AntiAlias and GUI. How control AntiAlias?

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AntiAlias and GUI. How control AntiAlias?

Post by Lev_a »

I tryed to implement antiAliasing, but I see some problem:

Code: Select all

    irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters parameters;

    parameters.AntiAlias = true;
    parameters.Bits = 16;
    parameters.DriverType = driverType;
    parameters.EventReceiver = &receiver;
    parameters.Fullscreen = false;
    parameters.Stencilbuffer = false;
    parameters.Vsync = true;
    parameters.WindowSize = irr::core::dimension2d<s32>(300, 300);

	  device = createDeviceEx(parameters);
AntiAliasing working only in DirX8 and DirX9, not in OpenGL.
In DirX8 - GUI text - blury but still readable, but for DirX9 - very blury - and almost can't read.

My question:
How I can use AntiAlias in 3D but not in GUI.

I tryed
driver->setTextureCreationFlag(ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, false);
when read font - doesn't effect at all.

What I should do?
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Post by r3i » Antialias that creates problems? Or is Alpha channel of the color of the text?
"We work in the dark, we do what we can, we give what we have, Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest: is art of Madness" (H.James)
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Re: Hi

Post by Lev_a »

r3i Antialias that creates problems? Or is Alpha channel of the color of the text?
That's AntiAlias problem.
I tryed to fix that problem, using ... =antialias and ... =antialias

if you want try - take tutorial 5 "UserInterface" and just change

Code: Select all

   device = createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<s32>(640, 480));

Code: Select all

   MyEventReceiver receiver;
    irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters parameters; 
    parameters.AntiAlias = true; 
    parameters.Bits = 16; 
    parameters.DriverType = driverType; 
    parameters.EventReceiver = &receiver; 
    parameters.Fullscreen = false; 
    parameters.Stencilbuffer = false; 
    parameters.Vsync = true; 
    parameters.WindowSize = irr::core::dimension2d<s32>(640, 480); 
    device = createDeviceEx(parameters);
One more point:
I tested on ATI Catalyst Radeon 9200 - AntiAlias DirX 8 worked, blury - but worked, and on DirX 9 - very blury.
On nVidia GeForce 6600GE - when I turn on AntiAlias - everything mixed up - graphics, GUI, 3D and so on.
And on nVidia GeForce 6600GE - in OpenGL mode - doesn't work shadows :?

Post by Martins »

Just as a workaround, have you considered using GDI+ to create
a bitmap with antialiased text?
I know it is only Windows.
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Post by Lev_a »

Martins wrote:Just as a workaround, have you considered using GDI+ to create
a bitmap with antialiased text?
I know it is only Windows.
I make program for Windows and sample from Tutorial 5 "UserInterface" I compiled in MS VS2005 - if it's help for you.
I doesn't change tutorial a lot - only creation device and enable antiAlias.
You can try on your computer - and you can see that DirX9 - not good :(
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Post by Lev_a »

How totally disable AntiAlias only for GUI?

I made screen-shots:





Same program on NVIDIA GEFORCE 6600 GT
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Post by jam »

Well the first thing I would do is update your video drivers. The Nvida driver is outdated. You can then continue troubleshooting if that doesn't help.
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Post by Lev_a »

jam wrote:Well the first thing I would do is update your video drivers. The Nvida driver is outdated. You can then continue troubleshooting if that doesn't help.
Thanx, driver updated.

But still I have same problem when I enable anti-alias - text in GUI became blury in DirX8 and VERY blury in DirX9.
I need anti-alias only for scene not for GUI.
Any idea?
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