Blender 2.4 released

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Blender 2.4 released

Post by Guest »

Lots of new features and improvements... 8)
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Post by sRc »

i saw. im itching to get some time to sit and play with the new fluids thing :D
The Bard sRc

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Post by Guest »

I messed about with it today and I must say I'm very impressed with the improvements. The rigging and animation stuff is getting to be top rate IMO and the fluid modeling is awesome.

Well worth the learning curve... 8)
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Post by vermeer »

yup, and the good thing is , seems there are even more char animation stuff features planned...

Another turntable mode(wings like) and smooth groups and I'd be happy...
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Post by afecelis »

@Vermeer (and a bit offtopic): about wings; latest official release is 0.98.32A but when I install and run it all I get is the Erlang console window and the app never launches.

The latest version that runs ok for me is 0.98.31. Has anything changed since then? or better said, is there anything "extra" I gotta do to run the latest version? (perhaps missing libraries or something).

thnx! :wink:

Post by Guest »

seems there are even more char animation stuff features planned...
You bet. I've been considering a purchase of Hash's Animation Master but I think I'll work with Blender a bit longer...

@afecelis: I've had a similar problem a couple versions back when W3D went to a newer Erlang version. Generally if, after you have used the Windows uninstaller, you manually delete the whole Wings3D directory (if it's still left on your HD) and also delete the preferences.txt file, normally found under <DRIVE:>\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Wings3D, then re-install Wings, it sometimes will resolve the problem.

Other issues that I know of include OpenGL version (not so much a problem anymore) and having an older Erlang interpreter installed somewhere on your systerm.

If it continues to crash, there should be a .log file generated in the Wings3D home dir that you can post to the W3D forum.

I'm currently running the latest version 0.98.32b under XP SP2 without any issues... hope this may prove helpful.
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Post by vermeer »


Yup, when I had that prob once, I just uninstalled via add remove programs, both erlang and wings. Then installed wings latest, and problem dissappear. If that doesn't work mayb eyou go to a manual deleting as intmain says, and even you can dig on windows registry for in case is some relation with how it initializes, etc. But is a very rare problem. (actually I come to have zero with wings, I have now latest)

Also, while you know is such an old tale, is important to have well condigured the card drived (installed) . As some times is that. Or even a driver version.

But sounds to me just an erlang and wings uninstall would do it. Deleting the folders may delete also some wrecked config file or something.

...and so continue using the fastest modeler on earth. ;) Sorry, I had to make some propaganda ;)


I am not very big fan of Hash Am. I'd go first for Messiah, xsi, or cinema4d, if you have the bucks. Or stay with blender. I need a viewport turning similar to industry standards, like wings's (in blender camera) , max, maya, xsi (in the behaviour it has, not in other never starts to roll down unwantedly. Neither is a "table" you handle.Is simply way faster.)

Blender has more export formats for games than Cinema, for example. But with messiah non rendering version u can export to x. I dunno if that one is good: have not tested. For ease of use and very limited export, -for rendering movies, mostly- and extremely good hair rendering, cinema4d. But not much for character animation in game engines. Unless you can do something with fbx files.

XSI is cool, a bit too complex, maybe, and is needed a tft, or very good crt monitor reaching at more than 60hz a 1280x1024 res. yet though, better by far than blender for character animation.Better than most packages, indeed.

IMHo, you can do all with blender. Slower than in expensive packages (said by the older veterans too) and in many aspects need to fake a lot of things. Smooth groups can be done if the engine supports splitted vertex(vertices doubled in "hard edges") , which surely x support. The turntable is really un comfortable, but nothing that would physically stop you. The lightmaps...well, that's not a character animation thing, but can be done with free alternatives, already.Worse, usually, till Murphy release his ;)

It can be done wonders with available free tools. But for example, hair rendering in Blender is not comparable with Cinema4d hair. If you have the money, I'd buy what I'd really wanted to have. IE, no need for hair rendering for real time games (for now) , but maybe you can be interested in a better rigging and better animation workflow.

I'm told xsi 5.0 is a real revamp and is much easier to handle now. Well, xsi 4 is hard, but I am happy with it, yet though am a 3d freak.

In most indy projects, Blender is enough.
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Post by afecelis »

Thnx for replying guys. Well I tried everything; altho I don't have an Erlang runtime installation on my system (only the runtime files that Wings installs). I uninstalled my version, erased the folder and then the preferences in the Application Data Folder.

I tried 0.98.32a and it stays there on the Erlang Console, I re-did everything, tried latest (beta) 0.98.32b and got an "abnormal termination" message on Erlang's console window.

so, no luck! My system only likes 0.98.31 :wink:

ps. Sorry for the offtopic but in the end it's not so "offtopic-ish" since interaction between blender and wings is one of its strengths! :D
ps. I also liked that blender finally has native 3ds import-export.

Gonna check wings forums as well.
Eternl Knight
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Post by Eternl Knight »

Wish I could help afecelils, as Wings is my fav modeller by far (and I have paid for one of the big guns too).

I've never had a problem with it, though I run on a laptop with near the latest 3D card (ATI RADEON 9600 Mobility). The Erlang runtime is installed along with Wings, so that's what vermeer is talking about.

Blender has improved quite a bit since they started their Orange project. I think, by putting the software in a "production" situation, the "low priority bugs/features" became "high priority". Their animation rewrite has DRASTICALLY improved things and some of the extras they've put in make it not only more usable, but more USEFUL compared to other packages as well.

So as not to be misunderstood, what I mean by "more useful" is that it has features other major packages do not and as such, if you want to use the feature, you need to use blender. Live LSCM uv-mapping for example is not present in Maya or Wings. As such, to use it - I NEED to import the model into Blender and use it.

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Post by vermeer »

well, there are thousands of ways to uv map an object, and automatic mapping modes are usually not the best for a later on careful texturing for game models, and clean 2d uv templates to be also painted by other artists...(or your self ;) )

I still consider more useful other uv mapping features than autouv in wings, or lcsm and the new one , features which aren't present in none of these tools, but yes in Ultimate Unwrap.
Finally making games again!

Post by Guest »

so, no luck! My system only likes 0.98.31
@afecelis: Hmm, that's truly weird! I wish I had more advice to offer but short of posting the W3D error log to the W3D forum, I can't think offhand of anything else to try... sorry... :(

@vermeer: thx for your insights. I'd like to buy a commercial app like xsi but with taxes coming up in April, I've gotta save some $$$ for taxes this year... sigh...

And as you mention though, Blender is capable of doing everything I want at this stage anyway. Cheers! 8)
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