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Challenge Ideas - Rules

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:06 am
by afecelis
Please place your challenge ideas in their respective thread (beginners, intermediate, advanced) according to the complexity you consider thet have.

Explain the goal to achieve and the things required to succesfully complete it (i.e. modeling packages, external engine SDKs, texture packs, dlls, etc). If possible provide links to them.

have fun! :wink:

From the ideas placed, 3 will be chosen for the first challenge. There will be no deadlines, just the wish to learn and share.

Discarded ideas may be re-taken for another challenge. :D

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:20 am
by afecelis
I'll start with a challenge idea for beginners (where I can help out a bit more, hehehe):

1. Creating a level using Gtkradiant and compiling it into a bsp that Irrlicht can handle.
2. Organizing your map and textures into a pk3 file
3. Creating the app; learn how to use Irrlicht's zip reader.

hehehe, it prolly sounds pretty much like the Q3 tutorial but I'd try to go a bit deeper in the map making part; how to use custom textures, placing lights, etc. :D

ps. it will be like a group-driven tutorial where we can discuss each step in more detail. In the end everyone can show the level they created. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:38 am
by dhenton9000
Using blender to produce animated .x files for irrlicht.

UV mapping
exporter settings.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:58 am
by boboS
And consider it cheating if anyone ask how to do that in the beginers topic ;)

Blender challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:08 am
by MasterD
Is the Blender challenge intended to be a beginner challenge?

Because I'm interesting in doing so, but until now I did not have any experience with blender, but with modelling and mapping and that stuff. With animation I have some props getting it to run proper. I know that I don't have such experience like vermeer for example, but it's worth something imho.

But I allways wanted to give blender a try. So I like to learn it with a group of others, it's maybe more fruitful as learning it by myself, because I heard of blender having quite a hard start.

irrlicht dynamic lights management system

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:14 pm
by needforhint
shouldn't be ideas for chalenge new separate threads?
no disscuss can be done on the topic then

anyway ... here is some another chalenge, I got it as an idea of GFXstyler for beating 8 light hardware support limit in irrlicht:
irrlicht dynamic lights management system,
disposing one light so another can be seen.... no need to do separate rooms like in doom 3,,, maybe distance from camera...but then it would be very attached to the way the level enviroment is constructed...
I don't even have concept for this,,,,,but previous principes are gonna be it perhaps

Re: irrlicht dynamic lights management system

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:20 pm
by Xaron
needforhint wrote:for beating 8 light hardware support limit in irrlicht:
irrlicht dynamic lights management system,
disposing one light so another can be seen....
Yes this would be nice. Niko mentioned that he already has some kind of dynamic light management system which allows up to 500 lights. May be he could provide us with his "beta" of this? ;)

Regards - Xaron

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:27 pm
by afecelis
I like the blender .X modeling challenge; for beginners. The dynamic lights could be for intermediate. But we would need someone with experience in modeling and animating with blender.

And yup, I'll create separate threads for each of the challenge ideas. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:32 pm
by omaremad_
software lights are easy just multiply the vertex color by light color
or you can do lighting calculations on the shaders hardware

Btw perpixl lightning materials use the nearest two lights which is good enogh unless you have a room with 50 diffrent coloured lights 0_0

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:00 pm
by Klasker
Can the challenges include modifications to the source code.
For example "Modify the irrlicht engine so it supports 32-bit indices" (Just an example, not a real challenge).
Or must the challenge be completed without modifying the irrlicht source code?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:29 pm
by afecelis
I'd rather try to develop each challenge with the official release (in this case 0.14).

Modding the engine could be an advanced challenge itself, but then there's Irrspintz, Lightfeather, GFX version, etc that are already doing that and besides getting a personalized hacked-enhanced version the end use will still remain the same: graphics. So I say let's stick to official.

On the other hand, advanced challenges can include integrating external engines (audio, physics) with a specific purpose: i.e. integrating Newton and adding gravity, collision and jump to the camera. Same with audio, etc. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:45 pm
by luckymutt
Why not ask people to also post the time they spend on a challenge?
Not that it makes a differnce much, but it might be interesting to see.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:32 pm
by Other
afecelis wrote: ... Creating a level using Gtkradiant and compiling it into a bsp that Irrlicht can handle...
Why only radiant and not optionally Quark? For it is really free: