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3rd Person Camera - C#

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:27 am
by Nezumi

Code: Select all

using System;
using Irrlicht;
using Irrlicht.Core;
using Irrlicht.Video;
using Irrlicht.Scene;
using ApocalypseS314;
using ApocalypseS314.ApoServer;
using System.Collections;

namespace ApocalypseS314.Graphic
	public class ApoCamera 
		private ISceneNode m_pTargetNode; 
		private ICameraSceneNode m_camera;
		private Vector3D lastTargetPos; 

		private const float m_maxSpeed = 4.5f;
		private const float m_InitialSpeed = 0.2f;
		private const float m_decal = 150.0f;
	    private float m_maxDistance;
		private float m_minDistance;
		private float m_height; //distance above object camera tries to float at 
		private float m_leash;  //max distance object can be from camera before it moves 
		private float m_speed;  //rate at which camera moves per Update() s
		public ICameraSceneNode getCamera() {  return m_camera; } 

		// class constructor 
		public ApoCamera(ISceneNode targetNode, ISceneManager smgr, ISceneNode node) 
			m_speed = m_InitialSpeed; 
			m_height = 110.0f; 
			m_leash = 100.0f; 
			m_maxDistance = 1000.0f;
			m_minDistance = 800.0f;

			//create a camera 
			lastTargetPos = targetNode.Position;
			m_camera = smgr.AddCameraSceneNode(null, lastTargetPos + new Vector3D(0,150,150),lastTargetPos,-1);
			m_camera.FarValue = 10000.0f;
			m_pTargetNode = targetNode; 

		public void refreshCamera()
			if(m_camera == null || m_pTargetNode == null) return; 
				Vector3D currTargetPos = m_pTargetNode.Position;
				currTargetPos.X -= (float)( System.Math.Cos(m_pTargetNode.Rotation.Y * 3.14159265/180)*m_decal ); 
				currTargetPos.Z += (float)( System.Math.Sin(m_pTargetNode.Rotation.Y * 3.14159265/180)*m_decal );
				//if too far away, move camera closer 
				Vector3D camToTarg = currTargetPos - m_camera.Position ; 
				//leash is only in the X-Z plane, so only count distance using X and Z 
				Vector2D xzDist = new Vector2D( camToTarg.X, camToTarg.Z );
			if(m_camera.Position.GetDistanceFromSQ(m_pTargetNode.Position) > m_maxDistance && m_speed < m_maxSpeed) // MaxDistance
				m_speed += 0.2f;
			else if(m_camera.Position.GetDistanceFromSQ(m_pTargetNode.Position) < m_minDistance && m_speed > m_InitialSpeed)
                m_speed -= 0.2f;
			if(xzDist.GetLengthSQ() > m_leash) { //need to move closer 
					camToTarg = new Vector3D( xzDist.X, 0, xzDist.Y); 
					camToTarg = camToTarg.Normalize() * m_speed;
				//set X-Z position 
				m_camera.Position = m_camera.Position + camToTarg;
				//set Y position 
				float h_tolerance = m_height / 10;  //the ammount of leway given to how close we need to be to the right height 
				float h_delta = m_camera.Position.Y - currTargetPos.Y + m_height; //distance from prefered height position 
				if( m_camera.Position.Y < ( currTargetPos.Y + m_height) - h_tolerance) 
						m_camera.Position = new Vector3D( m_camera.Position.X, m_camera.Position.Y + h_delta/2, m_camera.Position.Z); 
				else if( m_camera.Position.Y > ( currTargetPos.Y + m_height) + h_tolerance ) 
						m_camera.Position = new Vector3D( m_camera.Position.X,m_camera.Position.Y - h_delta/2, m_camera.Position.Z); 

			float H = 50.0f+(m_camera.Position.GetDistanceFromSQ(m_pTargetNode.Position)/1000.0f);
			if(H > 230.0f)
				H = 230.0f;

			//if(m_camera.Target.GetDistanceFromSQ(m_pTargetNode.Position) > 250.0f)
			//	return;				
			m_camera.Target =  m_pTargetNode.Position + new Vector3D(0,H,0);//look at Target position 
			lastTargetPos = currTargetPos; 


I hope that can help someone.

There is a litte bug, the camera "jump" some time... i don't now why.
If somebody have a idea :oops: