CGUIFileOpenDialog is changing the WorkingDirectory

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CGUIFileOpenDialog is changing the WorkingDirectory

Post by Pr3t3nd3r »

One editor application. You use CGUIFileOpenDialog to open your mesh from a place on the partition. After that you try to load one default mesh (click on button) from the application directories ..ex: "default_meshes\...".
That will not be possble any more because CGUIFileOpenDialog changes the WorkingDirectory making all the application unusable.
Try to save some default configuration using xml .. same problem ...
xmlwriter = device->getFileSystem()->createXMLWriter("sets/sound.xml");
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Post by Pr3t3nd3r_guest »

I think is totally unacceptable for any object to change the working directory of the application except for an special function like changeWorkingDirectory .. but even that is a little dangerous ...

Any how can CGUIFileOpenDialog changed to stop changing the WorkingDirectory
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Post by Spintz »

search forums, it's already been posted about and solutions have also been posted.

Post by Guest »

give me link!

i searched: changeWorkingDirectoryTo and CGUIFileOpenDialog and i did not found any think.

When the dialog is on and i navigate in the search for the file ... the application try to get some file knowing that the working directory is the one where the exe is ... it will not found it...
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