Starting a 3d game...

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Starting a 3d game...

Post by Howzer »

Ok, I'm pretty new at the game development scene, but I want to try and make my own 3d game. I want to know if anyone has a simple shell i can use to start my game from. I'd search for it myself, but i'm not even sure what the words are for what that I'm searching for. I'm looking for something 1st/3rd person 3d, with some basic FPS functions(movement, weapons, etc.) The game could be single player but I'd prefer a multiplayer possibility.
So yeah, a simple, 3D, 1st/3rd person FPS, possibly with multiplayer or atleast where I could implement multiplayer myself.
If anyone can help, i'd greately appreciate it.
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Post by jam »

You might want to take a look at IrrWizard
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Post by Heizi »

Or look at the examples in the Irrlicht/examples folder.
The Tutorial about Colision is a good start for a game.
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Post by Howzer »

Ok, and does anyone have any other good tutorials, resources etc. for a persistant world, action/RPG/FPS, with a futuristic setting and possible multiplayer code?
I know i should just search for this stuff myself, but i'm not even really sure what search terms to use, and i've already tried a bit and waded through lots of threads and webpages that weren't really useful to me.
Any help will be appreciated, and at the least you'll get your name in the special credits. :P

Thanks in advance.

Post by Guest »

Howzer wrote:I know i should just search for this stuff myself, but i'm not even really sure what search terms to use
why don't you try searching for those things you just mentioned in your first sentance????

These are all things that have been discussed TIME AND TIME AGAIN in Irrlicht's boards, not to mention the Wiki pages having articles on a lot of this!

Its hard to help somebody who refuses to search, read and experiment.
That is "helping" that's "doing it for you"

Man, these forums are turning into a joke.
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Post by Howzer »

I'm not another f***ing forum idiot. I'm asking if anyone has some webpages or anything with lots of resources. I just like talking to people more than computers. If they're friendly, you can get a lot more information out of a person when you ask them a question than you can from a search engine. There's never a problem with asking, i'm not forcing you to go find a bunch of stuff for me, i'm asking if anyone knows what is good and what is bad to use. I'm tapping into other peoples experience, instead of wasting time swimming through search results. If you don't like people asking questions like that, then don't help them, instead of being a prick about it.
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Post by luckymutt »

He wasn't being a prick about it.
Many of the things you are asking are in the tutorials that come with Irrlicht or are in the wiki.
You're not going to encourage many people to help you when you say yourself that you "should search for this yourself"
Your questions are well documented.
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Post by TheWorstCoderEver »

I must disappoint you, Howser: programming is not about waving a magic wand and watching the outcome materialise before your startled eyes. I'm telling it as a totally sucking amateur, though I believe pro would tell you the same. You learn by making small steps. Start with simple projects, just to get hold on Irrlicht. You got ambitious idea to pursue - fine, but don't even think of it as your first project. Programming is art, and as every art, this one also requires considerable time of dilligent practice to master.

Now time for some good news: if you're looking for resources, there are three places in the net you ought to visit:,, and These sites and forums are oriented towards game programming in general, unlike this forum, which is engine-specific. Or, speaking in OOP terms, they're abstract :) . There's entire series of articles at that's dealing directly with MMO programming. If you're looking for making FPS, Irrlicht has FPS camera class with built-in controls. You can find more info in API and tutorials. For 3-d person camera, there's one decent thread: ... 3d123c7b58

I'm going to use it for my own learning application. :)

I hope this somewhat messy and incomprehensible post will be of any value for you... :roll:
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Post by Howzer »

Thanks WorstCoder, but this isn't really my "first" program. A couple years ago i went through C and Visual Basic in high school, pretty much ignored the curriculum and made games. I made a text based zombie hunting RPG in a matter of minutes, a side scrolling 2d game with projectiles, collision, random events, enemies who fired back, grenades with physics, etc. I know that probably doesn't sound like much, but I feel i know how to program, I might not know the language all the way, but I know what to do, maybe not how to do it, but knowing what to do is what's important. But right now I'm thinking I might come back to Irrlicht at a later point and start with a Quake2 conversion. Thanks for the webpages though, the only one I'd found was Gamasutra.
no name

Post by no name »

omg howzer are u rotando from age of time?

*sticking foot in mouth as usual*

Post by KittenGamer »

Good way to say it Worstcoder, me like. Anyhoot, here goes:
Programming is an art form, and thus, it is not the code itself that is truly important, any idiot who can read can write code. The most important part of writing code is the concept of how to tell the computer to do what you want it to do in a language it uderstands without making it too complex. The concepts of coding are very complex and THAT is what you need to learn. Once you know all that the rest falls into nothing more than study or opening a book. I can learn any coding language in half the time it takes most to, but that doesn't help me because even when I know how to do it, I have to figure out what to do it with.

Example: Win32 API menu coding had me confused at first, everything else uses HWND and so I was trying to access it all using that, but come to find out, all menus use the parents HWND and just have unique values assigned when created, thus it allows for something really cool, a concept I use in a lot of my own code. Allowing several menu options to go to the same routines without having to remember all the values, just assign the same value for the menu options you wish to access the same code. This is a concept, not hard code, and that is what is needed for programming a game.

So, when looking for code snippets and such, I suggest you look for examples on how to do things instead, work on the concepts yourself by analyzing how someone else did it then applying your own concept instead. Just a thought.
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Post by shaneedward »

You mentioned Quake, that really is great option if all you want to do is a simple FPS. Download one of the Quake 1, 2 or 3 engines and build a game from there. There's also Cube. Those are already built and even have multiplayer support built in. That requires the least amount of code or none at all. You could script everything and use GTKRadiant. If you want all the latest gee-wiz effects, there's Tenebrae (though it runs like dog, an old sickly dog, on every system I've tried it on).
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