Guest account posting suspended!

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Guest account posting suspended!

Post by afecelis »

Dear Irrlichters;

After all the incidents we've had with spam and trolls and after long discussing it with Niko and the other admins, we've decided to suspend the guest account for posting.

From now on you'll have to register if you want to post in the different threads. The only thread that will remain open to everyone will be "bug reports".

We know this is a drastic decision but we also know that if someone is really interested in participating in our forums he'll have no problem to register and share his wisdom. We are also looking forward to a cleaner, more concise, and serious forum that will make users want to stay with us instead of leaving because of spam.

Best wishes on behalf of the Irrlicht team.
Last edited by afecelis on Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bitplane »

i spose now we get to find out whether all those bot-accounts will come alive or not! :x

and on a side note I sure hope hybrid signs up! perhaps we should poke fun at him in here so he has to sign up to defend himself...
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Post by vermeer »


Many kudos for the decission :)

This forum was asking for it since eons :)
Indeed, admins have demonstrated the hugest patience I have ever known in the internet.(well, with certain exception in other forum)

Yup, Hybrid, please...Register :)
There's a free coffe making machine that comes with the pack when you register here. ;)
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Post by mandrav »

It was about time :)
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Post by gfxstyler »

Yay :) that makes me feel happy
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Post by afecelis »

gfx is back! :D Welcome!

I hope some others to return as well. :wink:

about hybrid: I dunno but I read somewhere in his posts that he'd register the day the guest account was off...well the day has come! :wink:
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Post by hybrid »

:twisted: Here I am. I could take just one day without posting :lol:
Still I dislike this idea. Although it will keep away the dumbest noobs because they are not able to register it will also be an obstacle for those just trying Irrlicht for the first time. Why should I register with some forum just to ask why my compiler says something I don't understand. Don't forget these are noobs who don't understand the 'search' button etc.
Anyway, I just registered with Spintz' forum so I got used to it :wink:
Eternl Knight
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Post by Eternl Knight »

I was initially against this, but recent experiences with persistent trolls have changed my mind. I am glad this has been done.

If only we could get an "ignore user" built in, I would be a very happy chappy. I have located such a patch to phpBB v2.0.19 if the mods are interested, but given how much (greatly appreciated!) effort afecelis needed to get this done, I won't hold my breath :P

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Post by afecelis »

hehehe :wink:
Thanks for the comments and support guys.
@hybrid: welcome back ! :D
@EK: thanks for the kind offer but let's take things one at a time. I'm still digesting the new feel of the forum! :wink: Let's see how things evolve and given the time we'll try to implement it. Bitplane is also meticulously checking our forum config to see what other security enhancements can be done.
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Post by sRc »


now hybrids one of us!

*crowds echo, "one of us, one of us" *

:D :D
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Eternl Knight
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Post by Eternl Knight »

New feel? Feels about the same to me... though I think I'll notice the change more the next time I start talking about that darn "physics" topic :P

As for the "ignore user" feature - it's not a big deal. With the guest posts gone - there is the ability for mods to actually enforce rules (if only by making it more of a hassle to troll). That makes me pretty cheerful!

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Post by sRc »

wait for phpBB3 for ignore user features :)
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Post by SiriusCG »

From the poster formerly known as IntMain: Thanks admins! I'm sure you'll find it a wise decision... 8)

Hey gfx... glad to see you're back too! 8)
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Post by afecelis »

great! the original family is almost complete! :wink:

Welcome back Int! I mean SeriousCG! :D
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Post by jclins »

Excellent! Now, we just need the new version of php to really give the forum a boost!
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