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Mapping software

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:45 am
by AshmenGlue
I've been using the Quark tutorial someone (sorry I forgot your name) posted to create maps. But maybe it's just me but I've found Quark's interface VERY clunky, compared to say Worldcraft (the now Hammer Editor). Is there a way to configure Hammer Editor to compile Quake files? Does it followe the same theory of just exporting the .map and compiling it with the bspc tool?

Or even better yet, can I model a .3ds out in a modelling software and use it as a MAP in Irrlicht? A modelling software can create intricacies and details much much easier than a mapping software can. What am I looking at in terms of lag?

EDIT: Just an extra question out there, are there tutorials on how to create/use partly transparent textures out there? I would like to create a fence of sorts and certain parts of the fence texture would have to be transparent.

I know I should draw the fence texture on a bright color. But how do I tell Irrlicht or the compiler to not render the bright color? Or is it done automatically?

Re: Mapping software

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:05 am
by bitplane
irrlicht loads 3ds meshes with no problems, just add it like in the quake map tutorial.
as for the transparrent parts, you'll need to do this to each colour-key texture-

Code: Select all

driver->makeColorKeyTexture(driver->getTexture("yourtexture.bmp"), core::position2d<s32>(0,0));
if you use alpha transparrency instead of colorkey, you'll need to do this instead-

Code: Select all

yourmesh->getMeshBuffer(i)->getMaterial()->MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
where i is determined by your exporter :?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:03 am
by AshmenGlue
I don't get the determined by my exporter part? The API doesn't make it really clear either.

Also, if let's say my 3d mesh map has more than one texture file, what should I do? put it all into one texture file?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:57 am
by area51
Load the parts in as seperate meshes.
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