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Centaur Force

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:35 pm
by Robomaniac
Just moving the Centaur Force thread to Project Announcements. The old thread is still at ... .php?t=412 . Anyway, i still am looking for a texture-er (or whatever they're called, and anyone else that thinks they could help.

-- The Robomaniac

Also added the new poll updating every week on Thursday

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:04 am
by Robomaniac
Well, after consulting with keless and some other people, i decided i'm going to completely rewrite the game (2nd time). This is to better structure the code and make coding in general easier. So, with that said, new demos won't be out for a while but i will be posting screenies as i go.

-- The Robomaniac
:shock: :shock: :shock:

big eyes :-P

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:13 am
by DarkWhoppy
Hey man I'm having to do the same for Galactic Racer. It isn't too bad. . . but does suck. Slowing down the dev process and I have less and less time each day to work on it. But, now that I have a job I can finally save some mon-ay to upgrade my PC. :roll:

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:50 pm
by Robomaniac
Well, i truly havn't had anytime to really sit down and code, but its slowly coming. In the mean time, i've made a new website (to be moved to a new server soon) @ . It is still incomplete, but the rest will be up this weekend hopefully.

-- The Robomaniac

btw. I am still looking for a skinner to do some weapons for me. Real life, nothing too special. PM or AIM me if interested (aim sreComp9981)

edit : stupid me, i spelled the link wrong, this one will work now


Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:49 pm
by Robomaniac
I can't seem to find the elusive "Add a new Poll" button, so i'm just going to do it here.

Should I add Vehicle Support to Centaur Force?


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:01 am
by keless
Maybe -- get your core stuff running first (weapons fire, damage, etc).

Just keep it in mind so that you dont code yourself into a corner. The reason not to do it just yet is that its kind of complex. It requires very large levels to begin with, and the automatic snapping/releasing of coordinate systems which is hard to do right.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:02 am
by qwe
build the foundation first, not the house :D meaning, get the base code done, and then worry about vehicle support

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:42 am
by Robomaniac
Just a quick update, i've been chugging slowly along w/ the rewrite, but i havn't had much time to work on it, but now i have a bit of time off school, so i'm hoping I can get most of the rewrite done by the time i get back.

-- The Robomaniac

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 3:53 am
by Robomaniac
Whipped up a quick logo for centaur force (nothing too special :-P)


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:58 am
by Robomaniac
Well, i finished (basically) my Menu's this weekend, so no true screenshots to show, but you can see a primitive "server browser" in the shots section of my website. no, unfortunately those numbers aren't real, they're thanks to the lovely rand() function, but they will be real soon enough.

Project Moving

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:36 pm
by Robomaniac
Well, after much deliberation, I have decided to formally move Centaur Force to Ogre. I have been working w/ it for about a week now, and it seems to be perfect for what I need. Its nothing personal against Irrlicht, its just that Ogre is more advanced for my needs now, and no offence, just looks better than Irrlicht. For now at least. I will definately keep looking at this forum, and homepage, to see how the engine advances, and will most likely use it in an upcoming project. I will still be around here helping people that i can, and stuff like that. So, this is my semi goodbye to the engine, at least for now.

And an example of something i whipped up in Ogre to show quality differences

Ogre -->

Irrlicht -->

Thanks to everyone for you help, it will all definately come in handy.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:18 am
by Robomaniac
After a lot of thought and work, i have decided to move Centaur Force back to Irrlicht, at least until version 1.0. I still have a lot to learn with Ogre, and need to improve my programming a lot before i can make a full game in Ogre. After 1.0, i might move Centaur Force to Ogre, but for now at least, i'm sticking with Irrlicht.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:26 am
by niko
Hm, interesting. I knew why I didn't remove Centaur Force from the link page. :))

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:47 pm
by Guest
Robomaniac: it's a kind of storming - I know this.
A little advice: think a lot before write a single line of code. No offence it really helps. I mean, firtst try to determine how your project will look like:
1. Technical tasks.
2. GUI (according to 1)
3. Development stuff...

Development stuff doesn't mean coding - it means some kind of the following
1. Project structure (project modules). This is according to project's technical tasks
2. Interfaces (modules' intercommunication)
3. Step-by-step realisation. This means that you have to pioritize your tasks and make some "core-tasks". This is a set of tasks that can maintain your project's basic functionality.
4. General class structure

Try to spend time on this "bullshit" and you won't have to "rewtrite your code" anymore.

One more advice: if you have any doubt how to implement some feature - first of all take a look how the others do this (or ask them directly). This is VERY necessary because:
1. You save a lot of time
2. One guru-programmer said that if you write your best code then you, by definition, has not enough skill to debug it. (it means also "to assess" it ;))

Lats thing: the worst thing you can do with code is to rewrite it completely...

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:00 pm
by Tyn
Guest wrote: 2. One guru-programmer said that if you write your best code then you, by definition, has not enough skill to debug it. (it means also "to assess" it ;))
That's one of the most sensible things I've heard about programming.