Rendering scene nodes by group.

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Rendering scene nodes by group.

Post by Dirtbiker »

I need the scene manager to render two groups separatly. I am trying to draw one group of scene nodes before the other.
Is there a way to create separate scene managers?
Posts: 230
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 8:53 am

Post by Klasker »

ISceneManager::createNewSceneManager can create a new scene manager.
But personally I think it is easier to make an empty scene node using ISceneManager::addEmptySceneNode for each group and use that as parent - but if you need to draw in a specific order, use another scene manager or write your own scene node.

Post by hybrid »

If you use a simple invisible scene node as parent for both parts and add the childs in the same order as they should be drawn later on it should work. But drawing in a different order should not change the image because zbuffer and culling works order independent. For drawing over the 3d render scene use the GUI render round which draws on top of everything in the order of drawing calls.
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