Possible Irrlicht rendering bug (OpenGL)?

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Possible Irrlicht rendering bug (OpenGL)?

Post by disanti »


I'm testing a per-pixel lighting script and in most cases it works, however, if I look in the correct direction (fps camera), or if I change the weapon that is displayed on the screen, it becomes VERY weird:

If someone could try the scripts (posted below) in one of their irrlicht apps and see if they get similar results, please tell me. All help appreciated.

Incorrect: (notice that you can see through walls and etc)

Correct: (notice that you can nolonger see through walls and everything is lit correctly)

Vertex shader (GLSL):

Code: Select all

 PerPixel Lighting Shader in GLSlang.
 Created by the Programming Ace.

   gl_Vertex = vertex object space position.
   gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix = current model view projection matrix.
   gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy = texture coords for unit 0.

   texCoord0 = output vertex texture coordinates.
   normal = vertex normal.
   pos = vertex pos.

   gl_Position = output position.

varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec4 pos;

void main()
   // Tranform to clip space.
   gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;

   // Set tex coord.
   texCoord0 = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;

   // Send vertex pos and normal to the pixel shader.
   normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
   pos = gl_Vertex;
Fragment Shader (GLSL):

Code: Select all

 PerPixel Lighting Shader in GLSlang.
 Created by the Programming Ace.

   texCoord0 = output vertex texture coordinates.
   normal = vertex normal.
   pos = vertex pos.

   decal = binded texture.
   light[] = array of lights.
   ambientColor = ambient color.
   mat = material.
   cameraPos = view position.

   gl_FragColor = output vertex color.

struct Light
   vec4 lightColor;
   vec4 lightPos;
   float constant;
   float linear;
   float quadratic;

struct Material
   vec4 matAmbient;
   vec4 matDiffuse;
   vec4 matSpecular;
   vec4 emissive;
   float shininess;

varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec4 pos;

uniform sampler2D decal;
uniform Light light[2];
uniform Material mat;
uniform vec4 ambientColor;
uniform vec4 cameraPos;

void calDiffuseSpecular(Light light, vec4 pos, vec3 norm, vec4 camPos, float shininess,
                        out vec4 diffuseOut, out vec4 specularOut)
   // Get light attenuation for point light effect.
   float d = distance(pos, light.lightPos);
   float attenuationFactor = 1 / (light.constant + light.linear *
                                  d + light.quadratic * d * d);

   // Calculate diffuse with the attenuation.
   vec4 lightVec = normalize(light.lightPos - pos);
   float diffuseLight = max(dot(norm, lightVec), 0);
   diffuseOut = attenuationFactor * light.lightColor * diffuseLight;

   // Calculate specular with the attenuation.
   vec4 eyeVec = normalize(camPos - pos);
   vec4 halfVec = normalize(lightVec + eyeVec);
   float specularLight = pow(max(dot(norm, halfVec), 0), shininess);

   // No diffuse, no specular.
   if(diffuseLight <= 0) specularLight = 0;
   specularOut = attenuationFactor * light.lightColor * specularLight;

void main()
   // Re-normalize.
   vec3 n = normalize(normal);

   // Get ambient value.
   vec4 ambient = mat.matAmbient * ambientColor;

   vec4 diffuseLight;
   vec4 specularLight;
   vec4 diffuseSum = 0;
   vec4 specularSum = 0;

   // Calculate diffuse and specular for all lights.
   for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      calDiffuseSpecular(light[i], pos, n, cameraPos, mat.shininess, diffuseLight, specularLight);
      diffuseSum += diffuseLight;
      specularSum += specularLight;

   // Get final diffuse and specular values.
   vec4 diffuse = mat.matDiffuse * diffuseSum;
   vec4 specular = mat.matSpecular * specularSum;

   // Set final light color.
   gl_FragColor = (mat.emissive + ambient + diffuse + specular) * texture2D(decal, texCoord0);
   gl_FragColor.w = 1;
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