draw2DImage(...) Bug / Improvement

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draw2DImage(...) Bug / Improvement

Post by AticAtac »

I am talking about these 2 functions in CD3D9Driver.cpp:
(see "// changed!!!" in the code)

Code: Select all

//! draws an 2d image, using a color (if color is other then Color(255,255,255,255)) and the alpha channel of the texture if wanted.
void CD3D9Driver::draw2DImage(video::ITexture* texture, const core::position2d<s32>& pos, 
								 const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, 
								 const core::rect<s32>* clipRect, SColor color, 
								 bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture)
	if (!texture)

	if (texture)
		if (texture->getDriverType() != EDT_DIRECTX9)
			os::Printer::log("Fatal Error: Tried to copy from a surface not owned by this driver.", ELL_ERROR);

	if (sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.X >= sourceRect.LowerRightCorner.X ||
		sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y >= sourceRect.LowerRightCorner.Y)

	core::position2d<s32> targetPos = pos;
	core::position2d<s32> sourcePos = sourceRect.UpperLeftCorner;
	core::dimension2d<s32> sourceSize(sourceRect.getWidth(), sourceRect.getHeight());
	const core::dimension2d<s32> targetSurfaceSize = ScreenSize;
	if (clipRect)
		if (targetPos.X < clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X)
			sourceSize.Width += targetPos.X - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X;
			if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)

			sourcePos.X -= targetPos.X - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X;
			targetPos.X = clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.X;
		if (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width > clipRect->LowerRightCorner.X)
			sourceSize.Width -= (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width) - clipRect->LowerRightCorner.X;
			if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)

		if (targetPos.Y < clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y)
			sourceSize.Height += targetPos.Y - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
			if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)

			sourcePos.Y -= targetPos.Y - clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
			targetPos.Y = clipRect->UpperLeftCorner.Y;
		if (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height > clipRect->LowerRightCorner.Y)
			sourceSize.Height -= (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height) - clipRect->LowerRightCorner.Y;
			if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)

	// clip these coordinates

	if (targetPos.X<0)
		sourceSize.Width += targetPos.X;
		if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)

		sourcePos.X -= targetPos.X;
		targetPos.X = 0;
	if (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width > targetSurfaceSize.Width)
		sourceSize.Width -= (targetPos.X + sourceSize.Width) - targetSurfaceSize.Width;
		if (sourceSize.Width <= 0)

	if (targetPos.Y<0)
		sourceSize.Height += targetPos.Y;
		if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)

		sourcePos.Y -= targetPos.Y;
		targetPos.Y = 0;
	if (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height > targetSurfaceSize.Height)
		sourceSize.Height -= (targetPos.Y + sourceSize.Height) - targetSurfaceSize.Height;
		if (sourceSize.Height <= 0)

	// ok, we've clipped everything.
	// now draw it.

	// changed !!!
	if (useAlphaChannelOfTexture)
		setRenderStates2DMode(false, true, true);
	} else
		if (color == SColor(255,255,255,255))
			setRenderStates2DMode(false, true, false);
			setRenderStates2DMode(true, true, false);
	setTexture(0, texture);
	core::rect<s32> poss(targetPos, sourceSize);

	s32 xPlus = -(ScreenSize.Width>>1);
	f32 xFact = 1.0f / (ScreenSize.Width>>1);

	s32 yPlus = ScreenSize.Height-(ScreenSize.Height>>1);
	f32 yFact = 1.0f / (ScreenSize.Height>>1);

	const core::dimension2d<s32> sourceSurfaceSize = texture->getOriginalSize();
	core::rect<f32> tcoords;
	tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X = (((f32)sourcePos.X)+0.5f) / texture->getOriginalSize().Width ;
	tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (((f32)sourcePos.Y)+0.5f) / texture->getOriginalSize().Height;
	tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X = (((f32)sourcePos.X +0.5f + (f32)sourceSize.Width)) / texture->getOriginalSize().Width;
	tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y = (((f32)sourcePos.Y +0.5f + (f32)sourceSize.Height)) / texture->getOriginalSize().Height;

    S3DVertex vtx[4];
	vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y ) * yFact , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
	vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- poss.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y);
	vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);
	vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(poss.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-poss.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);	

	s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};

	pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0],
										D3DFMT_INDEX16,&vtx[0],	sizeof(S3DVertex));

//! draw an 2d rectangle
void CD3D9Driver::draw2DRectangle(SColor color, const core::rect<s32>& position,
									 const core::rect<s32>* clip)
	core::rect<s32> pos = position;

	if (clip)

	if (!pos.isValid())

	s32 xPlus = -(ScreenSize.Width>>1);
	f32 xFact = 1.0f / (ScreenSize.Width>>1);

	s32 yPlus = ScreenSize.Height-(ScreenSize.Height>>1);
	f32 yFact = 1.0f / (ScreenSize.Height>>1);

    S3DVertex vtx[4];
	vtx[0] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	vtx[1] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus- pos.UpperLeftCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	vtx[2] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	vtx[3] = S3DVertex((f32)(pos.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus) * xFact, (f32)(yPlus-pos.LowerRightCorner.Y) * yFact, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, color, 1.0f, 1.0f);	

	s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3};

	setRenderStates2DMode(color.getAlpha() < 255, false, false);


	pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(	D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0],
											D3DFMT_INDEX16, &vtx[0], sizeof(S3DVertex));


Code: Select all

void CD3D9Driver::draw2DImage(video::ITexture* texture, const core::rect<s32>& destRect, 
                   const core::rect<s32>& sourceRect, const core::rect<s32>* clipRect, 
                   video::SColor* colors, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture) 
   if(!texture) return; 

   // changed!!!
   if (useAlphaChannelOfTexture) 
      setRenderStates2DMode(false, true, true); 
   } else
	   if (!colors)
		   setRenderStates2DMode(false, true, false); 
		   setRenderStates2DMode(true, true, false); 

   setTexture(0, texture); 

   core::rect<s32> trgRect=destRect; 
   core::rect<s32> srcRect=sourceRect; 

   const core::dimension2d<s32> ss = texture->getOriginalSize(); 
   float ssw=1.0f/ss.Width; 
   float ssh=1.0f/ss.Height; 

   core::rect<f32> tcoords; 
   tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X = (((f32)srcRect.UpperLeftCorner.X)+0.5f) * ssw ; 
   tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (((f32)srcRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y)+0.5f) * ssh; 
   tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X = (((f32)srcRect.UpperLeftCorner.X +0.5f + (f32)srcRect.getWidth())) * ssw; 
   tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y = (((f32)srcRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y +0.5f + (f32)srcRect.getHeight())) * ssh; 

   s32 xPlus = -(ScreenSize.Width>>1); 
   f32 xFact = 1.0f / (ScreenSize.Width>>1); 

   s32 yPlus = ScreenSize.Height-(ScreenSize.Height>>1); 
   f32 yFact = 1.0f / (ScreenSize.Height>>1); 

   core::rect<float> npos; 
   npos.UpperLeftCorner.X = (f32)(trgRect.UpperLeftCorner.X+xPlus+0.5f) * xFact; 
   npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (f32)(yPlus-trgRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y+0.5f) * yFact; 
   npos.LowerRightCorner.X = (f32)(trgRect.LowerRightCorner.X+xPlus+0.5f) * xFact; 
   npos.LowerRightCorner.Y = (f32)(yPlus-trgRect.LowerRightCorner.Y+0.5f) * yFact; 
   // changed !!!
   SColor TempColors[4];
      for(int i=0;i<4;i++) TempColors[i]=SColor(255,255,255,255);
	  colors = &TempColors[0];

   S3DVertex vtx[4]; // clock wise 
   vtx[0] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colors[0], tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y); 
   vtx[1] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.UpperLeftCorner.Y , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colors[3], tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.Y); 
   vtx[2] = S3DVertex(npos.LowerRightCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colors[2], tcoords.LowerRightCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y); 
   vtx[3] = S3DVertex(npos.UpperLeftCorner.X, npos.LowerRightCorner.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, colors[1], tcoords.UpperLeftCorner.X, tcoords.LowerRightCorner.Y);    

   s16 indices[6] = {0,1,2,0,2,3}; 


   pID3DDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 2, &indices[0], 
      D3DFMT_INDEX16,&vtx[0],   sizeof(S3DVertex)); 
The changes enable the routines to draw "translucent" images w/o having to use an alpha channel in the texture but instead use the alpha-channel provided in color.
I also got rid of the new/delete TempColors and declared it as "automatic" which should be better performance-wise.
Posts: 310
Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:39 am
Location: Germany

Post by Xaron »

Thank you so much! :)

This should be included into the next version!

Regards - Xaron

Post by Guest »

I put these into my custom build yesterday, seems they may come in handy for fading elements (as I use custom gui not irrgui stuff) and if it improves speed in any small way then great! :)

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Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:58 pm
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Post by Isgalvotas »

Can someone upload modified version of CD3D9Driver.cpp ? :oops:

I tried to change code in this cpp, but when i compile Irrlich linker through error in this cpp... :?
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