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problem with compile&run

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:21 am
by Bird

I tried to go through the Hello-World tutorial for the Dev-Cpp IDE:
I did it, but when i tried to run it, there was an error about "matrix4.h"

Code: Select all

//! Gets the current translation
vector3df matrix4::getTranslation() const;
this line of code was marked

as i just saw it isn't only this line ^^
there are many other files containing errors. All in the /Include folder.
Did i miss to include a file somewhere?

i'm afraid i don't get it :S

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:16 am
by strale

i use devc++ too but i got no problems about

there is a tutorial in the forum to configutre devc++ for irrlicht (sorry i do not remember the adress now search in the site)

for what i remember you have :
in the devc++ option menu
1) set the path for include files
2) set the path for irrlicht library

put in win32 the dec++ irrrlicht dll,
or add a path to it
or copy it in the same directory of dev c++ project

hope could help

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:33 pm
by Bird
lol, i even wrote the link to this tutorial in my post above ^^

yeah, i read it.
But still i didn't have any success


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:36 pm
by r3i
Ok! *^^
Can You read the message error in the output window of Devcpp.
On the bottom of the Devcpp window.

Reading this we can understand what kind of error does the compilator

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:48 pm
by Acki
I also used Dev for a long time !!!
It's preatty good...

But I suggest all Dev users to switch to Code::Blocks !!! :P
It's much better than Dev - it's like the big brother of Dev !!! :wink:
But be sure you're using the nightly builds, they're even much better than the standart version !!! :idea:

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:03 pm
by Bird
...\irrlicht-0.14\include\matrix4.h | C5427 (W) Qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
...\irrlicht-0.14\include\matrix4.h | C5177 (W) Varaible "D" was declared but never referenced
...\irrlicht-0.14\include\ISceneNode.h | C5284 (W) NULL reference is not allowed
...\irrlicht-0.14\include\quaternion.h | C5427 (W) Qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
...\irrlicht-0.14\include\quaternion.h | C5020 (E) Identifier "sqrtf" is undefined (this one appears 5 times in the same file)
...\irrlicht-0.14\include\irrlicht.h | C5005 (F) could not open source file "wchar.h"

bah... a very good start to irrlicht -.-

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:28 pm
by strale
sorry i didnt noticed

i just tried to rebuild the E\irrlicht-0.14.0\examples\01.HelloWorld
loaded the project
and i got no problems.

i use dev-c++ but i doubt it s this

yesteray i saw a thread about using irr with borland
and there was the same error you found

\irrlicht-0.14\include\quaternion.h | C5020 (E) Identifier "sqrtf" is undefined (this one appears 5 times in the same file)

pheraps you linked the library
of visualstudio instead the ones for devc++ that use Win32-gcc directory ?


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:06 pm
by Bird
i did it!!

I did all right with including etc, but i think i messed something up with the installation of Dev-cpp ^^ (it came with a CD once)

So i just downloaded the newest one (had before, now i have the newest beta)
...and now it works perfectly ^^

Ok, World!! Take care of Sven, the future Game-Developer!!

isn't dreaming allowed??

thx to you all ;)