I'm attempting to use the built in XML reading within Irrlicht 0.12 to load a configuration XML to setup how the device will be created. Yet I am having the compiler return an error that I'm not sure what exactly to do with. . . It's stating that there is an unresolved symbol within the XMLReader class method; yet I have linked the libs an' done everything that I can think that I should have to do for it to be working correctly. If someone with a spare moment or three on their hands could please lend some assistiance I would be very greatful. Thank you
Warchief, thank you for the suggestion. But when attempting this through the method you suggested, the compiler returns an error of irr::io::IFileSystem::createXMLReaderUTF8 not being a static method; an' with thus I am unable to use it.
I know that creating the XML reader after the device has been created by means of pDevice->getFileSystem()->createXMLReaderUTF8("./datas/config.xml"); works, but if I attempt to read the XML this way my application will crash. I am having to guess it does this as the device isn't created at this point, since I have no paramaters to pass to it from the XML configuration file yet.
Is there anything else that I may be missing here that stops me from reading the XML file before the device is created?
Indeed i meant it to be used with device->getFileSys
You then may try TinyXML. Dunno if is it posible to use irrXML without device create. I use Ini files to config device and then xml files to config game.
Okies, thankies for the help once again Warchief. Is anyone else able to confirm what Warchief is saying about not being able to use irrXML without first creating the device; if there is a way could someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance, regardless of how the answer turns to be.
I just had an answer for a quite similar problem: 'dances' suggested to create a device with the 'EDT_NULL' device, use this to access the files, before deleting it and creating the 'real' device you need.
I 've gotten the same message and fixed it by adding the irrXML.cpp to the project :p under source files. Kinda obvious if you think about it. I didn't, found it by accident