Eclipse path set up help and debugging

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Eclipse path set up help and debugging

Post by shaneedward »

I'm very new to programming (except for two weeks I spent trying to learn Java) so please forgive me if this is ridiculously obvious to you. I'm using Cygwin and Eclipse (because they are free as in beer) on Windows XP sp2. I followed the "Hello World!" tutorial. I have also read through and attempted to follow three different tutorials I found in these forums on using Eclipse for working on Irrlicht projects. Unfortunately, they are for Linux and are of limited use, especially for setting up paths in Eclipse. All of them are a bit vague on a few points.

I had a heck of a time setting up the paths to irrlicht.h, and Cygwin. Eclipse appears to be set up specifically for Cygwin already but it's still not finding cygwin1.dll and I can't debug the build. I had to import both Irrlicht.dll and cygwin1.dll into the project folder because I couldn't figure out how to point the IDE to them. I finally got it to build but I get a ton of errors, I won't list them all but will post a few samples because I don't know what they mean:

instantiated from here [C:/Progra~1/irrlicht-0.14.0/include/SAnimatedMesh.h]

in inclusion C:/Progra~1/irrlicht-0.14.0/include/IGUIElement.h:359 [C:/Progra~1/irrlicht-0.14.0/include/IGUIButton.h]

when initialized here [C:/Progra~1/irrlicht-0.14.0/include/irrArray.h]

`irr::video::SColorf irr::video::SLight::AmbientColor' [C:/Progra~1/irrlicht-0.14.0/include/SLight.h]

`bool irr::video::SMaterial::<anonymous union>::<anonymous struct>::GouraudShading' [C:/Progra~1/irrlicht-0.14.0/include/SMaterial.h]

Those are the main types of errors I'm getting but there are at least a dozen of each kind of error and usually more. I guess it has something to do with the display. Especially because the application runs but I get a blank window, except the text "Hello World! This is the Irrlicht Software engine!"

Any pointers would be appreciated, thanks.
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Post by afecelis »

there's a tut here: ... t&rev=HEAD

and another one for linux here: ... linux.html

dunno if they'll help but they might give you some ideas.
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Post by shaneedward »

Yes, I already read those and attempted to follow them. They were of limited help and they certainly aren't helping with the errors I'm getting.
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Post by shaneedward »

I'm going to go with Dev-C++. It's much simpler and I can actually get the tutorial to compile.
Posts: 3075
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Post by afecelis »

That's a wise decision. Devc++ is a very complete IDE. If you are using a GCC compiler you may also consider CodeBlocks as IDE.
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