to add, but you likely have them in your mind already, so I'll just say g'luck and keep going ;)

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:25 pm
by dawasw
You are all wonderfull. Thank you very much for such warm and nice words. :D

As for some ideas, i need help:


1. Which races should be playable from Middle-earth :

a) Only Good -> Human-Dwarf-Hobbit-Elven faction


b) Both Good Faction and Morgoth Horde Faction : Orcs - Goblins - Evil Human - Spectres (spectres would start in Minas Morgul - they would be something like Undead in World of Warcraft - but in mine project they would be nazguls etc.)

This is the problem I'm a bit confused at, because making both factions will take a lot of time, so just please comment what would you like more -> Play with Good faction only or Choose your faction between Good and Evil ;)


About the first release : it will come out after i got few minor bugs resolved and make some easy item system (maybe looting also?).

PS The game looks exacly like on the screens, but please don't expect too much, I will repeat that it is an amateur project. :D


More information about the project:

- I think I've forgot to add that project is using Audiere for sound

- Short User Interface Tutorial (it describes how looks camera with UI switching):

To enter User Interface you press ENTER key. Now camera has stopped using mouse to change view. (you cannot rotate using mouse) Also you can't use Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button to Attack or Use Skill/Spell. You are still avaible to move using W/A/S/D keys.

You are now avaible to open all Character/Skills/Talents/Backpack/Map Windows by clicking on buttons on User Interface Panel.
For example after selecting a skill you close Skills Window, and then you press ENTER key. Now you have immadietly returned into game, and User Interface is closed.

Except of using whole User Interface by mouse, you are also allowed to check up your -> for example Character Stats window by clicking B key.
If you click B key - Character Stats window will appear. If you click B key again -> Char. Stats window will close. (you can check it during the game by this method, and pressing Enter Key to enter User Interface is not required)


I see you liked the project very well, but let's talk about it's disadvantages:

- Physics - is Irrlicht built-in physics

- Player animations -> this will take me some time to resolve it -> For example -> jump animation, fight anim. and sit/kneel animation works properly, but when you press W key to move, player uses the animation almost all the time (so animation looks a bit funny) - i will make some timing for this maybe, or you can give some advice ?


Thank you very much for your great interest into the project, and also of course for spending time for reading this message.

Thanks again,

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:43 pm
by omaremad_
looks cool

lots of hard work and good gfx (maybe detailmap the terrain?)

i think i might have doomq on my pc do u want me to release it?

give us the demos soon plz

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:58 pm
by dawasw
Thanks Omaremad.

I need to say that your framework helped me a lot. It took me some time to make from FPS framework some good RPG framework.

I will mention you at the begining of credits -> you have helped me a lot. :D

I must say and announce that not all models are mine in the project of course; 3d models are taken from internet, from some games etc.
Only some models are made by me(simple ones).
But for example I handled full 2d art in the project ;)

I would like to say that this project is fully free of course and I don't want to have any law problems from any sides (for example from Tolkien Enterprises or whatever in cause of rights - LOTR title etc.).

Let's say that I'm doing this for myself and here I just want to show my hard work, and how would look my dreamed game. :D