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bool keys array example question

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:23 pm
by Hobi

I have problems with the movement of a scenenode:

When I push and hold the button for the movement, my node does one step, waits a second, and continues moving. It reacts the same way as if you hold a key (with the cursor in a textfield), and in your textfield there is a little break after the first letter (before the second and the following letters appear while you are pressing the key on the keyboard). I tried to solve the problem with the "isKeyInputPressedDown". but it doesen't make any difference.
I am using this a special Jirr problem??

Then I read the bool keys[] example, to create a smooth movement, on the wiki page. I tried it that way (with an array holding my key-actions) and my node didn't make a break any more. But now it also doesen't stop moving, because the value in the array is never set to false again. Where do I have to reset my array?

Hope anyone can help me...

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:51 pm
by MiRaX
I think the stopping is caused by:

Code: Select all

			bool keys[irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT];
			for(int x=0; x<irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; x++) keys[x] = false;
so, add this to your code if you haven't and try again..
It works on my code (I can poste mine if you like to see it)

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:39 pm
by Hobi
oh, thank you...i made another mistake in my eventReceiver. because of that the array wasn't set back to false, after the key was released. i'll test it tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:43 pm
by Hobi
yes, it worked, thank you.

but the movement is still with a "step" at the beginning.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:21 am
by bitplane
I've never used jIrr or java but I know that keyboard repeat delay is a setting in your operating system, it does not interfere with a "key down" and "key up" events, only "keypress". are you checking the right type of event?
if jIrr can't do key up/down events then you'll have to do some system call to set the key repeat delay and repeat rate manually, if thats even possible in java.
hope this helps

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:35 am
by Hobi as Guest
I didn't find any functions to ask for "keypressed", "keyreleased" or "keytyped". A variable for "keypressed" would be the thing I need. I tried it with java.awt functions, which worked, but that was not a good way to program because I would like to stay with the Irrlicht(Jirr) event system.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:37 pm
by MiRaX
I've got a good message for you: It's not just a problem with java or jIrr, i've got the same on in my c++ programmed program :wink:
so, i hold the opinion that it's the event, so take a look at your event receiver and try to find a solution... ( I don't know one, but I'm searching too ;) )

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:18 pm
by pfo
SEvent.keyInput.PressedDown is the flag your looking for, when a key event happens lookup the key in the array and copy the pressed down status.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:44 pm
by Abraxas
I have the same annoying effect.
But I believe this is windows - system - specific.

Well, when you for example open the (text-)Editor, and hold any key, number or letter, pressed, then you write at first time one single letter, and then, after a short time, you begin to write a long row of the same keys.

This can be edited in the (windows)system - control - panel in thekeyboard- options. I can justify this delay here (other computers should have the same options). So I think it would be neccessary to find out where this data will be stored and then change it manually or by your programme.


I just found this by googeling:

Keyboard Repeat Rate
The keyboard repeat rate, acceptance delay, and bounce rate can be set by the SystemInfoParameters function using the type of SPI_SETFILTERKEYS. Utilize this code to perform the task:

Code: Select all

// establish the filterkeys structure
FILTERKEYS strFilterKeys;
// clear the structure
ZeroMemory(&strFilterKeys, sizeof(FILTERKEYS));
// initiate the size
strFilterKeys.cbSize = sizeof(FILTERKEYS);
// indicate filterkey will sound-off when hotkeys activate/de-activate them
// user can hold down right shift key for 8 seconds to activate/de-activate the filterkeys)
// set the time a key must be held down before accepted(one-quarter second)
strFilterKeys.iWaitMSec = 250;
// Set the time a key is held down before repeating to 1 second
strFilterKeys.iDelayMSec = 1000;
// set the repeat key rate to every one-half second
strFilterKeys.iRepeatMSec = 500;
// ensure the bounce rate is zero
strFilterKeys.iBounceMSec = 0;
// set the new keyboard repeat rate
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFILTERKEYS,	sizeof(FILTERKEYS),&strFilterKeys, 0);

You may have a look to the link:

Ok, I hope, this could help you in any way.[/url]

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:40 pm
by Hobi
at first: thank you for all your help :wink: .

I am using the "keyInput.PressedDown" variable to set the value in the array. but it doesen't interpret the command correctly, because the delay is still there. is it done in the CameraSceneNodeFPS ???
There, the keyinput works.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:44 pm
by Hobi
:D :D :D

it works....
it was another stupid mistake I made in my code.
I had an extra line of code in my loop where I reseted my array manually every loop. I don't know why that caused the delay (only after the first step and not the whole time) but now it works fine (without that line).
I also remember that I made tests with that line of code because of the problem. And I am sure, that I also tested without that line...
So, I am a little bit confused because I can't remember what was wrong before.

Well, thank you all for your help!!! (and excuse my :? stupidity)