stufs ...

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stufs ...

Post by Pr3t3nd3r »

Code: Select all

	inline core::vector3df matrix4::getRotationDegrees() const
		const matrix4 &mat = *this; 

		f64 Y = -asin(mat(2,0)); 
		f64 D = Y; 
D unreferenced parameter
//iscene node

Code: Select all

		virtual video::SMaterial& getMaterial(s32 i)
			return *((video::SMaterial*)0);
i ??? always return material 0 ? or what ?
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Post by hybrid »

Yes, the superfluous D is quite annoying when using -Wall. But for the SceneNode it is alright. It's just a generic SceneNode so what wouls you want to return? All other SceneNodes will handle this through the virtual method.
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Post by Spintz »

if that method was pure virtual, then it would require every node to define the function. If your node happens to have no materials, then the default in ISceneNode is fine and you don't have to overload it.
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