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Human hand model

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:08 pm
by oleo
I'm looking for a 3d human hand model supported by IRRLicht.
Does anyone has something already done?
Thanks for the help,

maybe I do

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:58 am
by andrei25ni2
check out my hand:
do you want it ?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:56 am
by Abraxas
Hi Oleo,

sometimes I look for models as well, just to save time, and I know a Site with good free stuff, called "3dCafe".

Have a look for the models in ... &Itemid=38

I downloaded the hand-model from there, here is the link: (8,79KB).

This is in 3ds - format, which should work in irrlicht. If you want animation, then you should use *.x - format. If you cannot convert this because you do not have 3ds max, let me know which format you prefer and I could convert this for you, if you wish.


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:20 pm
by oleo
Thanks for replies,
I now explain better what kind of model I need: an articulated hand model because I have to simulate a REAL human hand, so I've to move each finger and each finger bone.

andrei25ni2: Is your hand suitable for this?

Abraxas: I tried to import hand.3ds model in Irrlicht using the 09.MeshViewer example in Tutorials without success: I can't see anything.

Any suggestion?

PS: I already have a suitable hand model in VRML. Is it possible to convert that model in another one, supported by Irrlicht, that appropriate to my needs.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:09 pm
by Abraxas
Hi oleo,

I tried to view the hand model by just loading like mesh loading is described in the "hello-world-tutorial" and you are right, it is out of sight.

First of all I changed the background colour from black to some grey just in case everything could be black (non textured / lightended) via:

Code: Select all

driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255,40,40,40));
and did not see anything, as well as you. Then I built a Maya-Camera to easily look around. Then I found the hand, and I found out it's pivots are abnormally displaced. Unfortunately any pivot-point-correction in 3ds max didn't take any effect. As I am very new to irrlicht, I yet do not know how to adjust pivots within irrlicht. :oops:

I am very sorry for that. Maybe there is another model in the internet.

Good luck.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:34 pm
by MasterD
Irrlicht does not care about max' pivot points.

The origin is the only pivot. So you have to set the vertices (not the hole mesh) to a point where you want them to have relative to the origin.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:46 pm
by dhenton9000
oleo wrote:Thanks for replies,
I now explain better what kind of model I need: an articulated hand model because I have to simulate a REAL human hand, so I've to move each finger and each finger bone.

Any suggestion?

PS: I already have a suitable hand model in VRML. Is it possible to convert that model in another one, supported by Irrlicht, that appropriate to my needs.

I think you need a boned articulated model, and then you need to search the forums for ackis bone extentsions (mentioned on the front page) to move the assigned vertices. I think the blender model repositiory has a hand, but you'd have to bone it and then export it. Theres a cartoon hand boned and ready to go on the blender site, just needs exporting, if that helps.


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:39 am
by andrei25ni
sorry oleo, my hand doesn't have fingers. :(

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 5:01 pm
by oleo
dhenton9000, thanks for your answer, but I can't find the blender site... Where can I found it?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:23 pm
by dhenton9000
oleo wrote:dhenton9000, thanks for your answer, but I can't find the blender site... Where can I found it? they are SWAMPED by the new 2.4 release.

I posted what I have and a hand model in blender that is not rigged that you can use if you want. ... s/


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:59 pm
by oleo
I've converted my VRML model in a 3DS one with 3DStudio Max.
Here is the result:
In a model like that, can I move only one finger bone really like a REALISTIC human hand? In other words: is that model suitable for my needs?
This is my first project with 3D Graphic so I still don't have any idea about what my work will be! :oops:

Just to have an idea about my task... I should make something like this: ... faces.html
Video Clip

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

PS dhenton9000: I'll install Blender after Christmas and then I'll see your hand model! Thanks for your help!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:02 am
by Guest
Hi dhenton9000!
I've installed Blender and I've seen your hand model. It doesn't seem structured... so I can't move only one finger or only one finger bone...

Now I'm trying to use my 3ds structured model with irrlicht.
I'm able to import it (but I'm not sure this is the right way):

Code: Select all

scene::ISceneNode* hand = 0;
hand = smgr->addMeshSceneNode( smgr->getMesh("HandModel.3DS")->getMesh(0,255) );
The problem is that the ISceneNode named "hand" hasn't any children!!!
This code:

Code: Select all

core::list<scene::ISceneNode*> childlist = hand->getChildren();
u32 dimension = childlist.getSize();
returns dimension=0!
I need to get access to fingers in order to move and rotate them.
Where am I wrong? How can import my structured hand model?

Thanks for help,

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:43 am
by hybrid
Children nodes of a scene node are separate meshes or others things, not submeshes. If you load one mesh you'll result in one scenenode (except for collada meshes, which contain several scene nodes). But having just one mesh is not a problem as long as the model supports some kind of bones. And this is only true for .x and MilkShape, IIRC. So convert another time, this time to .x with bones.
Then, as already mentioned, you'll need a way to animate the bones. This is possible with an extension of Irrlicht you have tom compile into the library. Using this extension you can get hold of a single bone and move it with all connected bones following.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:16 pm
by oleo
Thanks hybrid!
I found the extension but it seems only for windows: I've to recompile the IRRLicht dll. :cry:
No solution for linux?

...or I can download source code and brutally substitute files in IRRLict, then recompile?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:37 pm
by hybrid
oleo wrote:Thanks hybrid!
I found the extension but it seems only for windows: I've to recompile the IRRLicht dll. :cry:
No solution for linux?

...or I can download source code and brutally substitute files in IRRLict, then recompile?
Maybe best to try my patch file: http://parsys.informatik.uni-oldenburg. ... acki.patch
Should reduce an unintended impact of changes to a minimum. Otherwise, yes, replace the files.