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Irrlicht Input

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:58 am
by Gabriel
I posted this in the .NET forum, but maybe this one is more appropriate for receiving an answer to this problem.

I am using my own loop, and each iteration I call the following:


device.VideoDriver.BeginScene(true,true, new Irrlicht.Video.Color(128,128,128,128));


When running this in a picturebox, the cursor is stuck to the center of the picturebox, I noticed that keyboard events aren't being processed any longer, along with that setting the cursor to invisible does not work (this is irrelevant for me, but it still doesn't work nonetheless)

I was wondering if there was a way to release the cursor from the control or Irrlicht so that the user can use the cursor to navigate controls in the program, switch windows without having to alt+tab... all the things you can do with a mouse thats not stuck in the middle of the window.

I've looked through the source code, found the mouse message processing, checked icursorcontrol etc.. but I can't seem to find anything that would release the mouse cursor from the clutches of irrlicht. I'd rather not have to make my own irrlicht fork and have to update the message processing stuff with each new release.

Unless I am completely missing something (which is more probable than I'd like to think) I guess I'm asking for a feature request of the ability to turn off irrlicht's input processing so that I can process the mouse/keyboard events on my own.


Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 12:10 am
by Acki
Don't use a FPS-Cam or disable the inpu receiver of the cam !!!
(have a look at the docu for this)